You say you fear rejection but is being accepted for who you are what you truly fear? Are you afraid of love?

You say you fear rejection but is being accepted for who you are what you truly fear? Are you afraid of love?

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No, I doubt my abilities.

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who isn't, kek

you're misunderstanding the pathology

people don't fear rejection although it does anxiety

people fear being defined therefore concrete and confined

people fear the reality of who they actually are

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post more comfy pictures pls, oregono papi

On the topic of friends, I'm simply tired of being rejected. I don't fear it, but it is annoying and rather pointless to try when failure is ever-present in every attempt thus far. Simply talking to people is easier, not really interested in friends or relationships anymore. My only motivation was the constant shame and pressure from my family, and after a while they stopped asking so I stopped worrying. I don't feel love, so I don't see a reason to be afraid of it.

Yes I am afraid of something. I just don't know if it is love or not.

>Are you afraid of love?
Not afraid. I don't need it now. It would only complicate things.

>Are you afraid of love?


>people fear being defined
what a crock of shit
oh did that scare you

I fear opening up to people and being myself

i'm afraid that nobody deserves me and i would never subject a woman i love to being with me.

I don't think anyone could ever accept me for who I am. People only take interest in me on a superficial level. For one reason or another they think I'm interesting or unusual, but they always loose interest sooner or latter as if they're bored of their new toy or something.

Yes I am. What now?

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nah, I'm definitely afraid of rejection.

Since I'm so sick of the fucking know it all cunt and his so called pathology bull fuckin shit, who probably hasn't even had a blown in his useless lif3. Maybe we don't get to time to show who tf we are, bc people have no idea what taking it slow really means, and get rejected before even revealing precise information. Humans process thoughts & emotions at different times, especially if you have bpd oh well good luck with being judgey on every person u meet bc your a little know it all cunt

Im afraid ill never be accepted for who i am. and If there was someone who would love me for who I am id be emotionally empty by time I found them through trial and error. It takes too much to really open up to someone, and it takes too long

I just dont want any people close to me.

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Accepted by whom? Some manchildren who fap to the same things you do? Other people will always hurt you. You can't trust anyone. Why would you want a relationship, ever? Even if you find someone who puts up with your failure of a being there is zero guarantee it lasts.

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No, afraid of opening up
Because I could end up being hurt
So I closed myself to everyone
Never had a meaningful relationship when I was a normie anyway
One day I'll find someone

No, don't read armchair psychology blogs and shitposts.