Fembots, what percentage of girls do you think are interested in cuckoldry?

Fembots, what percentage of girls do you think are interested in cuckoldry?

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Fembot here. I'd say at least 60%. I know all of my friends and I are all interested.

>t. totally a woman

Cuckoldry is not a fetish, it's a conditioned form of mental illness
90% of cuckold stories are made up by some miserable loser basedmilk sipping faggot
Kill yourself

I wish you lived in West Texas and would cuck me :(

What are you even on about, silly faggt?

You should consider suicide for promoting mental illness

>all of my friends

>Women interested in fucking other dudes other than their S.O's
Surprising as fuck desu

not as many women as men, thats for sure

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