I'm not really into muscles on guys

>I'm not really into muscles on guys
What did she mean by this?

Attached: zyzz_rare_by_daviddian18-d9pj8xp.jpg (803x995, 142K)

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TOO muscular is scary

She's intimidated by a man who can easily get another girl and just toss her to the side. She wants a basedboi who will cling to her every fart and slurp her toes clean nightly.

Women should be afraid

Attached: e96.jpg (607x608, 35K)

Are you muscular? Self rejection to protect ego
Are you not muscuhlar? Saving her image and your ego

2011 7 years already RIP Brother.

Her self esteem is not high enough to date a guy like that. She feels inferior.

From left to right
Daylone Vascheladeno, Brent Pretnagoose, Tylest Shellmint

never 4get the hoverhand that shook the world

zyzz was a wow nerd robot that ascended to chad. He is a great inspiration

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