Ancap is the best

Daily reminder the right and the left all proyect themselves through propaganda and pretend to be chads and stacys online when irl they both want a nany goverment that babysits them
Ancaps do not care about your raison we do not care if you kill Chad or Stacy just make sure to buy our MacAr15 T.M. when doing it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fascism is the only way to go you faggot

Name ONE fascist dictator who was pro 2nd amendment
Pro tip
You can't
They all loved rising taxes and being keynesian though

You enjoy being fucked in the ass by the state, don't you user?

Castro provided guns to the people and let them form their own pro Castro regime militias and those who are not under strong leadership tend to be taken over by those who do have the means of power rather it be the rich or the popular. Virgins seek freedom while Chads seek complete domination.

>He thinks he Will rule with Chaddictator if he Kisses his feet hard enough


You are aware all fascist dictators backstabed their Main supporters un fear they Will overtake them

Doesn't matter how much you try to rise above the right-left spectrum, you're still a little fascist at heart.

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In fascist nations you got a gun to fight for something, not to fucking play dress-up doll with your faggy tacticool ARRRFTEEEEEN like every lolbertarian dipshit does

Name ONE successfull fascist nation that did this


Pick one.

Yeah, so the old fucks in charge can send all the young men out to die in some useless war, then fuck their widows. The path you promote leads to being a literal dead cuck.

Why do you so badly want to be told what to do? Bootlicker.

Give me a better system that would push society into a golden age and if you haven't noticed China does a great job of maintaining complete power without back stabbing each other if you want a prime example of complete order and power being delegated

Communist China still practices public execution, and has had death by 1,000 cuts as late as the 50s. Why are you using them as a good example of anything?

The path you promote isn't going to get you laid either ways mine as well commit to a cause that has a direction and plan with a system that will sort the weak from the strong

>The country of cancer towns
>The country that is constantly proven to be a paper tiger

Get gud

Yet people would rather live in the U.S. or another capitalist first world nation than in China. Hell, China's only halfway decent due to capitalism. Really activates the almonds, doesn't it?

Because it works they are rapidly growing in power and show the necessities in total control of course someone less educated who desires to just shoot a rifle in the forest all his life instead of study the intricacies of running a nation and devote his weapon stockpile towards the coming coup de tat wouldn't understand

Pro tip
You are part of the weak
And Will be cannon fodder for Chad for false promises of identity

(((Ancaps))) would give zero fucks if the whole world were flooded with shitskins as long as they have their little trailer home propureh. Fuck you fucks.

>of course someone less educated who desires to just shoot a rifle in the forest all his life
That's exactly what I want to do. Why is it a crime that I just want to be left alone? Why is it an indication of being less educated? If anything, you so desperately wanting to be a part of a cause and group identity is indication of a lack of free thinking. Fuck you and your cause, bootlicker.

You seriously buying into that American propaganda? Ask any sensible American and they agree with many of the policies China has put into place especially the mass execution of drug trafficking criminals which places like the Philippines have been resorting to as well and the reason being is because it works and provides great security to the people. In America you have the NSA devoting it's time to monitoring your every step and more and more regulations America is hungry for strong leaders just look at the recent election.

Well that shitskin is willing to mow the lawn 10 times the cheaper price you would
Adapt to the market neet cuck

>Master race
>Can't compete with inferior races

annoying hypocritical chucks like you are the reason death squads are needed in fascist society

You seriously buying into that communist propaganda?

Literal communists

>He thinks China gov executes drug dealers

Pro tip they are mostly journalists calling out china who are wrongly acused

Why don't we talk Hong Kongs obsession of leaving China for a change

The only good thing a fascist system will do is take idiots out of the general population. Anyone with any sense will leave, and the idiots will have their wives fucked by those in charge after they die 'fighting for the fatherland' or for whatever bullshit propaganda is being sold that month.

Nice damage control
Gb2 to rthedonald if you are feeling triggered m8

I don't care if it's communist or Nazi all that matters is that the leadership is strong and the people have a clear plan set in front of them any other system that grants freedom leaves the people lost and apathetic until their society eventually decays

>implying killing journalists is wrong

Singapur wants to leave china
Hong Kong wants to leave china
Taiwan wants to leave china

Not so strong when you think about it

>literally hating freedom

Yes it is ,most of you fascists got Tumblr tier triggered when Twitter a private company who owns to no one censored some of your idols I can't imagine how hard your vagina would bleed if they we're killed instead lel

Freedom is an illusion, nothing more than a carrot held out in front of you so you can be controlled and in this sense one could say under a dictatorship the lust for freedom would encourage the people to prove themselves as hard working loyal citizens who deserve it I don't hate freedom I simply see it as a means to motivate if you don't like it you can go start your little camp commune odid the grid and see how far that takes you

That is North Korea tier arguments literally Go live there it's your perfect destination

Look, it's pretty clear by this point that you are a closeted faggot, as your desire to be fucked by the state is showing. The founding fathers repeatedly emphasized the importance of freedom over 'safety' (read slavery), because they knew that cockmongers like you would try to turn this country into some authoritarian state by promising citizens some perks as long as they agreed to get fucked in the ass by the state once a week.

