Why am i so much miserable than i was even 2 years ago? i do not understand

why am i so much miserable than i was even 2 years ago? i do not understand.

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Sometimes, happiness takes time, my bruzzer. Don't give up. What are you sad about?

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i dont know what im sad about

it's building onto itself. it's not like you just shed all your bad feelings and malaise randomly, especially when it's neglected and left to calcify. so it's left to branch off of itself, showing you depths of sadness you couldnt get to before, cause you didnt have the weight you have now (not a fat joke)/ you'll only sink deeper and deeper unless you mend it yourself

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Because life is terrible and ending it all is the only way to truly be happy. Theres nothing left to live for anymore. No one else even wants us here anyway. We should kill ourselves and be free from suffering.

You don't know? Do you have anything significant that is stressing you out in your life right now?

The pit digs itself once you sit in it.

I want you here.

nope. nothing at all. im not a neet either.

What's even the point in saying this? Does it make you feel better about yourself?