What do you guys think about the "incel" terrorist that drove a van down a Toronto sidewalk deliberately?
What do you guys think about the "incel" terrorist that drove a van down a Toronto sidewalk deliberately?
What the fuck
I almost got a heart attack, I haven't been scared by anything off the internet this much in years
Wasn't the screenshot proven fake?
Pretty fucking epic if you ask me. More people need to start doing it honestly. Hell ide start a cult based around it and become another terror group if I were smart and charismatic enough to pull it off. But I'm not. So I can't and probably never will. It sucks.
I was going to post a normal image, but I saw the thumbnail of that spook and couldn't help myself. I apologize for any cardiac dilemmas, please have a wonderful day sir
I think he was an autistic guy who was tired with life as a lonely autistic, and wanted to die while also getting recognition so his memory would live on as a meme.
May have been, I don't know much about the case I just wanted rs two cents
He wasn't even successful enough to become a meme, I only just heard of this through rumors. Kind of sad really
I was there. Happened right outside my work. Saw a dude laying dead mangled in the street as I poured coffee. Ama I guess.
How was the coffee?
Fuck me, actually?? Did you see that cop arrest the guy or was he long gone by then?
Weak as always.
Nah there was lots of commotion when it was all happening. Dude got his shoes knocked off.
You should have run out and had a bout of fisticuffs with the scoundrel and show him a lesson or two
My thoughts are this: You can rant about chads and stacies all you want, but if you think killing people is gonna make you fuckable, you're dead wrong and the only way he'll ever get fucked is if his cellmates decide they are in desperate need of a bitch.
those psychotic incels don't have the capacity to think things out logically. they're mentally ill as can be.
He was a bitchboy Elliot Rodgers wannabe
>but if you think killing people is gonna make you fuckable
The guy clearly was trying to suicide by cop but the cop didnt by it
>The Young Turks
Fuckin' roaches.
Ah huh. Just like a movie right? Nah fuck that.
>trying to suicide by cop
Don't be silly. Everyone knows cops only kill black people. If he paid any attention to the history of recent white killers he'd know they always get taken in peacefully.
Just copied the first link I saw, I'm lazy
looks like a gas mask with a hellraiser cenobite streched over it.
still spooked me a bit.
Same, newfag took this place too seriously, probably found Jow Forums through YouTube and couldn't handle the irony.
I miss when our killers had some discretion. Mercer spent his last hours with us, the leaf didn't even try to understand the culture.
It was confirmed as genuine by facebook.
Nigger. How dumb do you have to be to honestly think this was an attempt to get laid? You are missing the point entierly. These sort of things are motivated by anger and desperation but they aren't attempts to fix the underlying cause. It's just lashing out at the world and crying for attention after having suffered alone in silence unnoticed and unwanted for so long. It doesn't justify the actions in the least nor does it mean there aren't valid reasons for them being alone but it's not that difficult to understand someone being angry at the world and in pain.
Simply being dismissive and writing the incels types off without understanding where the emotions come from is ignoring the issue at hand and isn't all that different from the "basket of deplorables" bullshit back during the election. We know first hand from what the MSM pulled there that further ostracising an already disenfranchised group only going amplifies things and galvanizes those people to act.
really don't care if he was "one of us" or not, he should be hung.
>killing people is gonna make you fuckable
Breivik, Aurora shooter, Cruz, Dylan Roof all have many female admirers now.