the news is nothing but degeneracy and journalism is just people looking for the next massacre to dramatize for their agendas defending such institutions is what leads to instability in society

So liveleak ,breitbart,CNN should never exist

Nah fuck you

You like to talk big yet you do nothing to truly stop an increase in control over the population the time of total control is slowly coming and people like you will do nothing about it because you merely concentrate on what your weak government tells you is the real threat instead of fighting what is inevitable you should learn to join and become part of the unity

They shouldn't and you've presented no legitimate reason why they should

>Freedom is an illusion
>Chaddictator's cock in my ass is not

>only 8 posters

>"duhhh the only law is dat der is no law ughhgh"

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Present a better scenario because if anyone is getting fucked over its you and your lack of vision

Listen to yourself, you sound like a typical authoritarian villain. Are you a nork shill or something? People like us will always be there to prevent statist scum like you from taking over.

Because news represent opinions and opinions represent humanity
You want humans to behave like machines with no voice or independant reason yet the never ending chaos and change of beleifs is what makes us human in the end .you talk about progress yet most of the people in china Will never progress a better life because their goverment prevents them to do so their system is rigged from the start.
We need people to always question what we do in other to acheive never ending progress

Minarchism/Night-Watchman State

There is necessity in strong guidance and laws those who do not understand this believe they can be benign only to realize this is in complete contrast with human nature in the end they will be exploited for their compassion
The fact we allow the distribution of opinions such as places here is proof enough we do not need it because all it ever leads to is political unrest and instability to allow people to exchange their ideas in such ways has led to a massive distribution of fake news and dollar per click generated false articles, war, and terrorism. We have suffered riots and national emergencies thanks to the environments generated by the spread of lies and opinions. We need censorship to fix these problems both political sides have already been in somewhat agreement to this fact.

A perfect situation for the few to gain complete power with no safeguard to prevent it

Huh, I didn't know that Kim Jong-un posts on Jow Forums. Don't you have a Korean qt 3d waifu now Kim? I guess that means that it's time for you to leave this place.

Then stop using countries like china since they have been proven to spread lies 24/7

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Checks and balances still exist in this system in some form. In fact, it's pretty close to the original philosophy of the founding fathers. Also, it takes power away from the government, not the other way around.

Because everyone knows your so called free media and democratic government isn't actively eschewing facts and details on a regular basis and making sure to censure anyone they see as different to them fascism shall grow in the west too and you will see life is not as dystopian as you believe under such systems as long as you have done nothing wrong

Stop being a statist.

All it takes is the rise of a divisive issue to tear such a government apart in the case of the early system the founding fathers put into place such a plan lead to an insanely weak nation with relatively no army and a near full on rebellion lead by dissatisfied farmers you simply also can't place such a system into place without completely ignoring the millions who disagree and thus to instill such a government would require a degree of fascism which in turn would lead me to come to agreement with you on such a government through technicality

>As long as you have done nothing wrong
Yeah, and before we know it blinking incorrectly will be grounds for the death penalty. It's clear that you will stop at nothing to get chaddictator's cock in your ass, but the rest of us aren't as fond of the idea.

That would be a very crudely run police state if they are to simply punish in such fashion one must realize to control others you simply turn the common man into the fellow enforcer of their neighbor with rehabilitation being the next logical step you are perpetuating an exaggerated situation in a fascist system that would lead to its own collapse I support strong efficient leadership not some macabre thought crime monarchy

We don't care what the rest of you do, we just want out of your inane system. Libertarianism in a nutshell is 'don't hurt people and don't take their stuff.' That requires very little input from the government, or at least less interference than is currently seen. Libertarianism, unlike authoritarianism doesn't require the controlling of others by force. All you have to do is leave them alone. In fact, I'd even be willing to pay some tax for the few government services I do use such as roads and public schools for children, but I see no reason to pay welfare for others.

Such a government would only work in ideal conditions if another nation where to declare war there would be no truly effective way to defend oneself besides ieds and rifles. There would be no checks in place for massive corporations to form and seize control of vast swaths of land bringing in the argument of what counts as private property. Technology is at a point where such a presented model is no longer feasible when we know there are potential mass killers and terrorists we must actively monitor and protect against. One solution after another and you realize you must sacrifice freedoms in the name of the common good.

>Unironically believing that the existence and influence of the Stasi was a good thing
I'm pretty sure that East Berliners were dying to get into West Berlin, not the other way around. You win, I can't meme harder than you.

There have been numerous defections to the East as well you brainlet

He just wants big government to take care of him and make all his problems go away, just like the normalfags he claims to hate. He is weak.

>You must sacrifice freedoms in the name of the 'common good'
No. I refuse outright. This is how it begins. This is how authoritarians and statists pull the rug out from under people and slowly take control.
>"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." -Thomas Jefferson

You are the weak one for refusing to help society grow with strong guidance and doing what is needed to thin out the herd we must unify and build forward not reduce ourselves to the lifestyle of a Neanderthal

From Wikipedia:
>"Between 1945 and 1988, around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West. 3.454 million of them left between 1945 and the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961."
Nowhere near that number of people went from the west to the east. We're talking about your average Hans/Fritz, not some commie comrade top bananas.

