>Y-You want to go on a d-date with m-me? I'm j-j-just an average girl, user! Are y-you sure you're fine with someone like me?
Y-You want to go on a d-date with m-me? I'm j-j-just an average girl...
If she is average girl. I really love average so
The amount of mongoloids fantasizing over this cum skinned meth whore with bulging eyeballs and anorexia is astonishing.
>being white is a minus somehow
This really makes me depressed.
fuck off. every girl in her 20s is a massive whore
>every girl over 15 is a massive whore
Holy shit this.
This is how she would actually respond.
>um, sorry user, but as you can see im kind of you know DYING so i can't really date.
n-no c-c-ccute g-girl talks like that y-you f-f-f-massive-faggot
God bless you user. Sides are currently in different hemispheres.
You say that as if they become not whores after their 20s
Once a whore always a whore. All women after 13-15 is a whore.
You've obviously never been with a tiny bitch. You never go back
>You've obviously never been with a girl with the body of a child that is fueled by meth and Xanax
You're not wrong
I'm imagining a fat nigger female posting this.
it has a dick, hasn't it
Who is this?
I need more
Whatever helps you sleep at night, in an original way
I don't think about niggers when I sleep, I think about average white girls and sometimes Orientals.
t-t-t-typical thot
Do you honestly fantasize over this level of insecurity and self-hate? Like, it's cute in moderation, but if I asked out a girl and she responded with something like this, it would be a huge red flag.
I am insecure and hate myself. I want to marry a female version of myself.
>i hate myself
>i want to marry a female version of myself
Such is the paradoxical doublethink of the robot. Self-loathing is a product of narcissism. Only through humility will you ever improve.
I'll be sure to take your advice, poster on the failed normalfag board.