>tfw pic related was born in 2001 and has more sexual experience than you do
How does this make you feel?
Tfw pic related was born in 2001 and has more sexual experience than you do
I'm a little hungry and my feet are cold
god l wish l was her desu
women's destiny is to spread her pussyhole open for Chad, she can fulfill it by the time she's 10.
that ain't my destiny.
I dont feel
(114.88% original)
watch out, she's an Israeli JUDE
I'm beta so I don't care about sexual experience at all. I just want to find a cute girl, share my hobbies with her and love only her my entire life.
hugging>having sex
Ein jude
wow you are retarded, girls dont want that, they want a dominating man who they can follow and who will fuck them hard, or a betabux provider who they can cheat on with a chad with a big cock (or both)
they dont want to know about your retarded hobbies, and dont want your beta hugging
>How does this make you feel?
she looks kinda old already
Where did wrote that girls want that you idiot? I said I WANT that. And that's exactly why I'm alone.
12 year old boys in the ghetto have more xp than me
Her tits are 16, though
women rush to make themselves look 25 from age 16 up but once they hit 25 they crack like fucking china and look like 35
women age like shit
that's why there's THE WALL
then stop wanting
is she actually that young?
i would have said late 20's
he said what he wants, not what he perceives as true, dumbfuck.
Yes she is, though maybe she's 17 by now. She'll probably age poorly, but she's a 10/10 for now.
what he wants is irrelevant
Or you can date a black woman. They don't age until they are 40.
Since kids these days start losing it at 13/14. I wouldn't be surprised if people born in 2004 weren't virgins
im pretty sure kids born in 2010 have already lost it at this point
literally nothing at all, in the most original way
That's really fucking sad. Imagine literal children ffs. While I am pure at 21
>born in Russia but movie to Israel
She moved to Canada afterwards
>How does this make you feel?
It does not make me feel.
Men think they know so much about a person and what they've done from a single image. But she probably hasn't. And teenagers are having far less sex these days.
That's very unlikely. They may dress provocatively because that's what the media dictates is cool to do but our generation is having a lot less sex than other generations
lol just check her instagram
woops, meant instagram.com
let's all check her instagram in 10 years and ask her how it feels to be a single mother of a negro
Or a jew in her case. Then again, she's one herself.
There are 2004ers with more experience than me