It's your own fault.
That's the black pill, and it's bitter enough that you'll go to the grave before you swallow it.
It's your own fault.
That's the black pill, and it's bitter enough that you'll go to the grave before you swallow it.
epic post my dude
If everything is our fault, that means that we have the power to control everything in our life, and that is simply not true.
i wouldnt be at fault if i hadnt been created, thanks cunt
this post is fucking me up
So it' my fault that females are soulless, disloyal cheaters who have no regard for men and just use them as tools and assets with not a shred of empathy? Good to know I'm omnipotent. What else can I do?
Not your fault, in fact, the vast majority of people look down on people like that,and no not all females are like that, please stop looking at the world through this unrealistic r9k filter, geez man.
>the vast majority of people look down on people like
lol what year are you living in this is 2018 lmao
Most people are good, despite it being the current year. And who honestly gives a fuck about assholes anyways? Fuck em in the neck. They don't deserve the attention of a fucking rat.
most people arent good, maybe the older generations but theyll VERY soon be gone, most people are "not bad" at best
yeah. it is. I could have been a nice boy, a social boy, a clever boy. but I chose this. I dont have the moral character necessary to get myself out right now...maybe one day
you are seriously a mental midget if you attribute random chance to being your fault.
in fact, you never even hear the words "chance" and "probable" out of normie mouths because they've been brainwashed to believe they're in control of everything, kek.
That would have to mean we're all born equal and identical and in equal and identical circumstances.
People have zero control over most things that caused them to be the way they are. You think chads are that way because they simply willed themselves to be chads?
Everything about that comment is dead wrong, fix urself, go out more.
The real black pill is that we don't need sex to be happy, so you can just laugh at how slutty woman are without taking it personal or hating them. The bible even says you are better off single, because the pursuit of sex ties you up in the shallow games of the flesh.
Stay a victim, see where that gets you.
no, everything you just said is dead wrong, unfix yourself, don't go out as much.
You have the power to control your response
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
how is acknowledging that random chance isn't your fault being a victim?
stop making shit up.
tree huggers BTFO
Nearly everyone (excluding someone who's a vegetable, for example) can improve themselves and their situation to different degrees, but that doesn't mean everyone can improve themselves and their situation to a satisfactory level.
Pretty much. These incels and robots bitching about being virgins just have no spiritual growth, they are monkeys obsessed over smelly fuck holes.
I'm not even religious but I went to church a while back and I felt like a fucking alpha male for the first time in my life, because there being a virgin was cool. That made me realize that we're too caught up in the mainstream views of putting sex on a pedestal, when there are entire groups of people who value being sexually conservative.
Stop putting women on a pedestal and stop assuming they're all impure sluts
Accept it's your fault, but accept yourself enough to forgive yourself and move on
Only when you don't allow soulless whores, nor your own anger with the world to bring you down you are free
>and stop assuming they're all impure sluts
That's the stupidest shit you could do.
I know and I do my best to reverse the curse, I wasn't at the best of my abilities in the last few years. I will make it change.
OP speaks the truth.
Not everyone is given the same hand of cards to play with, but as long as there are 3rd world brown people emigrating, putting themselves through expensive American university and finding good jobs here, then not a single one of you has any viable excuse.
Autism is not an excuse. Social anxiety is not an excuse. Having a single mother rather than 2 parents is not an excuse. You control the way you perceive the world around you and you control the way you react to it. Do you choose to be bitter and self-centered, saying you should have gotten to have XYZ and life isn't fair to you and you were doomed from the start? That mentality is very comfy because it excuses you from fault which means you won't have to feel guilty about how badly you've fucked your life up so far.
You can instead choose to be grateful, hard working, and take your future into your hands. No one gets anything for free. Chad whose rich father bought him a fancy car - he lives in the shadow of his father's footsteps, being held up to a much higher standard than most of you dream of. Stacy who gets endless attention for her looks wakes up early every morning to do yoga and intensive skin care and spends hours in the afternoon taking pictures in workout attire so she can make money on instagram.
