Why do soldiers kill civilians?
Why do soldiers kill civilians?
Maybe because you're such a faggot
Normally they don't, but boomers are special kind of scum.
Fake n gay , stfu fagot
A lot of the people in the military have tons of mental problems and are what most people would describe as subhuman in mind. They're the kind of people who absolutely need the military structure in order to even remotely appear human in every day society.
They're not sociopaths how you would imagine them to be, but they don't have understanding for things such as an appreciation for life or understanding that just because something doesn't look like you doesn't mean it's mindless.
They're the kind of people who think animals can't feel any emotion and sometimes even pain.
because civilians resist occupation and attack them
because the civilians where aiding the vietcong, they were only civilians when it suited them, USAF should have torched every fucking villiage
Should we have torched every American town because civilians in the 13 colonies supported independence?
yes, letting america rebel was a huge mistake
Nice dubs, I agree entirely.
Literally the army programs them to hate the country they're attacking.
lol, i love when fags get btfo
>throw the Viet cons baby up and catch it with your bayonet
A quote from a relative quoting his drill sergeant.
I wonder what they'll do when shit in America gets real enough that martial law looks feasible.
Will they train soldiers to hate other American or will they have to come up with something new?
>the USA doesn't hate itself already with it's huge prison rates, and gun violence, racism, etc half left half right etc
Laughing my ass off at you.
It just happens in war. Civilians are often more guilty for things going on than the media tells you. Especially in the age of terrorism and guerilla warfare. Many soldiers who commit such murders believe the civilians to be aiding the enemy in some way.
I'm not a yank so I have an excuse to not know what's going on in the asylum you call a country.
>and gun violence, racism
What's wrong with this?
>he thinks there are civilians in warfare
Just because some jack-offs in Geneva thought they could make things more streamlined, doesn't mean horrible shit doesn't happen.
Especially when your soldiers are sub-90 IQ and have extreme amounts of TESTOSTERONE
Next you'll say water boarding and other torture is justified.
If you're a Brit you can go fuck yourself for trying to infect every country with your system then expecting egotistically them to be compatible with your ways.
no idea but i would of loved to be like that heli gunner in fmj and mow down a couple hundred gooks in the rice fields.
only country that even matters gayboy
So you are a Southerner? Or some idiot who thinks all Americans are yankees?
They're doing that already by splitting off the liberal population into either conforming with the idea of a fascist system or being lumped with fat moronic hysterical women in the public view. There will come a time then when the "liberals" will radicalize and the military will deal with it like it's a joke, because they've turned it into a joke, and we'll see it as a great victory and go right into our fucking prison Orwellian nightmare thinking we've won.
They're making libertarians look silly by having fucking morons and hobos run their political party, thus making people who believe the government's responsibilities begin and end at merely maintaining a state of liberty and protection for the country look ineffectual and silly. They won't take our guns; they'll have us use them to enforce each other. Everyone is each other's prison guard thinking that they're the warden.
Yeah, boomers are the only generation who killed innocent when they were soldiers.
That hasn't happened in every fucking war ever in the history of mankind.
Fucking retard.
They thought they were killing robots
Because "le weak should fear le strong ecks dee".
what are you even trying to say? you know our military is a fucking joke right? only retards join and they get barely any training outside of how to do pushups.
I know you can logically put together that it wouldn't be our military alone so why are you trying to shitpost pretending you don't understand the entirety of the situation?
most people in general are of questionable/low moral character let alone the type which usually comprises an army -- the poor, the aimless, the underachieving, uneducated and bored. add weapons to that mix and it's not surprising bad things happen