can we get a that user thread going?
>that user who rapes his wife 4 times a week and no more than 4
>that user who put acid on his balls
>that user who tried to summon a succubus to lose his virginity
That user
>that user who fugged his sister when they thought they would get nuked by Kim and the gang
yo wtf????? any screen caps
I didn't save the caps, but this came up in a quick google search. There's more to it though.
Kek this was a good time
>that user on /an/ who posted a thread about mushrooms he found and got memed into eating them, only to find out they were poison
>that user on Jow Forums that gassed himself trying to test out a gas mask
>that user on Jow Forums who went to a crypto convention and got a picture with one of the devs and posted it on Jow Forums with his face blurred out, only to get exposed by ANOTHER user who was also there and took a picture of him taking a picture
Yall heard that new 6 dogs
>that user who fucked his dad
>that user who got pity sex from his little sister
Sadly I don't have the screencap.
Hot. I hope he gave her cummies.
>That user who thought Listerine can be used as lubricant
>that user on /an/ who posted a thread about mushrooms he found and got memed into eating them, only to find out they were poison
Damn, I've never seen that one before. Mind posting a cap if you've got one?
>that user on Jow Forums that gassed himself trying to test out a gas mask
I vaguely remember that. How did it turn out for him?
>that user on Jow Forums who bought a rusty military death cup, vomited blood and was never heard of again
>that mexican user who got memed by Yuru Camp and /a/ into causing a forest fire
>that user on Jow Forums how did the same thing by reasoning that making napalm rounds would burn off the skin of an animal he was hunting like in a cartoon instead of burning the woods down
>those Jow Forums anons and their /d/eer fuckery shenanigans
>that user that made a thread about the time when he was 18 and legitimately raped a girl at a house party but now lives a semi good life
>that user who was sad and lonely
>that user who was craving affection
W-wait... that's all of us
As I recall it, he did in fact, give her his cummies. One of the things he said that made moving on so hard was specifically the fact that he would forever have to live with the fact that he came inside his sister. Neither of them apparently enjoyed it much though.
it wasnt good only because I dislike lil skies though
what the shit is a death cup
did the rape end up with him living the good life or do u mean he got off scot free
He went to prison but in the end his life turned out good
>stable job
>social life
>multiple friends
An old army canteen cup in such a bad condition that consuming anything out of it could be considered suicide.
>that user that flushed a grenade down the toilet
>that user that almost died from making chlorine crystals
>that user who actually deleted system32 from the computer all his dad's workfiles were in, started taking advice on recovering those files from /b/ and ended up bricking the hard drive after swiping it with a magnet
I remember that. It was an epic story.
This smug user who has been a comfy NEET for years and frequently posts on Jow Forums.