At the beach

>at the beach
>see some stoners smoking what is obviously a blunt
>call the cops on them
>operator asks me to identify what they look like
>tell him they look like normies
>he doesnt understand so i just tell him what clothes they are wearing and their race
>ten minutes later beach patrol shows up to their tent and arrests one of them

Attached: cgdg.jpg (259x194, 7K)

good work, you're a real hero.

Great job OP, potheads are annoying

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>they look like normies
Everyone looks like a normie you imbecile, that's why they're called normies. What were you thinking? Autist fuck


You did good work user. I hate druggies/potheads

>be me smoking a blunt
>not harming anyone, no one is around for miles
>see op
>hes furiously typing on his phone, glancing at us periodically
>ask him if he wants to hang out; we'll put out the blunt if he's uncomfortable
>he murmurs something and walks away angrily
>have a good rest of my night and go home
>tfw live in a legal state

>harming people just for the sake of it
Kys and leave other people alone

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>dude WEED bro im so relaxed right now like just relax mannnnn
>im gonna call the cops on you for breaking the law

Every time

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b8 and gay

>pot is smoking a blunt too and only came to take ours

>not living in a country where nobody gives a shit if you smoke weed

>and everybody clapped, originally

But why is it a law?

>smoke weed
>go to movies stoned out of my mind
>hang out in the park
>watch videos and listen music in my house with mates

Life is good. Shame that it's not legal everywhere. If you are oppossed to weed you have never smoked or atleast not the good shit and most likely had a bad experience.

Can someone post the WEEDLY DEEDLY copypasta?

based pepe poster

Not against weed but fucking normies is always a good idea. Well done OP. I hope that normalfag gets raped in prison

Good job, op. Keep it up

I live in a place where little impotent faggots like you can't do shit like that. I'm going to smoke an extra huge blunt driving to work today and I'll dedicate it to every little faggot in this thread. Then I'll spend a comfy day at work getting stoned. Meanwhile you'll sit here whining about how sone dumb bitch won't suck you off. Then I'll buy even more weed which I will smoke on the way home to a tasty dinner and a comfy evening of playing vidya.

Helping enforce the law = murderous cunt

>can't get through the workday without getting high multiple times, even on his commute
Not sure where you live but there is no way that's legal (or healthy for your mind/body)

you seem like a decent guy.
Actually most of the potheads I met were super chill and got up or to another location when I asked them to, because my gf didn't like it.

I love how triggered reddit gets by threads talking about snitching on dealers/drug addicts. It's so fucking easy to separate them from actual robots. It's even better how they try to seem better than the OP, maybe adding in some irony, but instead their posts just come across as impotent seething.

>going to the beach
Fucking faggot you don't belong here

I don't live near you so I'm happy that you're going to smoke lots of weed and give yourself mild brain damage, lol.

You're a cunt. Stoners are retarded but so are wet blankets like yourself

>go to beach
>people hidden behind trees
>beachgoers are practising illegal nudity
>also smoking
>call cops
>trees are gone next years
take that, nature!

>brain damage

well meme'd

Attached: brainletslime.jpg (250x200, 6K)

Brain Damage: the ninth track on Dark Side of the Moon
Weed and Brain Damage do go well together