Stories where you felt like chad

I'll start, this happened around 8 months ago.
>watching Black Panther at the movies
>intense fighting scene between protag and antag
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET DABBED ON"
>everyone laughs
>black guy sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, white boy"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls

Attached: 1524347244999.png (554x400, 66K)

>Be me
>Be car enthusiast
>Be showing off my car to friends
>Be sayin' "listen to her purr" and shit
felt like a real alpha in that moment

Lmao no black person would say something so cringy. Not sure if you were trying to "talk black" or what

You've clearly never been around blacks.

>black people approving of yelling in a theater
why am i not surprised

Hello new friend, lurk more

my black dad always use to clap after a fucking movie at the cinemas

maybe thats because, quite possibly, call me crazy, that might be the joke

>"8 months ago"
>"black panther in theaters"

black panther came out in February
also, not original, seeen it before
go back to r/Jow Forums

that's more of an american thing than purely African