What steps are you robots making to get what you want? I'm honestly curious.
thinking things are this simplistic is blue pilled as fuck
It's bullshit peddled by low IQ, middle classed NEETS who really did only have to use a little motivation and accountability to turn their lives around.
>I'm not even religious but I went to church a while back
Why? I mean what gave you that idea?
I'd feel like a fraud if I went to church. I agree with some christian principles but I'm not one myself.
>no one is going to reply to the best post ITT
Go figure everyone avoids the true black pill and instead wants to take the black-sugar-coated blue pill because it's comfier.
jehovah witnesses are persuasive
>blacks, women, poor people ect are all opressed by the system and can't be expected to do better than they are
>somehow all of my problems are soley my fault
Fuck "pills". Everyone's "truth" is different.
>but as long as there are 3rd world brown people emigrating, putting themselves through expensive American university and finding good jobs here
this is convoluted bullshit. rich brown people are putting their children through expensive colleges or are getting visas.
there are no poor brown people coming over here, going to Stanford, what are you smoking on kid?
It's your fault that you fell for the meme.
That's like an orange pill, you will grow up in time OP and realise it wasn't your fault.
Check the brainlet
Fucking casuals, this is babby tier
The true black pill is realizing that responsibility doesn't exist and that nothing is your or anyone else's "fault" for the only thing that matters is what is.
Yellow pill: you piss into your own mouth and the warm stream enlightens you to universal knowledge and virtue.
why hasn't everyone done this?
Then its the level you feel is satisfactory is the problem. Your expectations are unrealistic.
We are the masters of our own destinies, for better or worse. You must decide whether the you that is indifferent to your future or the you that keeps chasing the horizon will survive. The you that lashes out inwardly and outwardly or the you that knows how to forgive and not be weighted down. You will either decide to love yourself or hate yourself, regardless it will be your decision and you will have to live with it.
Just because you think who is at fault is irrelevant doesn't mean that no one is at fault. What you are talking about is irrelevant to this thread, you can claim nothing matters.
At the very least, realize you may likely die without achieving much of what you desire and try to man up about it. To delude yourself into thinking your life is great is escapism garbage acceptable to no-one but cowards.
I know its my fault you asshole, why do you think I'm filled with so much regret and self loathing?
>clean ur room sort urself out lol
It feels like one step forward two steps back, Doesn't matter how often you wake up at 6am and work out and eat right if you have nothing to do it for.
You literally could not be farther from the truth. The truth is that our lives were determined before we were born and every "choice" we make is dictated by forces far beyond our control. This blackpill is so hard to swallow that normalshits will do whatever they can to avoid accepting it.
Live according to your values rather than according to your goals.
Your goals may not all be attainable sometimes for reasons outside of your control, but if you live as the sort of person you admire you will live fulfilled
I agree but I see a problem. People in the third world who emigrate, train hard for decades and so on and make something of themselves. They fundamentally cannot have any kind of mental issue to do that shit, they have to be somewhat content and driven.
Thats the problem. People in the third world suffer, but only when you're in the west and have the option of simply wallowing in your uselessness can you end up totally fucked because you lose all direction in your life. When you're poor in the third world thats not an option.
Except that's the bluepill. The blackpill is that nothing is our fault, everything is predetermined by genetics and environment
Just pull up those bootstraps!
>be innocent, creative, naive kid in school
>people called me weird and creepy
>makes me self-conscious, and i become even more awkward
>trouble making friends, keeping relationsip or job
>get depressed
>eventually get angry because you did nothing wrong, but still failed
so was it just bad luck?
a bad lottery roll?
>So it' my fault that males are soulless, disloyal cheaters who have no regard for women and just use them as tools and assets with not a shred of empathy? Good to know I'm omnipotent. What else can I do?
Get your shit together and stop surrounding yourself with assholes instead of letting the fear of what might be dominate your life and letting yourself settle into comforting mediocrity. Way to generalize half the human race.