Robots, did your father ever fuck a man?

Robots, did your father ever fuck a man?

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Naw but my mom was a carpet muncher while in the marines

Hot, did she ever tell you about any encounters?

I would unironically kick that little cunt out. I would beat his fucking ass for talking to his mother that way.

She smokes pot, she deserves it.

larp harder, edgefriend

>literally 1984-style "woke teen narcing on their own parents" shit
>it's cool because ____________
no, it's not

Damn, those parents are fucking losers for letting their son insult them like that. Little Chad can think whatever he wants but the moment he starts badmouthing his parents like that and disrespecting them in front of family he crosses the line, he needs to be disciplined before he grows up to be one of those faggots that assault people for using the "wrong" restroom. The "get out of the house!" line was the best part, the delusion is strong. Little faggot reminds me of how my bro used to be- hung out with the rich Christian kids for a while, snapped all my mom's cigarettes in a fit of rage, tried to act like the morality police and talk down to all of us- no longer talk to that little faggot

Edgy little religious cunt thinks hes better than everyone else. Should have gotten slapped across the room for disrespecting his family like that. But dads a pussy though

i would have slapped the shit out of him.

>Edgy little religious cunt thinks hes better than everyone else

Literally a profile of the alt right

based youngling fighting against increasing degeneracy.

Either way religion or not the dude's a wimp. Probably has a onions stash somewhere.

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I'm an atheist and I liked this post right when I saw that he called his wife and himself agnostics. People who do this are total pussies and deserve to be manhandled by religious zealots. I'd wager that this is why their son is so religious. The father didn't instruct his son properly and these actions followed his inaction.

I think that little guy is trying its best, after it all the only thing that's lower than robots are redditrashers


I mean, I'm glad he's fighting degeneracy, but as far as christcucks go, he's the exception. He needs to keep the values but drop the religion

Attached: Thats+what+your+ordinary+christcuck+believes+in+_7ee0b3dc13f763dce618893376737630.jpg (1000x572, 118K)

>implying literally anybody is actually below robot incels

yes, he goes to thailand and specifically fucks the traps when there are 18 year old bitches everywhere

I don't know.
I'm confirmed to be gifted
got a nice family
but I don't know my dad.

We robots have pride, can you say the same so y muncher?

No, but if he ever did it'd be pretty low on his list of problems.
The "father" doesn't seem to be much of one at all if his 16 year old son metaphorically kicked his ass that much.

fucking based crusader this guy is my hero

Attached: christ chan10.jpg (2000x2500, 720K)