Canadian Jow Forums army

Fuck off FBI im sick of ur shit same with you CIA and your goddam psyops on here.

>who wants to start something up here in cuckada?

thoughts opinions and no im not posting my exact location so fuck off you cop fucks

Fuck you normies. You know i wouldnt be so mad if you didnt shit on everyone.

Attached: -Punchy_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (289x599, 154K)

Nice try Efff beee eyyee

Undercover FbiNigger

OP here this is the state things have become i cant even fucking talk to me robot comrades jesus christ

And can we fuck off with the "im a newsreporter/cnn threads" god its just as bad as you autistic trap fags

Cant tell if fbi or not butt i cane ssy that r9k is going through major gayness as we speak


has nobody bothered to see that op has dubs of truth ffs ur all a bunch of homo gay fags (no homo)

Its the reddit cucks i blame theme for this fuck off norman scum. Suck my tasty hot cock

R9K is in chaos great kys all of you

how about you kys faggot, caps locking on a mongolian fingerpainting webpage

>shitposting on a japanese cartoon blog

>blogging in a chinese finger box

You're probably safer in the US than in Canada as a robot after yesterday.

>writing scriptures via malaysian social media

why would canuckistan give a rat's ass about FBI/CIA

sage for bullshit

I've got some great ideas for you? Want to start some shit?

Start a job! Having something to occupy yourself and a steady source of income will help you feel a lot better about yourself.

I have to agree. At least in America they need a warrant to enter your house. In cucklandada they get break in steal your food and shit on the floor without any signed papers its fucked

>falling for the shitpost thread
We all wasted our time in this

Whos to say its not OPs day off?
Also kek op lives in canada, u salty u didnt have the testicle male sex organs to van over some people?

bump for the 4 chan nicknames lmfao
>bitching and moaning about virginity on a korean comic store

like actually or are you exaggerating?

this is the worst thread ever even more than the guanzhou kid

running over innocent people with a van is pure cowardice.

Making the effort to improve yourself and not blaming others for your problems is courage.

OP here, yeah i know i just wanted to make a shit post thread. Most the time i try to engage in meaningful conversations but today i was extra bored

Take care fellas

t-thats not nice anonkun
>crying about lonely on a tibetan art village

>based shitposter op ahaha

>being a hormonal teen on a vietnamese chess board

fuck off normal faggot i have yet to sink my penis into vaginal slot

Hey man thats not nice. Some people cant into vageen inb4 show me bobs

Stfu I love ghuangzo kid

He was kinda cute but still it got reposted like a billion times fuck its a meme now