Why didn't women have sex with Elliot Rodger? Women today literally have sex with everyone. What was so bad about him?

Why didn't women have sex with Elliot Rodger? Women today literally have sex with everyone. What was so bad about him?

inb4 he didnt approach women. when your hot thats not a problem.

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>Why didn't women have sex with Elliot Rodger?
Because he literally never asked them to. All he ever did was observe other people and get jealous of them, but never make the slightest effort to participate socially.

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I think he wondered the same thing user

>Women today literally have sex with everyone
i know this is bait and i shouldnt be replying, but if this is true, how does this godforsaken corner of the internet exist?

He only wanted to fuck blue eyed white girls.

bro the majority of men have sex. only 0.0001% of men are virgins. all you gotta do is walk up to her and say hi. trust me.

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>Women today literally have sex with everyone
Congratulations, youve made the most objectively false statement that had ever been posted on this website full of retards

he didn't approach women. nobody even knew he existed. apparently he tried talking to some girls who were already dating other people, but saying 2 words compared to the millions that normies go through is meaningless.

You think he's hot because you're homosexual. He was really effeminate though. Cartoonishly so. Women are not attracted to dudes who act like women.

>What was so bad about him?
He was fucked in the head obviously.

>i'm not like the other girls
women are sluts. period.

Because he looks like an Filipino lesbian transsexual.

>when your hot thats not a problem.

You're a fucking retard and there is no cure for your level of retardation.

>he was fucked up

I guess you haven't seen the type of men most girls today date. The "bad boys".

When you're hot the sex comes right to you.

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When you're SUPER CHAD ON STEROIDS or female that's not a problem, but otherwise, no guy can expect anything to ever happen if all he does is stand there and look pretty.

Because all women only want to fuck the same Chads and the sex doesn't trickle down.

if elliot just did some heroin he would have no problem getting sex. he had stupid standards. there's a difference between just being a loser and spending all your time fantasizing about being the main character in some drama.

Even for average looking guys. Girls tend to approach them and set dates up with their friends.

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>his personality was the problem

Feel free to make an OkCupid account using his pictures. You won't get a single match. And don't say it's because he's famous. Literally no one outside of here knows who he was.

average guys statistically have the greatest chance of finding a good partner.

but guys are still supposed to make the first move.

>women today literally have sex with everyone
Wrong! While it's true that modern females are more promiscuous than ever before, and as a rule are generally all sluts, the total amount of sex has actually decreased from the past. Why? Because of the 90-10 rule : 90% of the females have sex with 10% of the males. A large majority of males have sex either extremely rarely, with an already used-up whore for the purposes of beta leeching, or not at all. This is due to the end of monogamy and its replacement by polygamy due to feminism. As monogamy slowly dies off, expect to see more herbivore men, more MGTOWs, and yes, even more Elliots, more incels.

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And Elliot WAS NOT HOT! Cute and handsome, definitely, but he lacked the kind of looks that make pussies wet by the sight of them, he needed to actually be social and show some semblance of a personality in order to be attractive, which he never did. How could a supreme gentlemen be so intelligent and introspective, but at the same time, so oblivious and clueless that he literally never talked to women and assumed people were persecuting him by not fawning over him like a big celebrity.

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>online dating
are you retarded, son? feel free to never talk to me again.

But but that 10% stuff isn't real. You just made it up because you're too lazy to go to the gym and improve yourself! Uhh right guys?

That photo will never not make me rage. Peter Rodger knew his son was diagnosed with autism (confirmed by the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office report.) Yet he gifted his son that scam pseudoscience book "The Secret" which is 200 pages of "if you think hard enough, you'll materialize what you want" under the bullshit "law of attraction" mantra.

Elliot took this literally and didn't realize it was typical normie "just be yourself and think positive" meaningless platitudes, so he spent almost two thousand dollars on Mega Millions tickets. (My Twisted World, page 104.)

Fuck Peter Rodger.

women were more promiscuous in the past. and the rule is actually 99 to 1. 99% of women have sex with the top 1% of men, and that 1% means the richest 1% because men are only measured by their bank account.

now go be a wageslave, sweetie, you'll never get sex from anyone else but a hot, beautiful trap.

Elliot Rodger had money and a fancy car. Women probably noticed his car but as soon as they saw the man driving it they lost interest. Typical cunts.

This only happens in specific social contexts, typically among people who hang out with "circles of friends" of both guys and girls, some of whom have other circles of friends and these circles often intersect and parties and other social events. It fucking NEVER happens to guys like me, and Elliot, who are generally alone on a day to day basis, except when we hang out with friends, meaning we go out with 1 or 2 buddies but thats about it.

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>It fucking NEVER happens to guys like me

Maybe it's cause you're ugly?

Haha, a 3 series BMW doesn't exactly turn heads in richfag California. He didn't have money and his family was riddled with financial problems.

elliot was piss poor compared to the people he tried to hang out with. he should have just found a trap.

I'm about the same attractiveness as Elliot was, probably more since I'm white not mixed.

