I got circumcised in a third world country

>be me
>12 at the time
>parents are afghan
>that means we're by default of the muslim class
>grandparents live in pakistan
>they're old and get sick
>dad decides that his kids should meet his parents b4 they pass

After some shenanigans with passports and flights we finally get set to go to pakistan

>leave in the middle of the school year
>we get to pakistan and my father's parents have two different "houses" on the same "block"
>all the kids wanna fuc wit the cool americans
>american dollars have a high rate in pakistan
>life is good
>we were essentially rich with everything we could want a visit to the bootleg market away

For most of the trip we had many comforts and life went on as one does in a country were terrorists ran unchallenged

>one day we get a visitor
>has glasses
>Im sitting in a room with my uncle, dad, and this doctor man
>wonder what this guys up to
>get bored
>go to the courtyard of the "house"
>mother looks worried
>"dont let them do it user"
>"hey user we have something up here for you"
>go back to the room
>doctor man is unpacking all of his shit from his suitcase
>see scissors

I should probably mention that my parents didnt slice my peepee when I was young due to me being born with yellow fever somehow and them being afraid of me dying. They also didnt do it in the states as it costed too much.

>"hey son you know how we talked about circumcising you?"
>oh fuck
>"well, today's the day!"
>oh shit
>see a tray of fucking tools
>dad decides not to put me under as the doctor would use jankem or some shit to do it
>doctor's cool with it
>no input from me
>they lay me down in the same fucking room we were chilling in
>dad and uncle hold me down
>doctor man is loading a fucking cartoony looking syringe
>"this will make the pain less"

Idk if I should continue I have the rest b/c this is my first greentext

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Continue, I want to see more

Go on user.
In a original way.

Did you want to get cut? If not, why'd you not say no? Also continue

why the FUCK do people still not pre write their fucking greentexts

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>pain less
>he starts to inject god knows what into my dick
>it's fucking brutal
>It feels somewhat numb so I think wont be bad
>it is
>as he starts the process It's absolute fucking agony
>rather than the drug numbing me completely it just made me feel less specific pain
>it's as if some one is just cutting the whole fucking thing off
>Im fucking yelling, screaming, and fucking bucking around because of the pain
>all the while my uncle and dad hold me down
>the doctor tries to reassure me "there not even any blood"
>they're holding my head down so I dont see
>manage to turn my head to the side and see the docs fucking tray
>on this silver food tray I see bloody tools and on top this ring of ex penis skin like some trophy of some warrior
>nearly goddamn passed out right then and there
>the doctor's stitching me back into the manlet I was
>I genuinely wanted to die at that moment in time
>he put gauze in the front like a screen so that I couldn't see the damage
>I had to lay for down for the rest of the trip as it would get mashed in between my legs
>my dad was given two medications one to make me sleep and the other was an antibiotic so my dick didnt fall off
>he got the two mixed up and was constantly putting me to sleep
>the trip comes to an end
>back in the states
>the stitches finally fall out and result in a piercing that runs perpandickular to my shaft
>learn how to masturbate a few months later
>till this day I still remember how they just threw the foreskin away
>in a fucking shopping bag

Sorry, fellow bots im new to this but i have other stories if you guys care to wait on a tard

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You should have unironically gone to child protective services.

More stories, OP. I want to hear them.

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should I just post in this thread? I am new to this.

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at least you're not like my friend and get circumcised twice because of a mess up when they were first circumcised

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Yes, I want to hear more.

yes continue posting here. this is good enough for new thread content

OP here sorry about my autism lemme continue with some more fun stuff
>sophomore year of HS
>found my niche in the theater group
>there are strange people but acting is pretty fun and I cant complain
>get invited to a theater party
>think whats going to happen is essentially a depressed group of weirdos
Since my family is muslim I had to be pretty sneaky with these sort of things
>use a friend to get me to the party
>arrive and see its pretty normal albeit too few people to really have fun
>I dont drink or smoke or anything but i get really easily contact drunk
>force a girl to down a whole bottle of some pink liq
>girl downs the bottle
>I fuck off and find other people to mess around
>Later I find this girl laying on the ground
>I use the archived knowledge from you tube to save this girl
>shes slumped in a chair
>I grab her and lay her on her side and the second I do she fucking hoses the person in front of us
>I'm talking full projectile vomit
>her friends realized that she's dying and come to rescue her
>I feel like a hero
After this there wasnt much that happens except that I was nearly raped
>contact drunk
>"roastie" sees this and decides to strike grabs be and lays me down on top of an inflatable pool toy
>It's like a lucid dream and I'm not liking it one bit
>she gets all grabby with me
>I grab a water gun and pour some shitty rum into it
>get it into her eyes
>leaves me alone
>leave party
>get burgers with friends
I'm fuckin tired bots this was a shitty greentext so ill pretype some stuff tomorrow and start a good and funny thread then

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>being a paki
Stopped reading there.

OP, be my best friend.

I grew up in Iran and this reminded me of a messed up movie I watched as a kid which made me feel sick to my stomach.

It was about a kid in a village who masturbated but then got caught one day by the village elder who cut his entire genitals off. And the boy was forced to become a transgender female. The boys father abandoned him and he was raised by a neighbor woman.

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I would seriously consider killing someone over that.

at this point though I'm cool with it, I got a cool dick piercing out of it and I feel like more of a spartan

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what was it like growing up in Iran user? got any stories about it?

Lots of subhumans. I witnessed an old lady getting robbed in front of me in my neighborhood by motorcyclists who drove up to her and slapped her wallet and drove off.

I also saw some thief smashing into my neighbors car while looking out of my window one day and saw my neighbor catching the thief and screaming at him.

Thank god I was too young to remember when my parents brutalized my cock. That sounds horrific.

I feel bad four you mudskin. I would have not know what to do in your shoes either, it's fucked up that a kid trusts his parents and they just hold him down and some doc cuts the forskin off.
You should have jump out and run off.

>>no input from me

what the fuck is wrong with you

jesus christ you sandniggers are fucked

>OP doesn't use anaesthetic indused sleep during circumcision
>didn't get the nurses to see your peepee

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Not sure if it's worse to get your dick cut at young age(~6) or like OP when you've at least had a normal dick for a while. Got mine circumcised at age 7 when I hardly knew a thing about it, much to my mother's discontent. Obviously now I would've at least liked if I'd had a say in the matter or have been informed of the consequences.

>Got mine circumcised at age 7
I got circumcised at the age of 12. Got to feel how to fap with your foreskin intact. Feelsgoodman.

It's usually far worse as an infant

I got it done around age 5 due to pretty severe phimosis. My parents didn't tell me why I was going into hospital or what would be happening, so when I woke in the ward after naturally I screamed like a stuck pig for quite some time. It was traumatic as fuck and I was terrified of hospitals and surgery for a long time because of it. It took weeks to heal up too and it was a painful miserable recovery. To think that some people do this shit just for cosmetic purposes sickens me. Female genial mutilation is against the law but doing this shit to an infant or kid without their say so on the grounds of thinking it looks better, "everyone does it so we don't want him to stick out" or because of some myth that it's healthier makes my blood boil

Kids can't even have phimosis you got jewed hard m8

Yeah they can, my dick would blow up like a balloon when I pissed because the skin was that tight piss had a hard time getting out. It wasn't an issue when I was younger but started getting worse as I got older. I guess they could have tried steroid cream or some shit but honestly it came about that quickly I doubt it would have worked. My dick just grew too fast and my skin couldn't keep up