
tfw no Asian gf edition

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gimme asian qt gf

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Might try my hand at acting lads.

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Hope you're all getting your bod ready for summer. Not long now

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*casually flexes in a tight fitting t-shirt*
alright ladies?

>parents coming round tonight
>flat in an absolute state

I don't know where to even start lads

Need to put on a lot of weight fast lads.

Just got this in my journal from universal credit
>Hi, I have chased up and received the forms I needed from ESA, I will re calculate and make a payment today. I will also look into your housing and will add a full explanation in your journal regards Janice
Does that mean I'll get the money today, or in a couple days?

yes, they can put sameday payments through

Bennies go in at midnight tonight lads

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I think I unironically hate crona, not just dislike him. I have not felt actual hatred for someone for years. Fucking despise everything about the cunt.

Do you think they will though? It's because they fucked up my claim and didn't put me down as been in the support group and were only paying me the amount for someone on jsa. My next payment is due in 3 days so I guess that's been released already so she's just going to re check and send me the different. Or at least that's what I think she's doing. Just unsure if she'd rush it through or set it to go in in 3 days.

It's usually at about 2-3am...

I never look forward to bennies day because it means that's when my drinking bender begins. 220 goes in and 3 days later it's all gone on booze and coke.

i'll swap you lad
need to lose a lot of weight fast lads

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Same, he's a lying attention whore, better to not even talk about him because he enjoys the attention.

how skinny are you?

>inb4 crona calls you tilde

hes an unlikable cunt with no redeeming qualities

if she has said she will make a payment today I would be expecting one

Read the OP here.

Female power rankings;
>cute Asains
>spicy latinas
>thicc negress
>white 'women'

Twentieth for remove mould.

pls lad don't banish me to Jow Forums
i just want to eat pizza and not feel disgusting while playing vidya and watching anime

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you forgot Jewish mummy milkers

asian or azn?

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>girl(boy)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all of them

I can't fault your rankings but what about mixed race lad? They can be 10/10 if they end up with the best traits of both

male power rankings
>males that can spell asian
>males that can't
>males that spell thick "thicc"

>males that can spell asian
>males that can't
>males that spell thick "thicc"
>downs syndrome kids
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>faggots that complain about spelling mistakes

This is true, most of the best negresses have some white in them.

>get pure qt Jap gf
>she instantly becomes impure from being with the likes of me

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good god, did they make that movie just for him?

just found out my parents told all our family and some of their friends about my recent autism diagnosis despite me asking them not to
why would they do this

>wizards that don't care about women
>wannabe wizards that can't spell and get upset when they are corrected on their spelling

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when(if) i move out im never telling my parents where i live, my even move to a different end of the country tbf

lol yeah sure she is entirely pure and wasn't impure and hiding it when she met you
wtf even is a pure

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Please hold the camera steady. I don't look at webms of qts to get motion sick

I think this is Jun

eat your pizza then stop eating for the rest of the day

>the elephant man
>literal swamp creatures

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lad if I actually had a gf I wouldnt be posting here

>Tomoko-Chans posts were mature and composed


Any more proof this cunt is faking his character for attention?

Idk why but I just naturally aggravate people. I think I'd compare myself to someone like Martin Shkreli in that regard. I think it comes with my Asperger's

>why would
>you hurt
>my feelings
>like this

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I hope so. That's a feud I would enjoy

I made loads of big, contemplative posts last year about various topics that interested me

Shkreli is self-aware and does it all on purpose for attention, a bit like you I suppose.

Great now my yellow fever is acting up

same mate. 69kg at 6'3

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You're angsty teenage tumblr posts weren't mature and composed, sorry.

your just an attention seeking cunt. And now you're probably stroking your little ding dong because you got some replies

220? thought it was 250?

>11 in the morning
>already smoked 7 cigs

so much for cutting down, im still normally in bed at this time

>crona does not know why being a hate filled cowardly ratty cunt that wishes upon people happier than him makes other people hate him

Don't use your autism as an excuse because i have high functioning autism. You're a horrible person and I would love to beat the shit out of you.

I only have one an hour unless I'm really drunk

Depends what you're on. ESA can be 170 or 250, PIP I think is 220... I don't even know it's nothing, not enough to live on for a normal person.

lads its my birthday

can i get a (you) ?

You absolutely can you lovely lad

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>calling me a horrible person
>saying you want to use violence against me because you don't like me
I think you're the horrible person

Also idk why all the basedboys and normies come out against me but never against anyone else who expresses racist, misogynistic, or anti-normie sentiment

>I would love to beat the shit out of you.
>getting this riled on a fishing forum

happy birthday to (you)
happy birthday to (you)
happy birthday dear ladanon
happy birthday to (you)

At the bingo with mummy and her fren now lads

Got no Apu pics to use on my phone

lads i can't stop smoking

One year closer to the sweet release of death, lad.

