Sort yourselves out, incels!

Sort yourselves out, incels!

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no u Bordan B Beterson

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Am I the only one who wants to suck daddy Peterson's dick?

ok but my iq isn't high enough to do anything after tending to my hygiene and environment.

Donate to my patreon, baybee

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I would still suck his cock and clean my room.

brave and heroic

Literally how the fuck do I sort myself out when it's already too late?

>typically found in the elderly
>caused via extreme stress and frontal lobe malfunction
>literally been like this since I was a teen (my mom would clean for me though)
>currently posting from between literal garbage piles in my room

I guess I'm just broken

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>lack of shame
you have ascended

I think that's just a fancy word for being a lazy slob

Ask your mother to help you clean your room. You clean your room together and then have you mother help you less and less until you can clean your room by yourself. Be honest with yourself, we both know you are leaving your room a mess because their is something you are hidding from in your room.

Thanks bro, appreciate it. I've totally never been told that before all my life. To think you have provided me with such insight!

I wonder if he's going to make a video about the recent incel uprising. He kinda already did in his video directed at future school shooters though.

Dude, I can clean my room. It's just that I have Z E R O drive to do so no matter how bad it gets. I'll clean maybe once a year otherwise you wouldn't be able to move around. I'm already stepping on garbage so I'm due for a cleanup soon.
But it always just gets dirty again. Every fucking time. It's an endless cycle of let my room go to shit, clean it, tell myself to keep it clean, let it go to shit again, repeat

i probably have autism or some type of permanent personality disorder like schizoid etc

i'm fucked

Have you mom help you clean you room every weekend with you. Tell your mom not to leave your room until you and her clean it. Do it once a week for two month straight and you should build it as a habit. It is a simple conditionaring trick. I'm sorry your mother was to retarded to teach you how to do simple mind tricks to make you a responsible man. She should have never mated. You should mate either.

but im 5'4

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I will when you stop lying about race.

I live with my brother and his family though, they apparently are used to my living conditions because they don't even question it.
lol I wonder when my niece will realize her uncle is a fucking freak

Same should i just neck myself

for two months straight force yourself to clean your room. If you don't clean it then don't eat any food until you do it. Trust me the us military uses technics like this to drill disaplent into soldiers. You are an adult now, you have to be your own mother and father. If you don't clean your room make consequences for yourself. After a year of cleaning your room do reward yourself. You need to move out of your bros house. You can even respect your bother enough to keep his home clean. He has a child there, your a horrible person.

Name the Jew you faggot

I can read the words, understand them, see how that advice could work, but you severely underestimate how much I simply cannot give a shit.
Here's the thing, I WANT to give a shit. But the shits are not there to give, you dig?

Also thanks for calling me a horrible person, like I already wasn't completely aware of the fact.

I think people like me end up homeless eventually hahaha fuck

>piss bottles strewn about his unsorted room as he types away
>I h-have a disorder... trust me, I wikied it

Excuse me? I never fell for the piss bottle meme, I'm not a total degenerate.
But god damn my toilet looks like a biological hazard because I never clean it. Lol and I've been meaning to take a shower for days now but my bathtub is clogged up and I just haven't mustered the willpower to pour some drain cleaner in (which I already have).

Also just because something is on a wiki means it's wrong? I've been me my whole life, the symptoms all match up. I vividly remember hitting myself in the forehead repeatedly when I was in 1st grade, I think I literally gave myself brain damage. Not in the "retarded" way but in the "you're no longer a fully functional human being" way.

if you were beating yourself repeatedly in the head would autism not be more likely?

Likely a combination of both. I thought I was simply a sperg for years, but I recently found the Diogenes syndrome after reading up on Diogenes and googling him because he was a badass.

I feel like this is a disorder that few will truly understand, it's like there is no drive to keep myself or my surroundings clean. I can't give a shit.
But you'll just have people call me a lazy degenerate like I've been called my whole life, all accusation and zero understanding of WHY I am the way I am.

I have autism but I never did that.

or you could be schizophrenic
I don't give a shit nigga, I live in hoarded shit and am unclean I just don't believe you when you say you gave yourself a late onsent neglect when you're basing it off of wikipedia
tons of depressed people claim to have Lyme disease because they think their symptoms match up... consider non "the guy I like" diseases are reason for your behavior. if you lack a will do to anything and just happen to also hoard does that make you diogenese? maybe... but seems a little reaching though

come on no don't lie, I know how you autists like to press your foreheads and eyes

I guess I sometimes lightly tap my forehead,but doesn't anyone press their (closed) eyes when very tired?

I'm not trying to be a special mentally ill snowflake, I promise.
I've only ever sought answers to why the way I am, but without entering into the fucked up mental health system and getting (((happy pills))) shoved in my face.

maybe it's only some autists that bash their heads and gouge their eyes, just to show that it's not something I'm making up. not really worth reading but it does seem from glancing over that the deeper in the spectrum you are the more likely you'll do it

yeee I just think it could be... whatever that lack of motivation that schizophrenics have on top of an unrelated hoarding compulsion. Based on less than your diagnosis I'm sure, but if it was only caused by stress or head injury why would they say it's an old person disease.

It's probably considered an old person's disease because they aren't found out to have had it until they're discovered decomposing in their trash mountain home.

No thanks, I'm fine being a neet loser, vidya is all I need.

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Post room now

if you truly are sure of this; you know what to do. hit the road faggot

lol k

The reactions are always priceless, I've posted it before.

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jesus dude so much consumed shit
my parents bitch at me for eating canned goods and water only.

Damn that's some fire hazard you got there, sure would be a shame if someone lit a match.

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dude how do you think I light my weedle-deedle-deed?
haha don't worry about it

>Yeah Marxism is bad , but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect authority!
Hate that fag.

Well I had a retail job for a decade so I had plenty of money to waste away on shit.
I quit my job but my lavish takeout habits haven't been curbed.
At least my car broke so now I can't drive to the fast food places (can only order expensive pizza delivery now).

user, I...

Just holy shit. How the fuck do you let yourself go that far?
On a side note; this is probably how the El Americano gateway to Narnia looks like.

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the lava lamp is a nice touch.

Through the inability to give a shit?

I know exactly how it looks, how it reflects upon me as a person, but I dunno man I just don't care.

lol thanks

i understand you. however at some point i always get annoyed about how i cant find shit and cant walk properly and the stink so i clean up. fuck societal expectations tho, those were for times were you actually got something in return lol

Same, I'm about due for a clean up. I'm pretty close to peak trash. My walking path is completely covered so I gotta step on it to get to my desk.

Fun fact: that stack of pizza boxes on the right goes all the way to the floor. I call it "The Leaning Tower of Pizza".

If you really didnt give a shit you wouldnt be moaning about it, its somewhere inside you. You need friends or something to shift the status quo, although if theyre lazy pricks as well what the hell do you do.

imagine the smell

sssss.... sssssssSS SSSsSs


>Pinocchio VHS movie
you cant make this shit up

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Is Peterson /our_guy/?

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