Why does the media call "incels" misogynistic? It's not like we all hate women (maybe ~40% do). Are they implying it's misogynistic to be an ugly virgin?
Why does the media call "incels" misogynistic? It's not like we all hate women (maybe ~40% do)...
Everything that isn't catering to women and elevating them on their cloud is considered 'misogyny' nowadays.
People who identify as incels are like 75% misogynistic, and that's being generous.
>predominantly women
what the fuck, was it not a completely random attack in terms of target? he just plowed through whoever was on that sidewalk. not denying the guy probably hated women, but saying that the attack targeted women particularly is fuckin retarded
i agree with this
there was no way he could of targeted women particularly
it wasnt a deep in thought planned idea
Business as usual for normgroid society.
>majority of victims are male
Ah tragic but lets move on.
>majority of victims are female
100% targeted!
We're a marginalized group, but we're also mostly white so its both easy and good for their narrative to shit on us.
Because you make like daily woman hate threads, laugh about when we die, tell us that you hate us explicitly, and ~40% is a very large percentage.
And people on sites like sluthate (literally just look at the name) unironically hate and want to kill all women for the most part
There's a huge difference between a virgin and an incel
>Are they implying it's misogynistic to be an ugly virgin?
Yes, feminists literally want to kill all ugly men and now they have their excuse
Most of the woman hate threads are pictures of stories that women themselves have told on the internet, like reddit stories of whores being whores.
Women hate threads were mostly people posting fucked up shit women did.
I mean this whole attack doesn't change the fact that women in general have fucking terrible attitudes and treat men like disposable toys and bank accounts.
But they choose to read it for their pleasure/entertainment rather than with grief as they were intended to be
And if you parrot mysoginy and enjoy it then you are a mysoginist too...
>women are whores for doing the same things you do/wish you could do/would do if you were as pretty as them
>no actual religious principles to say that what they're doing is wrong
You're just a hypocrite m8
Believing in that outdated, non-factual stereotype is mysoginistic.
Are you joking me no one reads those for pleasure or entertainment. They read it to remind them how the world really is, to stamp out any hope that might form.
Because you're unwanted and every single day society is finding new and creative ways of telling you just that. That's all it is.
if they get to use this headline, incels get to complain that being nice =/= getting pussy
>why is the media so retarded
How do you think us gun owners feel?
And these would be equivalent to having a thread about individual black people with stories about some bad things they did and calling it a "black people hate thread". That would likewise be racist.
It doesn't matter if you think your REASONS for hating women are good/valid or not (most people think their prejudices/hatreds are good and valid that's why they believe in them obvs.) the question is whether or not you hate women. And the answer is yes.
Except it is factual and happens all the time. It's certainly no less factual than shit like toxic masculinity
Acknowledging issues within the black community relating to crime != racism
If you're a retard who wants to consider that racism by all means though, live in your suburban middle class bubble.
Men drive cars, women and children walk on sidewalk.
>They read it to remind them how the world really is, to stamp out any hope that might form.
This. It just makes being a virgin easier.
>some idiot who actually writes about "incels"
first of all, people like you are the reason they do this shit. you just started a conversation around some meaningless noise.
second, this is the same mentality as saying niggers are dumb or thieves after a black guy does some stupid shit, or muslims are terrorists because of the bombings. are you actually confused in this case?
thirdly, look anywhere that people use the word incel. it's going to be a bunch of angry closet gays.
Cause incels are an offshoot of the manosphere which stemmed from PUA culture which is misogynistic. It doesn't matter anymore if you personally hate women or not.
Looks like the dude in Toronto missed a special one. Go ahead and kys pls.
This. There's no middle ground with these people.
None of this is about women, it's about sluts and whores like yourselves. The problem is that instead of striving to live a wholesome life, 99.999% of you decide to be sluts and whores, thus you see attacks on sluts and whores as attacks on all women. Really says more about you than about us though.
why do not normies just give us women and nobody will get hurt?
You don't even know which women are sluts and whores before you attack us.
I would be safe because I'm a virgin, but unfortunately life is not a sexual meritocracy
they'd hate women if they were in our position, they can't imagine feeling otherwise
The world isn't really like that though, you're using like 10 examples of behavior that is statistically very common unlikely for women to engage in to characterize the whole 3.7 billion+ group
Once again, even if you believe your REASONS for hating women are valid, it still means you hate women. You can't get mad at people for accurately assessing your viewpoints.
You first.
>like yourselves
I'm a virgin. And that's part of the absolutely irrationality and ridiculosness of your viewpoints. They're overblown and counterfactual.
The whole point of sexual selection is that we CHOOSE the best genes that are the most suited for survival and success. If you don't get picked it's a sign you don't deserve to.
>female virgins
You know you have to be over 18 to post here. Preteens are not allowed here. I'm gonna tell your parents!
That wouldn't make it correct. You're not wrong because of who you are as a person, you're wrong because you're objectively wrong and everybody outside your community can see it.
All people who don't know God do not live "wholesome" lives. You jacking off to little girls isn't wholesome either, neither is doing drugs or even using curse words. They may be engaging in a different type of badness than you do, but it's all bad. And if you were better looking you'd be out trying to have sex with as many women as you possibly could. Which is wrong by biblical standards too.
People don't deserve to die just because of your arbitrary standards of justice.
If they did then murder would not be a crime
I am 20 years old and both teens and pre-teens are having a lot less sex than our previous generations:
It's literally nothing. Show me a 30+ female involuntary virgin and I'll accept you cunts here. Protip you literally can't so fuck off my board, women have no place here.
>Once again, even if you believe your REASONS for hating women are valid, it still means you hate women.
Yeah but misogyny implies it's bigotry, when it's actually well founded with good reasons.
I don't even hate them, I just think they need to be criticised and called out more for being shit people.
I dont hate women. I just recognize that I'm not attractive to them. I dont want to change the core parts of myself to fit in with the people around me.