CGP Grey making several videos about making people biologically immortal

>CGP Grey making several videos about making people biologically immortal
>Cracked made a video about how everyone is going to live forever because in the future the technology will exist to revive everyone
Is it just me or do some atheists have this weird obsession with the idea of immortality, that somehow they will manage to avoid death? Regardless of whether you believe in an afterlife or not, it seems incredibly naive and delusional to believe that anyone can avoid dying eventually, even if they manage to delay their own demise.

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Who the fuck would WANT to be immortal? I'm convinced only short-sighted retards want this.

Death will provide me more comfort than life ever has.

Biological immortality means an artificial hell can be created to punish all the degenerates for eternity. Athiests should be careful of what they wish for.

I have come to realize that my fear of death is so strong I really do want to be immortal. I did not for almost my entire life but then at some point I realized that yes, I do.

I mean I know I wouldn't, take CGP Grey's videos on the subject of death for example, he says that we might be able to eliminate aging. That's all fine and dandy, except that still leaves every other form of death available to us. Imagine a mother and father having their child die in a car accident or homicide. Now imagine them living FOREVER, never having the comfort of imagining that they'll see their child again in Heaven. I don't want any part of that, even if there is nothing after death then I'd rather join my loved ones in that nothing then have to stay in misery and loneliness on Earth.

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Keeping your options open is most enjoyable, living as long as you like, but checking out whenever you're tired of it.

>Biological immortality means an artificial hell can be created to punish all the degenerates for eternity.
Good thing we only have to suffer through about 60 years of Hell on Earth. They actually want to prolong the suffering through immortality lol what the fuck

Yeah. It's because they're terrified of death due to their materialist mindset.

>checking out whenever you're tired of it
Not as easy as it sounds. Lots of people legitimately want to die but don't have the willpower to do it themselves. Hence why euthanasia, walking into traffic, and suicide by cop is so popular. And if the immortal person is a Christian who believes suicide is a sin then it becomes even harder.

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This. They are secretly untermensch who cling to life because they have no other source of salvation. Death is the destruction of their beloved ego.

These are the videos that OP is referring to:
It's like you can feel the desperation in their voices, their vain attempts to convince themselves that they can live forever.

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Immortality is the ultimate way to "win" in life.
You've defied the very nature of life, and you've won.
There is no greater achievement.

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But Peter Thiel is a christian and he's one of the most ridiculous advocates of that crap

You "win" until you stop winning. You've stopped aging, but eventually you'll get hit by a car, or fall off a cliff, or get really sad and commit suicide. If by chance you survive that then eventually humanity will likely nuke ourselves to oblivion, or release a super disease, or a meteor will crash into Earth. If we survive even that, then the sun will explode, swallowing up the Earth and killing everyone on it. If we've developed FTL travel and escape the Earth by then and we survive even that, then eventually the universe itself will suffer a heat death, killing everything and everyone within it. This is inescapable.

The more people cling to life as something that they'll never have to let go of, the more painful it will be when death comes knocking at their door.

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Fair enough, but it's still bullshit.

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>I did not for almost my entire life but then at some point I realized that yes, I do.
This. But only if I can remain under 50 since living forever as an old man terrifies me more than death itself.

Biological immortality doesn't mean you can't be killed you brainlet.

>Cracked made a video about how everyone is going to live forever because in the future the technology will exist to revive everyone

No, just no at the very best it would be a clone of you but not yourself.

It's because atheists are materialistic scum. They prefer the forces of science, "logic", "reason" etc to the supernatural, the native, the wild, the bestial, the pagan. They are scum and should be treated like scum. Drowned in the bog along with other degenerates

>legitimately want to die
>but don't have the willpower to do it themselves
Maybe they should want it even more legitimately, then, before expecting it.
But those that just flirt with the idea would still be free to put themselves at their preferred level of risk. More free than a naturally aged bedridden geezer.

Immortality will only open up more doors for science to advance.
Yes, most people will die by some accident or catastrophe, but since we won't die, we'll only continue to advance further and further in technology.
Eventually we might be able to stop the heat death of the universe, even.
It's not that strange to think that, since it's such a long time that we don't even have an estimate for it.

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>Eventually we might be able to stop the heat death of the universe, even.
Fucking how? The heat death isn't some event that can be stopped, it's the laws of physics themselves at work. Humanity works within the laws of physics, we don't break them.

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>i'm going to die
>my religion will somehow not, despite being made out of things that die

>atheists are pathetic for wanting something and supporting the creation of it
>rather than wanting something and convincing themselves they already have it, but it's just invisible

To be fair we don't have the complete picture of our universe, so who knows what may be eventually discovered.

What arguments are you guys making? No one was making a religious argument.

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>it's the laws of physics themselves at work.
Yes, but we don't understand everything about the universe yet, and we might be able to bend to bend the laws of physics a bit.
The impossible is only impossible because we don't understand it yet, but eventually we will.

Then kill yourself you fucking loser

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Sure, but as of right now all our scientific understanding says that death is inevitable. Maybe our science is wrong, but that's the only hope we have for avoiding death, that somehow our science is wrong.

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How is it a weird obsession? No shit we are programmed to not want to die. There's no reason besides memes (wishful thinking) to believe in the after life. Too bad current cosmology says that the death of all things is inevitable.

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>The impossible is only impossible because we don't understand it yet
Understand what? You're acting like there's a way to break the laws of physics that's just waiting to be discovered. Maybe there is, but it is entirely probable that it is impossible to break the laws of physics.

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>everyone lives forever
>minimum wage dishwasher job requires 700 years dishwashing experience

They fear the void.
I'm atheist but it doesn't bother me because pic related essentially.

