I love being an American. This used to be the greatest country on Earth.
I love being an American. This used to be the greatest country on Earth
>be American
>go for breakfast waffles
>get shot
>can't afford healthcare
>be European
>become victim of a sexual emergency
Now it's a fucking mega degenerate consumerist cesspool with demographics that are beginning to look like brazil. Fuck.
>tfw our gun laws are shit and getting shittier by the day, but they're also some of the best in the world
If I had a nickel for every time I heard this shitty joke, then I'd be rich since the government doesn't take all my money unlike europoors.
America is not, was not, and never will, be a good country.
I love being . This used to be the greatest on .
Okay, I'll humor you. Please elaborate. At first, it was literally the freest country on Earth.
Where's the joke lmao
If you love America so much, why are you posting that TRAITOR Sgt. Slaughter?
behind the keyboard it was written on
No country on Earth was great for its entire history
Literally seething, why do Americans get so angry when you make fun of their land mass.
exactly, even Rome fell, unfortunately I think we're on a downtrend that shows no signs of reversal
I'd say America stopped being great in the 60s with the hippy shit and the immigration act. By the 70s it was already clear it was a crime ridden extremely degenerate country that was racing to full itself with as many shitskins as possible.
Lmao this desu. Everytime there is banter GAYmericans are the only ones who can never take it. All amerifat posters are fucking faggots.
lol you got btfo, pretty funny you immediately jump to the strawman of 'oh you're so mad xd' with no evidence when you realize you're out of your depth. you lost this round bud, just accept it gracefully instead of resorting to such shameful tactics.
Lol you're mad as fuck
No, because there were slaves.
This picture is so bizarre, because the only straight white dude is dead center, and I really dont believe he'd allow anyone other than other straight white dudes into his "right wing death squad"
The whole thing is so stupid now.
I'm in the military, I directly run the mission systems to fly drones which cost the taxpayers stupid amounts of money to blow up people living in mud huts on the other side of the earth.
Everyone loses:
>taxpayers' money squandered
>operators traumatized from watching people explode all day
>sand people obviously getting blown up for some overinflated "muh turrist" threat
>(((shareholders))) of defense companies getting a ton of money
>Right wing death squad
>Black dude in the group
There are a few good black people sprinkled here and there throughout the pile of shit.
You must live in America.
We were one of the last great countries to give up slaves.
You're right, black people had a great time in the 60s
Did you know that people like patterns, and when they don't follow patterns, people get pissy. Congratulations, you're like everyone else. Well to the break in the pattern.
>be MLK (an American)
>get shot
It's not a joke, and it not funny. Stop laughing.
>based black guy amirite fellow magapede
I just want to make due with what we have. If I could go back in time and make it so they never left Africa, believe me I would.
FBI confirmed for lurking.