Post in women hate thread

>post in women hate thread
>now being monitored online by police

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are you suggesting you were not being monitored before?

Well maybe you should start taking responsibility for your problems instead of blaming them on everyone else.

I love that you think youre so important that someone out there is actually monitoring your sad life

Do cops really have the abilities to track users? Or is it only rare cases like if they think you have cp

probably not specifically but I wouldn't be surprised if law enforcement keeps their out here, it's got a pretty infamous reputation and a large group of people who idolize mass killers/shooters and hate society

Yet here you are, FBI bitch.

nice try shill im not telling you shit

>Muh just world
Kys normie

Mods and janitors are capable of doing it so I dont see how authorites arent able to as well.

Im not that important. Im really, really not and i want the lot of you stalkers to fuck off and go fuck yourselves

>muh muh muh

shut up and stop complaining about things you're not willing to work towards fixing.

>type "tails"
you are now on an FBI watchlist and they FBI could legally get a search warrant on you just because you typed 5 letters into google.

Its not that farfetched. Even Elliot got a visit from the popo before he went postal and he didn't even do anything yet. Then you have people criticizing the fbi for not acting on the hints they got about cruz. If anything they are gonna step up their efforts at monitoring groups likes these, ESPECIALLY after this van shit.

I've already accepted the fact that the fbi knows I secretly crave cock in all holes.

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You're on an anonymous image board, no-one is stalking anyone. it's one of the nicer features, really

>Unironically believing that every problem is fixable or even your fault in the first place
I was also underage once

IDGI. It's illegal to want to fugg cartoon echidnas now?

user drank 4 bottles of coke and had some pizza rolls today. Better file that under government secrets.

Can the fbi help me get a gf

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Its no different than them filing facebook posts and data

Youve watched one too many south park episodes kid.

Not all problems can be fixed but if you aren't willing to put effort into trying then you really don't deserve to bitch about them

I'll rat out anyone on 4chins for a gf. I don't even care if she's just some FBI bint who can barely hide her loathing, I'm pretty desperate desu.

>if you aren't willing to put effort into trying
I never said I wasnt. Thats an assumption you made. I tried my best and still nothing.

Don't worry, only go out at night so you can see the CIA niggers

IDK who put you in charge of deciding who deserves to do what but you can't stop me so go suck an egg you fat busybody

Having low functional IQ is not something I can fix, buddy. It's beyond my own control.

You know what he meant don't make me post it all

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keep trying then. You have to be willing to keep trying until it kills you, if that's what it takes.

That's how I got into shape, I got a job doing manual labor and just kept going past the point where I thought I'd die of exhaustion and pain.

You can't EVER stop.

Stop whining you big dumb baby

Hey buddy it's okay, I'm a slow learner and not always the smartest, but I'm also good at other things and I like working hard.

In fact, being stupid is a great thing because it means you're more likely to be happy. Smart people are much more likely to be unhappy than stupid ones.

If you're really stupid you won't even know if you're not happy! And that makes you smarter than high IQ genuises, if you think about it.

>He wasn't monetered before

>Stop whining you big dumb baby
Make me you soggy bitch

>You have to be willing to keep trying until it kills you
No. I put forth as much effort as any person could be reasonably expected to make. Im not going to waste my entire life on it.

Then don't complain that your life is shit if you're not willing to do what it takes to fix it. You have to treat it like a struggle to survive, because if you don't achieve what you want, what's the point?

If you just accept a shit mediocre life instead of the one you want, you'd be better off dying early instead of prolonging the misery. I'd much rather die in the pursuit of something, chasing a goal than of old age after a long unfufilling misery.

Youve taken too much cawks up your ass

>I'd much rather die in the pursuit of something
Well then go do it and stop griping at us you unbearable nag

why is your pepe so weird