>I think you're the horrible person

Think whatever you want about me, i dont care. Your opinions are worthless because you are a psycho cunt. Bit rich from you saying that using violence against people is horrible when you are the one wishing death upon "normies". Most people would agree that punching a nazi in the face is morally justified, which is kinda what you are, but a more retarded and cowardly version.

I think that morals are extinguished when you enter a particular Territory of life. i am not going to value your life when you dont value anyone elses.

i consider you an enemy and i mean that seriously.

you are the one that was looking for love on here so you can fuck right offy ou hypocrite. who cares if is a forum, he still means what he says.

Because you're a normie who wants to be a woman so you just come across as a massive hypocrite

i do not want to die of copd

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>Hes so pathetic the only way to get his dick wet is by orbiting mentally ill trannies on a fishing forum


Another thread getting ruined by the usual suspects

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>I don't like what you say
>therefore I designate you my enemy
>therefore I am justified in using violence against you
Imagine being such an angry brainlet

I was being perfectly comfy and had pleasant conversations in the thread until this guy started sperging out. Blame him

I blame you because you're an insufferable cunt

I can't help it if someone dislikes me. But they're the one constantly going on about how much they dislike me

anyone here ever cut their own hair? fringe is getting a bit long and I can't be arsed to go to the barbers for just a fringe trim.

>couple lads at work asking me if I want to go to Amsterdam to get baked and maybe shag a hooker
>one of them has a criminal record, pretty sure they do coke too
>can't decide if joining them could be the dumbest decision of my life or the greatest

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>LSD didnt arrive today
guess I'll just be a disgusting drunk then

can't know unless you go

>tfw crona hounded ebin out
>tfw crona won the tranny wars and hounded tilde out
>tfw crona forged alliances with dm, sagiri, and moni in pursuit of his goal of conquest
>tfw crona now rules over /britfeel/ with an iron fist
>tfw crona won
>tfw crona was working on this for almost an entire YEAR

Are you a downie? you are the one advocating violence against "normies" because they live a better life than you, hypocrite. You have no defense because you first entered a territory of life where morals are extinguished. Again, why should i value your life when you dont value other peoples?

i never said i was justified, i never said i was going to do anything, i said i would love to.

go on, keep pretending you have the moral highground while contradicting yourself. you are the mong here.

Today I can't stop eating, I woke up so hungry and had 2 sandwiches and 2 choc ices or whatever they're called. Then I had 2 packs of crisps and was like I've got to stop snacking have a proper meal so I had 2 eggs, 2 mushrooms a tin of beans and some toast. Now I've just had 2 bottles of water, a kitkat and a pack of crisps.

Wtf lads how do I stop? I'm still hungry.

>Ebin and Tilde take over /britfeel/
>it's shit
>they get replaced
>it's shit
Fuck this power vacuum

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No shit but I don't want to come to the conclusion it was a bad idea while in a Dutch prison or trying to fish one of them out a canal

When I drop BBC live stream URL into mpv it doesn't always play and takes a few attempts? Why?

>Ebin and Tilde take over /britfeel/
they were balanced out by Shippy and Britnormie

You are being fucking BAITED you mong

>But they're the one constantly going on about how much they dislike me

you are wrong once again. I ignore you 95% of the time. I am hounding you now because you have pissed me off. you cant go around saying extremely controversial things and not expect people to get pissed off. you are so stupid

If its only your fringe just do it yourself, what difference does it make anyway?

only you know if you're a real "robot" or not, we can't answer that for you. If you are then don't go, you'll hate it. If you're just a pretty normal guy with no mental issues then you'll probably enjoy it.

I dont think it is bait, crona is just this stupid.

just took doggo for walkies

good boy

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tf w no 16yo pretty asian qt boy to suck on my willy

did he take a big poo

hate dogs, does yours bark non stop every time you're about to take him for a walk? Mine does

>watching a kinoshita yuka video
>scroll down to look at the comments

>you beautiful girl like eat good job and good luck


dunno why I find that so funny, like reading an apu apustaja post

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no he did poopoo in the garden this morning

no my dog is good boy, he doesn't bark when he wants anything, doesn't get aggressive with other dogs or anything like that. when another dog comes up to him he just stands there while the other dog licks his willy actually.

Anyone know when Amazon sends replacements out? Do they send them only after they receive the item?

tfw slimming world for the fifth time

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>spilled coco pops fucking everywhere

I'm so alone
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Someone please hug me

ebin and tilde were at least decent human beings

No they weren't, they were bitter at everyone that wasn't the other.

>slimming world
never gonna make it

I saw an advert for some kind of weight loss supplement yesterday and it said
>[can] help you lose 3 times as fast
and the first thing I thought was, well why not diet for 3 times longer? I mean if you can do 3 months then you can do 12 months.
and THEN I thought even more, hang on... why do they want it to be over so quickly?
what are they planning to do once they finished dieting? just go back to eating crap all the time?

so yeah, it won't work

seriously how the fuck do dm and sagiri justify being cronas friends to themselves?