As long as you don't overeat when you're high, weed is incredibly less taxing on your body than alcohol.
Benjamin Baker
Will I have a bad time if I starve myself? I've always had munchies when I used to smoke
Levi Reed
do something weird instead. Night walks are good. Also thanks for the yui
Robert Campbell
It's better for your body but probably worse for your mind. I made the switch about two years ago and lost 20 lbs and don't have gastritis all the time (and I'm never going get high and put a gun to my head), but I feel like weed is more of a habit than booze was. It's more enjoyable, anyway. But it was everyday drinking and now it's everyday smoking (when I can), and I'm not sure there's much of a difference between the two. Weed made me much more isolated, though. All that said, I prefer pot.
James Mitchell
I masturbate to armpit licking porn, that should be weird enough
>weed has made me more isolated I'm already there, friend. Thanks for the advice, though
Ryder Allen
Weed makes your current life super comfy. If your current life is where you'd like to be, it's virtually harmless. If you drink because you want a reward every day, weed is going to be that x1000. And a reward for nothing just rewards bad habits and failure.
Lincoln Lopez
just throwing this out there, they have found that scans of the brains of alcholoics are strikingly similar to those of people addicted to heroin or morbidly obese.
Noah Nelson
Sounds like me. I've become okay with it. Nothing wrong at all with a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed, boombadoop!
weed is definitely better than drinking for the average robot, and if you're like me, it will be make fapping 3x better than normal
Dominic Torres
No, it makes you lazy and retarded. It's still harmful. If you're okay with that go ahead.
Jeremiah Gomez
Fapping is better for you than drinking. You expel harmful chemicals when you ejaculate.
Luis Rodriguez
>can't sleep >stay in bed all day >never hungry >head hurts >eyes hurt It's all falling apart boys. Don't know where things started taking a turn for the worse either.
Ian Perry
Alcoholicfag of 7 years here. It absolutely shot my health to shit. I was throwing up all the time, got a bunch of chronic illnesses, it was awful. I've been dry for about 5 months now by..... doing a bunch of other drugs!
My main routine is phenibut during the weekend, kratom during the week. This is a pretty mild combo that's not particularly bad for your health as long as you keep in moderation. I'd say that it has probably improved my health significantly and would continue to- if I didn't do so much speed as well.
Jonathan Baker
Wow, look at all these idiots thinking it's a good idea to treat depression with weed and alcohol. That's a great way to ruin your life. Here's what you do. Take some 5-HTP and St. John's Wort, lift weights, eat healthy, and get a productive hobby. Go to Jow Forums for advice on how to eat healthy and exercise.
Joshua Reed
Anybody have any recommendations for a vaporizer?
Michael Cox
if you dont eat youll just pass out earlier, weed is a depressant, making you (hopefully) more relaxed and hence, tired the munchies you get is just the need to eat for energy to stay awake (alongside a small bit of smoke not going to your lungs and making your stomach feel airy and empty, mostly for normalfags that dont even smoke cigs)
Julian Cox
yeah ... I'm a powerlifter and have 5-HTP on hand, I eat clean ... guess what I'm doing right now - killing a bottle of whisky ...
Or you could just embrace being depressed and deal with it without any beta coping substances. Just a suggestion.
Kayden Morgan
>suffer harder not smarter
Jonathan Ortiz
Weedfags, how is weed for confidence, humor and just being urself?
I'm using this in the future But drugs fuck you up in the long run and lead to greater suffering later in life. Or at least they can.
Logan Flores
I'm hoping it shortens my life so I don't have to live however old we're supposed to
People are dying at around 90-100 right now, I sure as hell don't want the medicine of the future keeping me alive to 150. I'm pre-emptively cutting my life expectancy shorter so I don't make it that far
Camden Lee
>tfw all of the above
I'll probably be lucky to make it to 30 lads
Lincoln Butler
>dying young >unlucky I just want off this wild ride
Christopher Roberts
>drug addict's brains are similar to drug addict's brains almonds: firing on all cylinders