no one else can be arsed doing it edition
first for sipping tea with tim in oxford
Reminder to ignore crona and gooseberry
Thank you lids
Good job user. You should feel proud.
>watching BGT
Its kinda fun, even though people pretend ot hate it to make themselves seem intelligent.
this lods
brainlet squad got a few more additions but im not gonna draw anymore tonight i think, might do some more in the coming days
It's just my normal voice, I can't help it.
I do see a similarity between my voice and IHE's desu.
fucking repost REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>if you don't like it do your own
Wowwwww. That reasoning.
Who are those benders on the roof?
I really need a barebones welding setup at home so i can do it more than just the once a week on my course