World wide willy time

World wide willy time
Post 'em if you got 'em

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uhhhh, that is shopped right?

PIease eIaborate
Is this gore?

I'm pretty proud of mine, desu senpai

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looked like a baby elephant in the thumbnail :/

Did it evolve hands to try and grab gfs since you can't do it yourself? Did it work?

>its like a baby's arm holding an apple!

They didn't say it was a premature baby holding a crabapple

it itches a little, wat do.

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Am I the only one who likes looking at wierd skin Conditions?

Were you using robot grip hands to jerk off user.

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Mine actually looks a lot lot like that, is it because I masturbate with no lube/lotion? I never really used those because it made the feeling way too intense.

Woah I wanna lick it.

Peyronie's master race reporting. Always had a a curve to the left, but it never bothered. Now I've got random bouts of pain, and it hurts when I fap.

Never had sex and have ED so can't even have sex if I wanted to. Life just can't get any better. I'm getting it treated tomorrow, then I'm going to save up for a threesome with some hookers. I don't give a fuck anymore.

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What the fuck is this? A skin condition? Sexual disease?

this is not how i remember NLDW

Uncut masterracerrerer

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Cock too red or skin too yellow ?

does foreskin usually retract that far down?

it's called being a cutfag

Bwahahahah what the fuck is that OP It looks like a childs playdough snake

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Fucking no. I dunno what kind of loose sleeve this dude has, but it isn't supposed to go further down than just under the head because it's literally attached to the flesh

looks fucking degloved aaaa

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why does this actually look aesthetic to me?

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holy shit you guys are in a bad shape lol. F.

What you are observing is the next step in the evolution of the penis. The texture stimulates the females nerves and maximize the removal of potential rival sperm. Truly, a look into the future.

>tfw too intelligent for penetrative sex

absolutely wew tier

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Looks like a doggy's red rocket poking out.

Being a cutfag unironiccly makes me want to suicide. I hate the scar and discolouration. Am a fucking amputee. Im done