Why can't life be more like this?

why can't life be more like this?

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because it just isn't
take the blackpill

This is too wholesome for this board

because after all, we're just animals

I had a friendship like this once
Then the normies stole Chad from me

I have that dynamic with some of my friends
>I'll say it again. Chad is cool guys, it's just dickheads you have to avoid

this desu
i had known Chads that i grew up with they all went after the party lifestyle and started doing heavy drugs
we'd always used to talk about deep things and life but i was a social outcast and he was a social butterfly
a friendship with a virgin and a chad never works

that's so nice. why can't r9k be more like this?

It works temporarily and it's the most bittersweet friendship ever

Instead of rejecting the responsibility of your dispacable life on others, why don't you try to improve a bit?
Sign in in some sport group, or whatever activity that involves you doing something with a group of people.

You'll build social relation within a month. If you are like this, lonely and everything, it is only because you are happy to be like this, you are happy to be able to complain and talk shit about others.

Deal with it.

I had a relationship like this with an older Chad when I was 9-12. Got molested.

That's why you got to date them instead user, virgin Chad love is pure.

Jow Forums here

I have a virgin friend that I always make time for. I helo him lift and diet he helps me with my crippling fear of losing my best friend. I take him out to clubs, he sometimes gives me solid advice on chicks. We're besties.

but i suck hard at all sports

why does this actually make me sad

Sport is just an exemple. And whatever level, just do something you enjoy.
If you don't like sport, do some stuff like art or music or whatever. There's a lot activities outside.

The good point of this is that when you join this kind of group, everyone have at least a common point, this interest for the same activity. So of course you can make friends easily like this.

This is refreshing from all the Chad hate memes I see here. I envy Chad but I don't wish harm to him. This kind of friendship would be somewhat ideal, but I feel as if I am far too robotic to fully resonate with people. All I really want is to be left alone in peace with myself.

It is every Chad I've known has actively encouraged me to keep going despite the fact I've never even held hands with another female besides my mother

It is like that after highschool.

You can do it, broski. We'll all find our warrior princess. Right now Im just going around fucking thots, but if that's not your style, I totally get that. Just remember, we can all improve upon ourselves and the first step on the staircase is always the hardest. Go out and make a conscious effort to have a conversation with at least one female a day even the cashier at the store. You can do it, bud.

Why is Pic related so relatable?

I'm currently in the same position. Friends with 2 Chad's and had to tell them I'm a virgin because they asked. They always encourage me to do things.

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My friends do the same for me. My friend even asks me how my skeleton ass is doing in the gym and sometimes we go together. We could go together every day but I would never go gym at 4pm,too much people and I get panic attacks, would only go at 9am.

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It's simpler to be friends with people who understand the life you lead than to make friends with beasts and try to get them to speak in the same manner.