>implying elliot was attractive

Lmao that's my boy Trenty P!
Word up!

nah probably not. i look even gayer and girls have approached me on a lot of occasions. how often do you go to clubs?

Wealth is always relative. I went to school with rich kids from Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Topanga, so grew up feeling poor as fuck even though I'm low middle class. Elliot was high middle class, but he went to a college town with plenty of people wealthier than him and couldn't stop comparing himself to Rich Kids of Instagram tier Chads and Stacies. Dude, if Elliot would have went to El Camino College near Gardena (highest concentration of Asians in LA except Koreatown) and went for Asian girls on his level not tall blonde chicks, he would have been swimming in mad pussy I swear to God.

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True story. Last time I was in a club I straight up saw this young guy sitting all alone. He literally reminded me of Elliot Rodger. Had a button up shirt, similar hairstyle, looked mixed race, I didn't pay too much attention. I noticed him sitting at a table all alone and he looked sad. Me and my bros were getting drunk and playing pool. Next thing I know I hear a bunch of yelling and the bouncers are escorting him out of the building. Turns out he was stalking some girls. Fucking creeps man, they should all drop dead.

Holy shit spotted the incel

>spotted the incel

Ummm you do realize where you are right? This is r9k not soc.

Because this guy was unable to get the point of the basis of human relationship.
Buying stuff is not enough to attract people. If you do this and wait, and rage, you just looks like a fucking weirdo.
No one wants to be around some creep like that.

They'd rather be around guys who beat up kids and rape girls.

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Jow Forums here

He was a creep beta male who never had the balls to talk ti a single female and was so fucking delusional that he made himself believe that it's not his fault. Women should be throwing their pussies at him. Lmao no thats not how the world works. Thats not how mamals work. Every mamal in existence has a more beautiful male. The lion has a mane to attract a female. The peacock has gorg feathers. Its your job to attract and charm a female, BUT YOU CANT DO THAT IF YOU DONT TALK TO THEM.


This is bullshit. Woman will do all the work if the male is high value enough. The problem is woman have more value than men by default so men tend to have to do the pursuing.

Why didn't he just shower and get a haircut?

Most men with girlfriends don't realize how women fall right into their laps. They like to pretend they did something to earn sex from women.

You literally dissproved your own point lmao. Woman are at a higher sexual value, its ur job to attract them. Shit aint changing for a while, so you better get used to it.

Most ironic part is there are women who literally said they would have sex with him after he died.

He was a gook who wanted to racemix. What else was to be expected?

idk bro I guess he was just lazy. No girl wants a guy who just got out of bed and hasn't taken a shower or shaved his face. Oh wait.

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Elliot Rodgers looks exactly like the Chad thunder cock I knew back in high school who spent his time getting his dick sucked by literally the entire volleyball squad I'm pretty sure it must've been the way elliot talked that turned them off enough to not fuck him

Why didn't Elliot just go to the gym and work out on the height machine?

Literal attention whores trying to be edgy. If they meant what they said they'd come to r9k and find an incel boyfriend just like him. There are plenty to choose from.

Those are the easiest girls to get,

Literally no one wants them. Everyone wants to fuck sexy brown and black girls

It is not that woman prefers to be around that kind of guys, it is rather they prefer to NOT be around the Eliot kind kek

This kind of behavior is just creepy. It is not only woman, even man don't want people like this as friend. It is not surprising this guy didn't have friends ever. Woman are not the problem, this guy is the problem.

Approaching girls as a non-hot guy is sexual harrassment. And thats creepy

Where in saudi arabia? XD

I'm just saying people act like approaching a girl is some test of manhood when in reality if you were really masculine girls would come to you.

>inb4 he didnt approach women. when your hot thats not a problem.
A hot guy might get approached by women if he looks inviting and friendly, but Elliot wasn't in that range of insanely attractive to most women and he was short and devoid of muscle. Besides that, he was not a very approachable guy. He looked uncomfortable, had the autism voice, and fumed silently if he didn't outright try to knock someone over or throw drinks at them. It's no surprise that this average, short, angry little man never got approached by women.

If this little fag had of stuck it out and grown up a bit he'd probably have a 9 right now. He was a good looking guy and had tons of money

Oh ok gotcha. Ive had a few girls approach me. First few times its weird, but then its just fun. Most of them are thots tho and they gave it up way too quick. Never called them, but I guess thats what they wanted?

That has literally nothing to do with it. You just have to have a personality and not be a total fucking creep.

The car/job/apt combo is important but I've seen some fat ugly fucks with wedding rubs.

Excatly! I don't know what it is with shitskins and why they feel that they are entitled to us. Why dot these fucking pieces of shit stay with their own women? I'm so sick of arabs, gooks, spics etc. trynig to approach me like they would even have a chance. Whenever I see one of them looking at me I throwup in my mouth just a little.

Women value their lives. That's why they avoid Elliot Rodger and throw themselves at convicted rapists.

