Why is vidya so good?
Whenever I'm feeling anxious or nervous for no reason I just hop on some vidya and it's all good :)
Any other robots here love vidya?
Why is vidya so good?
Whenever I'm feeling anxious or nervous for no reason I just hop on some vidya and it's all good :)
Any other robots here love vidya?
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Too depressed to enjoy video games anymore. I don't know that feel.
I used to know that feel
then I got old
vidya has suddenly become shit since arma 2
it's called a temporary distraction, anything that distracts you from day to day life you'll probably enjoy it
>generic google searched image of video game culture you'd find in a magazine catalogue from 2003
>emoticon use
>calling it vidya and even renaming the image vidya.jpg
Absolute boomerpost
I love me some competitive gaming. Too bad it is dying across all genres since newmale casual goys hates anything remotely competitive.
I don't understand single player story railroad type of games. Bitch nigger if you want some story go read a book.
>Comparing a book to a videogame
Reading can be pretty tiring, no book can compare to the experience of playing Mgs3
>Reading can be pretty tiring
If you're a brainlet, yes.
>Too bad it is dying across all genres since newmale casual goys hates anything remotely competitive.
how can you say this? competitive online games are at their absolute peak in all of vidya history right now, pubg, fortnight, mobas, overwatch, csgo, it's all people play anymore.
>I don't understand single player story railroad type of games
you're a part of the contingent of people that are killing the industry in favour of twitchbait competitive online games that are extremely over saturated right now. I'm not saying competitive games are bad, or people who play them are bad, but you are hurting the rest of us with this kind of mentality.
>pubg, fortnight, mobas, overwatch, csgo
all those things became popular because it's just some other, better game, but with watered down mechanics to pander casuals incapable of putting effort into a game
especially first two and oh boy don't get me started on overwatch
>you're a part of the contingent of people that are killing the industry in favour of twitchbait competitive online games that are extremely over saturated right now
gaming would be better without shit like overwatch and battle royale garbage
i don't know anything about cesspool called twitch so i'll just take your word for it
>you are hurting the rest of us with this kind of mentality
how? by not buying shitty games?
don't get me wrong, I like good singleplayer games with good gameplay and deep mechanics
the problem is that there's so few of them
I don't understand how is fortnite "watered down?"
as far as I know there isn't any battle royale games that's similar to fortnite.
how does one still enjoy videogames?
they help me make time go by but i almost never get any sort of feelings from them anymore
battle royale in general is just a T/FPS arena with loot rng, spawn rng and stupid revive mechanic if you play in team
for fortnite specifically its also weapon spread rng
pubg did better in that regard at least
by not having attention span of a goldfish
are you implying im a retarded adhd?
scrw u buddy
>all those things became popular because it's just some other
they are, by definition, competitive multiplayer games, and you did happen to gloss over mobas. Anything, that is online and competitive, is humongous and is worth billions per genre. This is undeniable. Esports exist, it is not dying at all, it's growing at an exponential rate.
>gaming would be better without shit like overwatch and battle royale garbage
of course, but it's not just these games are extremely big right now either. Mobas, which I'm sure you play since you like starcraft and warcraft, are probably the biggest things ever right now.
>how? by not buying shitty games?
you are incentivising publishers to be appeal to the competitive market that exists right now, to make their games more moba-esque, battle royale and esport friendly. the whole concept of lootboxes, skins and microtransactions are now even sneaking into classically singeplayer games and other online games. What happens is by ignoring the hundreds, if not thousands, of quality singe player experiences, you are sending a signal to publishers that consumers don't want that, that consumers would rather another competitive online game to sink thousands of hours into. This is horrendous for the industry and why there has been a lot of stagnation recently.
>the problem is that there's so few of them
there really isn't, you simply need to open your mind and play more. there's roughly three decades worth of singleplayer video games that need your attention.
>they are, by definition, competitive multiplayer games, and you did happen to gloss over mobas. Anything, that is online and competitive, is humongous and is worth billions per genre. This is undeniable. Esports exist, it is not dying at all, it's growing at an exponential rate.
sure. I'm just saying that they're becoming much more hollow progressively. competition is sacrificed in favor of entertainment. games like starcraft and battlerite are dying while mobas and overwatch flourish.
>Mobas, which I'm sure you play
huh? why would I play mobas when I'm capable of playing RTS? I hate mobas with passion.
also, games that rely on teamplay to bring competition is another shit I hate.
>probably the biggest things ever right now
nothing tops pubg and mobas not doing so great lately
lol is dying so hard riot had to sell their soul to blizz
dotes are half-dead for couple of years now
>you are incentivising publishers to be appeal to the competitive market that exists right now, to make their games more moba-esque, battle royale and esport friendly. the whole concept of lootboxes, skins and microtransactions are now even sneaking into classically singeplayer games and other online games. What happens is by ignoring the hundreds, if not thousands, of quality singe player experiences, you are sending a signal to publishers that consumers don't want that, that consumers would rather another competitive online game to sink thousands of hours into. This is horrendous for the industry and why there has been a lot of stagnation recently.
How? I'm not incentivizing anything lmao.
I'm not going to hop into your freshly made hip new competitive multiplayer lootbox simulator.
Because it doesn't make it good and no good competitive game was made with e-sports in mind.
Sure they're fun but it's not like the bad thoughts go away while I'm playing. And after I'm done it's not like things get any better.
>Too bad it is dying across all genres since newmale casual goys hates anything remotely competitive.
>games like starcraft and battlerite are dying while mobas and overwatch flourish.
I'm confused as to how competitive games can both be flourishing, but at the same time be dying because everyone hates them because casuals don't like anything remotely competitive?
>huh? why would I play mobas when I'm capable of playing RTS? I hate mobas with passion.
then I was wrong
>also, games that rely on teamplay to bring competition is another shit I hate.
So Battlerite is a game you hate but used it as an example of a better competitive game than League?
>How? I'm not incentivizing anything lmao. I'm not going to hop into your freshly made hip new competitive multiplayer lootbox simulator. Because it doesn't make it good and no good competitive game was made with e-sports in mind.
I'm using the royal you, since I said you are a part of a contingent and have a specific mentality. Basically, preferring competitive online games and ignoring good singleplayer games because of an arbitrary bias means the publishers will forget about making good singleplayer games and cater to you, since that's where all the money is. You may not realise this, but competitive "gamers" are the majority, even the casuals.
As much as I love reading, games, while more limited than books in some aspects, provide a much different way of telling a story.
>You don't have to outright say everything that exists like in a book, leaving more room for discovery.
>more interactive (and I don't mean in the shitty ways where the game makes you move the mouse in yhe right to open shit or whatever, I mean in how you can explore)
>allows the creator much more control of the atmosphere, and allows lots of experimentation.
Video games have been studied and developed over the past few decades to be addicting like gambling.
I used to love vidyagames then an internet friend woke me the fuck up, and now I'm just depressed and can't continue playing games because they no longer hold the fun value that I can extract out of.
>as far as I know there isn't any battle royale games that's similar to fotnite.
your retarded lol