ITT: Post your oneitis's name

ITT: Post your oneitis's name.
I'll start

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Casey. Goddammit I love her so much.

Sydney. I once tried making a tulpa of her

Anastasia. I wish she was my gf

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Are you a tall, handsome Aryan male that lifter for FOUR years for her?

What's that?

she's so cute

>lifted for FOUR years for her?
No. Only known her for less than a year.

It's where you drive yourself crazy and begin to audio visually hallucinate a thing of your creation. Supposedly, it forms a will of its own.

I looked this up. I'm impressed.
>Have you ever seen a love so pure?.jpg

I have freed myself from my own foolish feelings of love. All I desire now is wealth and power

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Unfortunately, I think I'd have to be at least a little crazy for it to work for me. I tried my hardest to believe she was real, and I was actually really happy with her. But then it was just really messing with my brain too much and I started getting headaches when I was with her, so I had to stop.

Why the fuck do I always fall in love with girls that are out of my league either socially or looks wise or both it's not fucking fair. Worst part is that i think she showed some interest but i ignored it because if she says no to my advances i'd get bullied again. And i've just recovered, I don't want to go back into that hell again.

N0t 0riginal

Adrienne. Such a pretty name, she is just as pretty.

I'm not going there tonight I'm sorry

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Also woke here


she smells like fish

shes tall and athletic

seeing her brings back memories of goofing off with her and some friends at recess.
really wish I didn't fall for her now out of all times to do so.

sounds cute
I understand you user.

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>tall and athletic
ey that's pretty good


Goddamn I love it so much!!!

Soft and sweet


Thicc mexican girl that doesn't want me though...

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It's been 4 years since I've seen her but I still think about her everyday

What the fuck is with all you normalfags and your oneitises, I don't even know any girls to creepily obsess over

if you think robots having the usual crush on someone is creepy then you'd be calling human resources over what else gets posted here.

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What even is an oneitis. Is it just a crush cause then just fucking call it a crush

She's a very beautiful art student who tries to dress like a boy and sometimes identifies as one. Her boyfriend collects toys and likes hentai pictures on facebook.

mine is also courtney

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I dont know it but i see her every day, she is really very cute


she got married yesterday. i'm happy for her, but i still wish it was me.

She has a fucking boyfriend.

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>I don't know it

I will never understand how you can be obsessed with someone who doesn't care about you? Can one of you explain it? I can't care about people who don't care about me. They may be an exception I don't know about but this certainly isn't one.

I started liking my oneitis because she talked to me first and treated me like a normal human being, no other girl has ever done that. I know it's pathetic but it's true. She stopped talking to me after a while though, still don't know why


She's a reasonable oneitis for a change tho.
No mental illnesses, not a roastie, no attention craving, doesn't waste her life in consuming media, and is the first woman in my life to legitimately care how I feel.

Took my innocence and broke up with me saying that we might try again after graduation finals stop wrecking her ass and I manage to overcome my depressive episode.

Tfw staying a legitimate nice and true-to-word guy and just tossing myself into the market saying "I'm single but desu I'm not lonely, I just wanna meet some NICE people for a change" got me laid to a non-roastie

were you really creepy about it. Like constantly talking to her and getting too close. Just give her some space and will all be cool im sure desu

An oneitis is more than a crush, an oneitis is the one girl you can't stop loving no matter how impossible it is to get her.

Took me a damn lot of tears and nerves to open up to mine and pull the plug on it.
Was a great decision.
Replaced her with another one, tho, but the situation isn't fucked over beyond recovery.

I rarely talked to her, like mostly when she talked to me fist or just to ask her how she did on a test.
The worst part is that she blushed when she talked to me and sometimes we said the same things at the same time.
>feels bad man


Shes basically the weebest, most anime obsessed girl i know, and i love her so much but i dont know how to confess my love to her

>mfw shes slowly becoming a normie

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I despise being lonely

Jasmine, she used to talk to me in the library. God i miss her.

i know a girl named charlotte too
she used to be very nice and honest when she was younger but know she has become a mindless bluepilled whore like every other woman in this society

Just try saying "hey" or something when you see her about. Just a friendly thing to let her know you are still here. Then she might talk to you again or you can try starting it

ahhhhhhhhhh yemen

Well, last time I said hi, I was leaving uni, and she just pretended she didn't know me, so I guess I should get over her, but it's hard when no one else is like her

feels bad man
i hope you find someone who is better to you

Thanks man
l hope so too



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Wait from which country are you user?

Veronica. But that's old news.


most beautiful female name ever

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normie detected

REEEEEEEEEEE get the fuck off this board chad

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originally^2 why?

tfw she lives 9000km away

Cindy, shes cute

Do people call her Cat? If so she's batshit and you have bad taste.


She hasnt told me yet but i poked around and that should be it


Crimbo mai waifu


I Love you, my Only One.

Almost 2 Years i last seen her, but still thinking alot about her.

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she was such a beautiful mess, I wish there was another girl like her

Kristen. God damn I cant stop thinking about her. This hurts anons.


way above my standards, but fuck it. its ok to dream

the hurt hurts

I dont have one I dontt even know any girls names because i haventt been outside in like 5 years

nothing matters anymore holy shit. fuck this

Tfw have not engaged with a girl since February 2017 when I dropped out of college. I'm in a new college now but my classes are all male. I have no oneitis, and don't even feel bad.

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No, and she's not insane. Legitimately one of the smartest and coolest person I've ever met.

I wonder if I'll ever get over it

Where was she all this time? Here, apparently

She could have just started using her real name. If its the same person she's able to hide how crazy she is because she's smart. Be careful and don't get fooled.

>There's only one Casey in the whole world
Are you retarded? Of course it's not the same person.

was probs head pressure dude its how they try to communicate at first

That's not what I'm implying at all. She comes here a lot. Just don't want the same thing to happen to you.

>first thread
>second thread
with all these datamining threads you're soon going to find some poor anons facebook or some shit and blackmail us, I'm glad I haven't been participating in these threads

did she turn into a transgender man aka ftm?

Alex. I saw her a few days ago after not seeing her for a year. She was talking about how she never sees me and how we should get lunch together. Our college has LDOC on Friday so idk what to do. Pls help

Miranda. Why did she have to move away?

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Does it get better, lads?

Tea and crumpitz

Is no one's named Stacy?

>all these Millennial snowflake names

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and where do you stand on your financial power as of now? What are doing to accomplish that goal

Thea- although I might recover from my oneitis...

no, and I don't know why you ask that

Tanja P.
>tfw last time i contacted her she called the police instead of replying.

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Same here

I had massive oneitis for Courtney little did I know she was a stuck up bitch who was using me as her orbiter

my name used to be chloe


She's really cute and on my school's track team

I had one in middle in high school by the name of Karen. I wasted so much time thinking about her.

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anna, my girlfriend :)

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>and on my school's track team
>not past tense

Delaney, fuck I miss her.

yeah dude girls are icky >:P


t user