When is abortion okay, /r9k?
When is abortion okay, /r9k?
aii caramba vagina face..
always. the world needs less people, not more.
is this real? it looks like a creature from the nightmare realm
*hides thread now*
always. any time a woman doesn't want a baby, for any reason, that baby would be better of not being born.
When the baby has deformities like that creature. Also when the baby is non-white.
Always. Humanity shouldn't be propagated.
lol are you gonna come up with the technology to determine a fetuses race in utero?
Is that a real girl? How awful for her
Imagine the SUCC
really hard to say, there are some persistent cunts out there. The human mind was built to prevent death as long as possible, instinctively a lot of the would be deformed babies would prefer to live than not die.
I say just let nature play its course. There's plenty of freaks who end up having fulfilling lives.If the person who is born finds life intolerable then he/she should be allowed to commit suicide assisted if need be from the government.
but what if they are too fucked up to be able to do any of that?
how would you know? you wouldn't.
that's why it must be prevented
abortion is preventing horrific outcomes
why would anyone oppose it
When the mother is a Liberal or impoverished.
This is the sperm that won.
This is why we have abortion.
Anyways I didn't really answer your question. I guess if the doctor can say the child will be brain dead, or live in physical agony/complete paralysis for the rest of his life.
>abortion is preventing horrific outcomes
Well percentage wise that's not the case. More people are killing their would be children for selfish reasons instead of selfless reasons
the parents that keep these things alive are even more subhuman than their deformed offspring
for black babies and deformed babies its okay. those are the majority of all abortions
>that pic
Can you imagine the torture of dry mouth and being unable to swallow?
>percentage wise that's not the case
what? ha ha lol
preventing offspring is a null set
you have no idea how many are prevented
so you cannot say anything percentage-wise at all
>for selfish reasons
as if you knew anything about how each person felt, why they did anything, how can you say this
I thought you were concerned about the offspring, but I see you are only concerned with how it looks
what would you do to help the child when it is born? would you take care of it? No, you would say it has to fend for itself, that any suffering is good for it, that it needs to earn its way, not be coddled.
When you prevent a horrific outcome, you will never know just how horrific it would have been, because it has been prevented from ever happening.
but you think all potentials must be birthed. this is insane, psychotic, monstrous, horrific betrayal of human kindness to raise someone only to torture them.
I have never met an anti-abortionist who wasn't nasty monster seeking to harm children and force them into horror.
are you like that or not
When the baby is not white or has defects
When you're a low functioning ugly as fuck subhuman like me. I want to kill myself every time I see my face in the mirror, and every time I fail to use my brain correctly. I fucking hate my parents so much
1) If the parents are too old (40+)
2) If the parents won't be able to raise the child right (Jobless , single parents)
3) If the child has dissease
20 years after birth
you are not subhuman
you are okay I like ur post
I wish you did not have this pain
I may have to leave this place if all I run into is raw pain
Jow Forums is not explained at the top and 'robot9001' doesn't mean shit to me
what is this board even for
should be mandatory for babies that are retarded or have otherwise debilitating disabilities
Deformities like the one depicted in your picture are a rare occasion. So percentage wise more people are killing their would be children for selfish reasons. If the child is not incapacitated or in agony then most likely he would prefer to experience existence. Curiosity is a common trait we all share. Hardly do I ever hear stories of people going to x country to have their womb torn open because they had a freak child. In most cases they go out there to prevent a healthy child from being born because of financial, ethics, or infidelity reasoning
Now I'll explain to you what I meant by selfish. Sexual intercourse is a normal thing that happens between humans so I wont hold them accountable for doing so, but if your actions lead o a pregnancy, and your child is the the perfect offspring then you should not be selfish and prevent your child from existing because he is born with down syndrome or deformities.
>what would you do to help the child when it is born?
how am I directly responsible for the child birth, and why is responsibility for its life place upon my hands when the child doesn't carry my genes? Just because I don't wish an uneventful existence on a being who has done no wrong, shouldn't make me accountable for his college tuition. It sets a moral standard for every human, its the same thing as saying "Well I wouldn't want someone to run you over, because that's sort of fucked up" that doesn't mean I'll have to pay your life insurance in case you get ran over
I already told you I agree with what you mean by "horrific outcome" It's in the second sentence of this post >you will never know just how horrific it would have been
but I would, the doctors tell you...it's their job
Did an eldritch god fuck her and she decided to keep it?
I was right
you are a fucked up monstrosity of a shill
you pretend to care about the baby, but only in a narcissistic way, and will gladly torture the baby to death after it is born
you sneer and say you refuse to pay insurance, to help the baby in any way, while also saying it must be born and instead of thinking clearly and logically, you spout catholic and evangelical talking points
you are monstrous and disgustingly evil.
you should be killed and anyone else like you.
it would be a mercy you would never deserve or earn, but at least we'd be rid of you
wow, the new scp;containment breech is looking good