dropping the internetspeak for a sec, im not from this part of Jow Forums (barely "from" Jow Forums honestly) but this is genuinely concerning that so many people here are legitimately suffering. i havent been on r9k in about a thousand years and it's really shocking to come back and see all this.
have you guys been able to contact outside help, resources, therapy etc.? take me at face value for a sec here, legitimate concern from a human being. im happy to post resources if needed if anyone isnt sure where to start.
You degenerate gave him both. Way to spread the cancer, faggot.
James Campbell
suicidepreventionlifeline.org and for US residents 1800SUICIDE are pretty basic to start with but can be used seriously if you're in a crisis. ive used said services myself a long time ago when things were looking bleak, it's a port in the storm to get some clarity when you're getting sucked into a mental k-hole
Tyler Nelson
it's the sound a chicken makes
Evan Perez
humor me for a minute here guys. im just some dude with a day off who clicked away from porn for a sec and found all this, like try and get where im coming from here with like the legitimate alarm
Josiah Myers
would it be crazy of me to bump this thread? i think it would i think it'd be absolutely nutty to tell you the truth well now i've gotta do it
Hunter Hughes
Be my friend and talk to me. Discord or kik?
Angel Brooks
i dont got those unfortunately, i can work on getting a kik together. but keep in mind im just some guy, not a therapist.
im around for a couple more hours here and am willing to lend an ear and keep sharing resources as i dig them up.