Enjoy your 11.87 minute lunch break, wagecuck.
Enjoy your 11.87 minute lunch break, wagecuck
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I don't work on Mondays you fucking retard neet. You'd think with all your free time you could remember one thing, but I guess you are just too retarded to even do that.
While we study the arts - signed neet
>TFW 13 years of school was just to indoctrinate you into accepting an adult life of spending the same hours doing shit your don't want to do and having another adult control your freedom
i need to become my own boss somehow
I've actually got an interview for a better job today.
So in a big way im cucking my other job.
You need money to do that. You get money by working and saving.
You'll also need a plan. You'll do that by studying and learning.
my plan is to win the lottery, fuck working for mney, i'm no slave!
You have less than a one percent chance of doing that.
>go to grocery store
>standing in line with a bag of deli tends
>store cuck asks to cut in line since hes on his 15 minute break
>say no
>rip the price tag off so they have to spend five minutes getting the price from the deli
>hear him whining about how his break is already over
don't give a shit, i'm not goign to work for penuts under some meglomaniac bosses rule, fuck the system
Good luck.
Though I'd recommend using the site wallstreet survivor.
Learning how to trade stocks and building wealth through careful investments and tricky behavior.
That way you'll be a wage master.
You see, that's why I always break rules.
I'd just go and price it myself.
I always take my order before a customer.
Sorry a "guest".
The best way to deal with meany neeties is to not deal with them. It's really easy too just ignore them.
and then i complain about you and you get canned
Actually, we get to pay at customer service (no line)
I know you think that's what happens.
But in retail and groceries.
Unless you molested someone, your manager doesn't give a fuck about complaints.
Let me tell you how that would go down.
"user, did you take your order before a guests?"
>"Yeah I was on break and trying to get my food so I could eat."
"Next time order your food before you go on break"
>"Sure thing boss."
And the cycle of ignoring guests continues.
I also give discounts to cute girls and overcharge neck beards.
Let me tell you how that goes.
"Better to be over than under user. But be more careful."
>"Sorry boss man, just forgot to add the shoppers discount."
"I mean we make more money that way but I just don't want to deal with the hassle."
Do you get a discount too or a free meal?
My place only gives my 50% off but you can steal food and no one will say anything.
whole foods allows customers to check out there :)
This break is just long enough to get a heartburn from low-quality coffee.
I wish I could pay you less than minimum wage, youi're not even worth it
Im a security guard, my entire shift is a work and anime break
My company takes off 30 minutes from my paycheck every day for my unpaid lunch break.
If I'm caught actually taking my lunch break most likely they will let me go from my job.
You can report them to the US department of labor or the better business bureau.
I have a relative who did something like that when his boss refused to pay his last paycheck.
He spent the next two years unemployed. He's doing fine now and later found work as an engineer but you need to pick your battles.
A lot of ragie wagies in this thread. Have fun at work. I'll just be sitting in bed comfily drinking my coffee and playing vidya all day.
I'm also a guard. Wish I would have found out about this job sooner. I get paid well above minimum wage to sit in my car watching anime all night with the occasional patrols and having to tell someone to fuck off of the property. In a perfect world I'd be a NEET, but this is probably the next best option for me since I need money to live.
What else did you think it was for?
Did you really need to memorise shit about medieval English kings or what a curved river is called? That was all just to keep you busy during your slave programming