I'm super racist against spics

>i'm super racist against spics
>everyone thinks that i'm a white supremacist
>i'm actually black

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thats actually a stereotype
good job proving the man right

Oh the spicification of america is going to have lots of black vs brown conflict.
They just got whites to start bending over backwards for then. Then all of a sudden spics take over

nigger pls everyone in the world hates you more.

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Why not have interracial peace OP. I'm a spic and my gf is black.

Spic here. You look like my poop lmao.

based and redpilled spic

yeah, spics are pretty bad. esp when you gotta work with them and they start playing spanish music. they do work hard though.

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Based blackanon, spics are literally the lowest form of garbage

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I'm a spic and I hate spics everyone thinks i'm white.

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