Ask a jew

With all the shilling and slide thread lately i think its time to set some things straight with this gay place. Sharing jewish wizdom.

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do you have relatives that fit the jewish stereotypes (overbearing women, nebbish men)?

why does human life have intrinsic worth?

Sure. Like half the country here in israrl. The other half are arabs. You get so used to it doest seem likea caricature anymore. People act all the time mike they are in a theater play.

Why is it so fun to kill Jewish people and why doesn't it make anyone feel guilty ?

Because we get it only once. And it ends eventualy. If we were all immortal life would be more worthless.

When was the last time any body killed us jews? Nowadays its all briwn people in third world shitholes who get waxed left snd right.

Do you think jewish subversion of the west is just a zionist plot to ruin white countries, not so much about destroying white people, but because they need to make nonzionist jews move to israel once all the white countries are ruined and then they can justify to israels population the need for greater israel expansion?

pls be nice jewish boy bf

There is no subvesrsion its just buisness. Every action you see done in the world is done with one purpose alone. Getting rich. All that ideology and religion crap is just excuses that soe low class bumbasses acctualy believe. Even isis fighters fight for money. They are not zealots, they are merceneries.

Tell me more about the Torah

Is that even english? Is that an actual sentence?

Where is the Jewish gold, Kyle?

Good answer?
Or jewish trick!

In syria but the evil assad hides it. You must defeat him to get it goy.

I am jew,
And i tell you we both now worth the gas

Why are Jews screaming antisemitism at the fact Iceland wants to ban circumcision there? There's barely any Jews living there even. Can't a country follow its own path just like Israel?

Did the jews really trick everyone into worshipping their version of satan? Is the new abrahamic religions that sprang up from judaism actually just backwards jude to trick goyim into going to hell?


pick one

>Because we get it only once. And it ends eventualy. If we were all immortal life would be more worthless.

that's it?

that's all you've got

only get one chance at life so make the best of it?

that ain't jewish wisdom, that's mickey mouse hallmark greeting tier garbage

nah, you wanna know why human life has intrinsic worth, you go to the beginning of genesis and see God endow humanity with an immortal soul, reflecting Him in it's essence, and therefore declaring it sacred in His sight

take your disney milquetoast platitudes back to oprah you hack

How does it feel knowing there is a higher echelon of jews that run America and are pinning to take over the world and you're not part of it?

As i szid earlierIn buisness there are no rules. Getting richer is the end goal so all methods work. If you wont serve kids nuclear waste at the cafeteria your oponent will and you get to the real jewish promissed land, monopolised market
As for iceland, nationalism is a thing of the past and only damages the global market economy.
Basicly muh shekels!!!!

What best israeli/jew foods that someone with access to a large grocery store could probably make at home?

If you are dumb and dont understand what i said just say it, there is no shame in being stupid, compared to me everybody is stupid.
A goy hears make the best of life and wastes his life on eating food, doing drugs and (((traveling)))
A jew hears his life will end one day and waysts no time on stupid stuff and dedicates his on creating a banking system that controls the entire planet in a spiderweb of loans.

needs their psyop back, kid

Ever ask a girl to SUCC your CHEQ?

What percent cash/stocks are you holding right now?

Kodak film kameras and vhs tapes are going to make a big comeback in the next decade so right now all my money is in that fertile field.

It's about time we shifted our hatred towards those dirty Mormons since Jews will slowly die off and fade into irrelevance the next threat of course would be Mormon scum

Oh fuck I hope not but please at least make VCRs and camcorders record digital video this time.