Welllll Jow Forums? Thoooughts?

Welllll Jow Forums? Thoooughts?

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Dylan is a boring faggot. Replace him with Adam Lanza and then maybe we can talk.

whos the guy in the top right?

There would be no argument, only peace on Earth as they purge the world of the normalkin.

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East Area Rapist

What Nazi general is that

Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS

Heinrich Himmler the original

>5 guys sit in silence as one screams something in german

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Elliot Rodger would sit in the corner and not say a word.

I think that's Hideki Tojo.

You should know your nazi's

God, I have to play nice automata. I keep putting it off.

i think you should go back

What would they argue about?

its heimlich himner you retard

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Himmler would be arguing the case for gassing Elliot Rodger

You know about the robot, fagget.

And elliot would accuse him of being jealous of him and then go back to not talking

5 retarded nobody's and arguably the third most powerful man in nazi germany that also has command of the SS. Himmler would have these 5 sent to camps or executed if they looked at himmler the wrong way.

Elliot would brag about his English aristocrat heritage or something.

repeated letters don't make a post original, i was referring to your gay meme

>repeated letters don't make a post original
Yeah, actually they do.

Eric probably would be arguing for it too.

Himmler was a Nazi and Nordic Supremacist so he wont get along with the Elliot however Kemper (who was the most alpha out of all them) being 6'9 and with an IQ of 145 would be viewed by Himmler as a perfect Aryan

Eliot would probably get jealous of Kempers natural physical talents and of Himmler Ideals

Original night stalker was never caught so we don't know anything about like other than e likes raping women also I personally don't know anything about Columbine killers