Should r9k get shut down???

>get a load of this guy

Should Jow Forums get shut down?

I personally believe that moot was right to shut down r9kmk1 and was a complete pussy to reverse his decision.
Nothing good has come of this place.

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Everyone likes a strawpoll!!!!

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Hehe! Sounds like he needs to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed ;)

isnt is spelled stacies?

Haha that was almost a readable sentence.

This is cringe on so many levels.
He reminds me of those kekistani larpers during the presidential election. Fucking hell.

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You are cringe on so many levels.

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So you're defending a maniac who took Jow Forums culture too seriously?

chris still mad. stay mad chris

Tell me one thing he did wrong, faggot.

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you disgusting weeb

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Moot is a pussy if you believe this board should be shut down you're just as big a cuck as him.

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he spelled "stacies" wrong and murdered innocent people.
most cringe mass murderer EVER

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Well aren't you a critic. If you think you can do better, go do it.

nice comeback, edgelord.

are you one of the leddit refugees?

He took Jow Forums culture too seriously.
At least Elliot did it in a more glorious manner.

chris the fembotsbullied you not us. lmao truthbombs

What the hell is your ish? What do you think Jow Forums is? Wow, fucking neck yourself if you think encouraging someone to do a murder-suicide isn't routine content for this website.

>pretending not to be a newfag by calling other people a newfag.

typical roodypoo newfag

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Anyone could spend five minutes here and have a better idea of how the place works than you do.

>0 results
Impressive. But I'm still going to need some sauce.

no u r teh new

You guys, I'm pretty sure he was the anti-trap obsessed with "Ren" guy. He was from Canada and he kept talking about murder and his posts have tapered off.

>he actually fell for our shitposting about inceldom and chads

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Oh yes, those autists who can't understand irony..

Jow Forums and Jow Forums should get shut down because I'm sick of the decent boards getting temporarily shut down every time some turbo-virgin gets ants in their ants and goes on a killing spree.

But r9k is serious. Don't tell me you are just a normie larping as a loser.

Agreed. These two boards are why Jow Forums is viewed as a place only spree killers and alt-righters visit.

Let them make their own containment website

I think Jow Forums is degenerate and has a bad influence on anyone who goes there, which is why I stopped going there

But as a Jow Forumsak I believe everyone has a right to congregate and discuss whatever they want