And yet look at Germany now and they beg for control of their borders and surveillance of potential terrorists they do not crave freedom they crave security which from their point of view could be provided better in the Western sphere and ironic one should say the west is a champion against fascism since they are responsible for a large amount of fascist nations existing

Why not let nature and the free market do that job for us? Are you afraid you won't end up on top if you don't lick and take chaddictator's cock and boots up the ass to get there? The 'superior aryan race' lost the only war it ever fought. Capitalism, on the other hand, has a pretty good track record, aside from some minor blips. Who's the real loser?

the nazis greatly expanded the right of german citizens to own weapons, infact nazi gun laws for ethnic germans were more open then american gun laws today

this, collectivists will steam roll individuals

If Germany wasn't so cucked by its government and history, then maybe they could regain some of their citizens' rights and repel the hordes of migrants. Alas, Germans have always been so hung up on rules, it's almost as if they're born statist, authoritarian by nature. Think about what kind of government the migrants are fleeting from. Maybe if their home countries were a little less authoritarian, they could have good lives there, instead of coming to a place with better opportunities that isn't a total shithole.

Look around you and realize if it wasn't for regulation and control we would already be oppressed and exploited by greedy companies back in 1920 when the markets where free work was essentially slavery and only the rich came to benefit in a fascist society one would see their work come to fruition and the rich will be made to serve and not to use their greed to exploit or optionally I'd you wish one could allow a completely free market and let the strongest company win granting control over the population making the world one big source of profit either paths are fine in honesty the only problem is that you fool yourself into believing either of them would grant you more freedom

We ancaps shall form a union of egoists to protect and preserve our independence and autonomy.

>For ethnic germans
Kek. All or nothing.

The migrants are fleeing from economic disparity and war both of us are essentially in agreement overall though strong government and authority is needed to guarantee opportunity and security

And before you know it you sieze more power to keep your status quo and become part of the fellow fascist systems

the left and right are different forms of liberalism, which ancap also falls under. you're fuckin stupid and should graduate highschool before you spout your retarded politics.

Andrew Carnegie started out as a poor Scottish immigrant. His first job as a telegraph messenger boy netted him $2.50 a week, worth around 76 dollars today.

Yeah, and I'm saying that that economic disparity was at least partially caused by the stifling of free markets and ideas in those areas.

And your point being what exactly? If he is willing to work he belongs in any presented fascist model if he decides to work against the interest of the people and government he is an enemy.

Ancap is much more libertarian than both the American left and right though

I'm quite interested to hear what you've learned on how the Great Depression happened and what was done to fix the problem then

We only need enough power to protect our own sovereignty. We don't care about what the rest of the world does, and the NAP prohibits the use of force, preventing us from becoming bona fide despots.

Yeah, it's all here in this here article:

If they could disarm Jews, they could also disarm political dissidents (people opposed to Statism).


its still the same "muh freedom" bullshit

You ignore the fact you would have to silence other parties and keep them from participating in any form in order to maintain such a society it's ridiculous to trust everybody into agreeing exactly with what you believe and willing to follow your government unless you have the strength and force to do so all it takes is a few Molotovs being tossed and you start realizing you need more cops which leads to more dissolution which leads to the spreading of ideas that would harm your perfect system which would have to be censured before they can fester and cause rebellion

That's exactly it, as a selfish bastard, I only want to work for myself, not for the state in any capacity

Are you not a lover of freedom user?

>tfw I finally get it
>tfw never going back to National Socialism or any sort of statism
It's been like this for the past year. I feel like I've freed my mind.

people who think freedom is a virtue are children

Minarchism allows for the existence of cops and courts to enforce the NAP, among other things, so that argument doesn't hold water. It isn't total anarchy, as you seem to believe, just as much freedom and as many civil rights as possible.

Also even if war where the answer to solving economical problems then you present the other ideal fascist model where the population is always mobilized in such a situation freedom must be restricted and additional power granted to the leaders to maintain order

>The founding fathers, who set up the country you live in were children
user, not wanting chaddictator's cock in your ass doesn't make you a child. It makes you not gay.

>The founding fathers, who set up the country you live in were children
yes, nigger loving childish hippy faggots

Welcome to freedom user

Your cops will require more and more force and powers is what I'm trying to explain to you by allowing the existence of police you also bring into question the enforcement of taxes for those police if one chooses to not pay they shall be punished by law and for those who are to end up in prisons they must either have rehabilitation or extermination to make sure such a system runs smoothly. You try and simplify how to run a nation but you fail to realize human nature tends to lean towards more organization and order being added over time.

>still following the words of 200 year old people who have less of an education than your average ninth grader

The founding fathers aren't brilliant deities politics and ideas change over time and the fact people still believe their exact words are relevant are complete fools

At least they had no desire to be plowed by the dictator of the month, like you do

>yes, nigger loving childish hippy faggots
You talk like Nick from Falling Down, holy shit.

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