A female has finally shown interest in me after years of solitude but there's a problem. She's really short...

A female has finally shown interest in me after years of solitude but there's a problem. She's really short, asian and looks like a 12 y/o child. Everyone mistakes her for still being in school. I'm afraid people will think I'm a pedophile, and her parents will probably wonder as well. It messes with my head sometimes thinking about whether I should be attracted to her. Should I still go for it? Not providing pics but she looks similar to this

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 44K)

academics please respond
soi boy

why pass on a good thing for the sake of appearances? dont be stupid.

If she is of legal age, it doesn't matter. Stop being a fucking faggot.

>years of being alone
>finally someone
>"hurrr durr she's to small"
that's why no like liked you in the past you entitled idiot
leave her, she deserves a real man

I'd say that is a great deal. Go for it.

Look man
I have never had a female interested in me
Just go for it

So a legal age woman that looks underage wants your sub-average meat.
And you care about what Chad from the Football team and his 10 roasties think.
The absolute state of the people browsing this Malaysian cricket image board is going downhill.

I mean jesus fuck OP this is even more pathetic than not having a girl at all
you should seek therapy first

>She's really short, asian and looks like a 12 y/o child
>he hesitates

you know what, don't go for it
if you hesitate because you are worried what other people might think about your relationship you are not ready for it in the first place

sorry for bad english
t. brainlet