Was she a virgin beforehand?
Was she a virgin beforehand?
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degenerate japs God dMn reeeeeeeeeee
why did they do it bros?
Japanese that's all u need to know
>daydreaming about kicking those yakuza kids asses and saving her
any other homos do this?
Dozens of people knew about her while she was alive but nobody said a word. Her killers are walking free after a few years and brag about their infamy. Japanese are cowards.
She didn't deserve it, man. Fuck, it bums me out.
Wow someone should just stab them.
No one knows the answer I suppose
>Feeling sorry for women
>For any reason
Please go
Fuck you you fucking faggot! She was raped and tortured for god knows how much! Poor girl
Aww, some worthless whore who never would have contributed shit to society either way died. Im heartbroken.
>>>/reddit/. Youre literally orbiting a dead roastie, how much more pathetic can you get
I am not orbiting anyone. I am just saying that no one deserves to die like that edgelord.
First of all, who's she?
>moralfagging and calling people edgelords
>on Jow Forums
How can people be so heartless?
poor roastiee
Manga name please
>finding a way to be legitimately edgy on Jow Forums to the point people fucking call you out
It takes a special kind of fucking edginess
One of the guy's mothers supposedly desecrated her grave for ruining her son's life. I didn't know Japs could be like that.
Guy still got a gf afterward btw. Oh women.
cement girl
>ywn do this to attention whoring femanons on Jow Forums
feels bad man
Isn't japan the land of abuse against women? what those guys did was only two standard deviations more deviant from the mean treatment of women in society.
Concrete girl... I think?
Whats the story here never seen her before
delinquent culture
l-look guys I'm on Jow Forums and being edgy d-do I fit in yet g-guys
Being edgy was the norm back in the day. You know, oldfag times, before you came here. So you're trying to use moralfag counter-culture on a website (on Jow Forums of all places) to look cool, mature, intelligent, smart. But that's not how it works.
You manage to be even worse than the edgelords you hate so much. Because at least they belong here. You don't.
That being said, I feel sorry for Junko. Didn't deserve to go down like that.
mfw i read that manga
mfw i fapped to that manga
interesting to know that it was a real event
>Being edgy was the norm back in the day
Sure, tell yourself that kiddo
We both know you're here for less then 2 years
She didn't deserve that
Japs are some fucked up people and they let those kids get away with it
>someone actually made this
Japan is fucked
>get away with it
they all got the highest sentence possible because they were minors. If they were adults everyone would have been on death row
lt is quite graphic.
>t. edgy faggot trying to fit in
rip. you can see how her hair was falling out due to the stress
Just lol at the edgelords ITT, I downvoted each and every one of you. You would all be crying and praying to god if you experienced 1% of what she went through. In fact, you probably kick up a fuss when mommy makes you put away dishes.
>be rapist
>got thrown into prison
>said rapist got raped to death by other cellmate
>"haha u fucking deserve it u fucking scum"
Just lol at the edgelords ITT, I downvoted each and every one of you. You would all be crying and praying to god if you experienced 1% of what he went through. In fact, you probably kick up a fuss when mommy makes you put away dishes.
This is what you think you fucking normalfag, have some sympathy for the rapist wont ya?
how the fuck did they manage to get away with it? someone needs to fucking hunt them down and torture them to death
>look up sex offender registry
>find minors that have been convicted of sex with each other
>hook up with them
>technically, I'm raping a pedo, so it's morally okay
I dare you to find one fault with this plan
It's a really sad story
To think some people genuinely believe in a just world even after reading shit like this
She was too pure for this world
And before some faggots say "Durr she was a whore" this was the 80s, whorishness wasn't quite as common, especially not with teenagers
I don't know if she was too pure or anything like that, I just wonder how a bunch of kids can not only come up with something like this, but carry it out too.
I'm hardly an empathetic person yet I'm astonished by the level of perversion it takes to do what they did. Not to mention they're basically walking free, too.
I mean she was against smoking, drinking alcohol and drug usage.
She was popular beforehand, so at least she had a good life before
As for the "too pure for this world" I guess anyone who wouldn't do something like this is too pure for this world
Edge faggots are a easy way to spot underage.
>"haha you feel empathy for the girl who was tortured and brutally murdered, well she was probably a whore because I said so looks like you got owned"
Why are women so hostile to each other?