>do nothing vs. aggressively flirt with women like some newbie PUA

Black and white thinking, and typical of the loner with no friends. You have to just BE SOCIAL in order to meet women. i.e. have better things to do when you go out than try to meet women.

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Saudi Arabia is heaven. Cute brown girls everywhere. Niqabs are sexy too

I dont know where this "blonde girls are hot" meme comes from

Pic related is a Saudi girl. Isn't she the most adorable thing ever?

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Why can't you just accept women are biologically and socially programmed to hate men like Elliot Rodger and he never had a chance. Why do you want to make it his fault so badly?

Arab men pull white girls all the time. In fact, if you are not white, the only girls you can get are blondes, since no one wants them

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lol this. Its not about avoiding the bad men, its about avoiding the boring pussies with no social value.

Because he never gave himself a change, and its painfully cringeworthy to see him thrown his life away having never ever tried in the slightest, and all of you "incels" practically worshipping him when he would have hated you and wanted to kill you if you managed to say hi to a girl and she smiled and said hi back.

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Because it is? If he talked to girls instead of stalking them... Maybe shit would turn out differently. Theres not programming. He wasnt even aspie enough to sperg out talking yo a girl, he was hiding in the bushes observing.

>there's no way the world is that evil! he's the problem not us!

Personally, I am more of a Sodini and Lepine fan.

They actually killed sluts

If he talked to a girl I guarantee he'd get arrested for harassment and be forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

OMG! Where the fuck is all this semite shilling coming from. Thats one ugly turd of a camel jockey user. Thats probably the best they can do in the desert. When stuck with a choice between a camel, and a literal low IQ subhuman turd, I guess the subhuman turd would win out.

l guess women just don't like you.

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I've gone to the club numerous times and have never been approached by any woman.

people who are much smaller, uglier, and creepier have girlfriends.

Show me one bitch.

only because he couldn't handle rejection and would have thrown coffee at her and called her a horse faced slut

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Is that how paki shitskins rationalise their pathetic little lives? "Blondes" and non Whites. No wonder you are posting in a thread about the king of all losers.

i didn't know the guy so i can't say this is true but if he was fucked up enough to kill people because he was sexually frustrated he was probably not the best in social situations.

your dad, stupid fucking roastie.

You've gone to "the club". What are you some kind of nigger?

He didnt and you cant use that as an argument. Only valid argument here is he never did talk to a female so he never got laid. End of story. Everything else is speculation and hypothesis. Stop it with your incel loving behaviour. Its not societys fault youre too scared to talk to a fucking female without sayinf "GIVE ME MILKIES REEE" like a fuckin 11 year old who looks at vines all day. Jesus fuck pull yourself together bro

Watch it, Satan

She is extremely adorable, and she is not a real Arab- she is 73% North African by her ancestry, but she is born and raised in Saudi.

Too bad she is a tumblrina femcunt. She could have made the perfect Muslim wife, but instead left Islam to embrace a braindead ideology

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>If you don't do heroin, your standards are too high.

No one is this retarded.

I think "club" is what niggers call a bar. I could be wrong.


To be fair, it's not really my kind of thing. Last time I went, I pretty much went exclusively just to try to attract good-looking women but got no real success. Honestly, the club is a shitty way to get laid anyway, since pretty much any woman there is with guys they're talking to, girlfriends on a girls' night out kind of thing, or just with friends in general. If you're going solo, you're pretty much fucked.

You honestly think any heroin junkie would trust someone like Elliot Rodger? They'd think he was a narc.

then you are genuinely ugly or hide in corners, congratulations.

Ive pulled girls in the club. Nothing really too hard. Just get drunk with buds and have a good time. Approach a couple of females if one of you is a 7 and above theyll all fight for his attention. Jow Forumsizen here so thats usually me and the other girls just settle for my avarage looking friends.

Shitskin. This is why everyone hates you. We're going to bomb you and that worthless syrian whore of the face of the map. Why don't you go to some jihadi message board where you belong?

>just approach females bro


Which Starbucks did he do that in? Like where in Goleta/SB?

Its not controversial, except among deluded WigNats, that brown girls are way sexier than white women.

In fact, when Elliot was focusing exclusively on blondes, he was actually lowering his standards because he knew he had no chance with all the sexy brown latinas that infest SB

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Yes you are a nigger?

His roommate said they invited him out to do things and he declined. He was probably playing WoW or posting on sluthate or whatever Elliot did in his spare time. His youtube videos are pretty amusing in my opinion but they get quite a bit of dislikes. He did attend classes I believe, how come none of the UCSB girls went on a coffee date with him? Did he ever ask?

Wonder if he died a virgin, really.

That's the problem. I literally have no good group of single, average-to-good-looking guy friends to go clubbing with. I think I need to find a good group of bros like that, because that's probably one of the reasons why I never get laid. All I have are a bunch of scattered friends here and there, and a lot of them are women who are married, and some are even gay, and those types can't really get you pussy.

Well, I'm black. I ain't no nigger, man.

Do you honestly think a girl cares whether or not you're alone or with a group of friends? If you're hot you're hot. The end.