A lot I know genuinely believe they are going to be immortal. Its going to be really funny when the utopian future doesn't come to be due to the breakdown and stagnation of modern society due to various factors. As well as the simple fact immortality, even if created, would never be given to the non-elite.

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Remove the maybe, our "laws" ARE wrong and physicists say it so themselves, calling them "laws" is merely scientific arrogance at the best they are a rough understanding on the basic functions of the universe.

So we don't even know what the rules of the universe are, let alone know how to manipulate them in such a way as to stop the universe from dying.

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What do you care? You will die long before "all things" are gone.
And no, they won't be all gone, they will just be so dispersed that meaningful constructs of matter will cease to exist. All the building blocks will still be "here", whoever "here" will be a too large place for them to create anything as sophisticated as a planet.

We know everything about the universe, we nee the G.U.Tto bring QM with relativity and then it's over.
Immortality is possible, but not going to happen. Any idea's of "uploading" your brain to a computer or something are outright retarded, and biological immortality is so difficult that I do not think it's going to be solved for a while in humans.
Just live your life.

You acknowledge the incompleteness of physics but still insist the universe will die? Seems paradoxical. The inevitable death of the universe is a theory that seems to make sense but you can not be 100% sure. If you're willing to take a non scientific perspective you could argue that "we" don't really die in the sense that our consciousness goes kaput. For me the biggest indicator of this is the ability to project one's consciousness outside of your body. I don't buy that such experiences are mere hallucinations.

You're not even contradicting anything dude

Always wondered that too. And how the fuck are they going to make all normie Billy Bobs immortal? They really think they'll allow such luxury to us lowly plebs?
It doesn't mean you can't die, you just can't die from age (or die much slower from age). If you got stabbed in the neck you would still bleed out.
Just tell them they'll have Nintendie Switches in the afterlife.

I don't fucking care if I am killed or die in an accident when I'm 2 billion years old. But I don't want to slowly die of disease when I'm 80

Your "non scientific" perspective basically means shit that's never been demonstrated or proven in any way so that's kind of a non-starter. When it comes to "consciousness" and being, insofar as they are measurable, all indications point to mechanical processes in the brain making "you".

>If you're willing to take a non scientific perspective you could argue that "we" don't really die in the sense that our consciousness goes kaput
At that point though you've just bought into the Christian idea of Heaven, or at least the equivalent of it. Which is fine of course, it's just turning to a supernatural hope for immortality.

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It's not about living forever you weenie, it's about living as long as you want

lol i was listening to CGP's podcast as i read this post

>having the choice to live as much as you want and die on your own accord is a bad thing
>dying randomly from disease or old age is better
>I'm not stupid for having this opinion, other people are
Christcucks, everyone. Why don't you just go die already then, you pathetic fucks ? You don't want immortality because you know you'd be worthless forever, for you death is an easy way out, best part is that the afterlife you crave for where your existence finally becomes bearable doesn't exist, you'll be gone into the void and nothing of value will be lost.
Enjoy your pathetic slave mentality, us the Ubermenschen will live life according to our own terms or at least we will try.

Unless we can transfer our conciousness and memories into an AI or computer hard drive of sorts our brains will be destined to rot away. We're very far away from achieving a transhumanist utopia of any sort.

This guy gets it. Everyone who thinks otherwise or thinks biological immortality is bad is brain dead and deserves death as soon as possible.

>implying wetware will ever be fully emulatable
Goedel's incompleteness theorems.

You christcucks are truly fucking delusional honestly.


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Just because you really want to live forever doesn't mean the universe is going to bend over to your demands.

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Goedel's incompleteness theorems.

just because the universe will kill us eventually doesn't mean I don't want to live as long as possible.

if this is true why wouldn't you just kill yourself now

>Which is fine of course
Retarded Christian apologist, believing in supernatural gibberish without any evidence to sustain it is far from being fine and the majority of Christian posters on this shithole site are either trolling, spouting memes or would never post their dumb beliefs under their real names on social media because they'd be outed as massive idiots by their peers.

I'm fucking ready for the future.

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The universe isn't going to bend to my demends, humans will bend reality using technology to make it a reality.
That's math, it isn't relevant. Math applies to the world sure, but not all math applies to the reality.

>I'm pathetic and I want to die and hopefully life will finally be good after that
>pls be real SKY DADDY
>pls take me to your empire of joy where I won't be bullied anymore and where my parents aren't disappointed in me

You sound like the kind of person that is easily confused and ends up not getting much done in their own life.
Physical matter isn't even real because there are reference frames where it doesn't exist, like a rainbow or hallucinated butterfly.
Math is real.

You mock Christianity while believing in the existence of the soul. How silly of you.

>humans will bend reality using technology to make it a reality
That's not how it works mate, technology is subject to reality, not a manipulator of it. You seem to have this childish idea that technology is "magic", but it certainly is nothing of the sort.

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>*hits blunt*
>muh spirituality
>muh higher state of mind
>muh eternal bliss

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>humans will bend reality using technology
Fucking how?

Physical matter is literally not real.

>You sound like the kind of person that is easily confused and ends up not getting much done in their own life.
Not an argument
>Physical matter isn't even real because there are reference frames where it doesn't exist, like a rainbow or hallucinated butterfly.
If you don't believe in a physical reality, you are way more delusional than I initially thought.
>Math is real
math is conceptional, and some of it applies to the real world.

Who the fuck invited the redditors?

You can bend space itself using technology.

then once one of your loved ones die you should kill yourself immediately

Einstein said, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
You're a fucking dumbass. Go do some LSD and jump off of a balcony chasing a hallucination.

That's not "breaking reality", that's just the laws of physics at work.

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which side is the redditors? The people who don't want to die of old age? fuck you.

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You don't seem to understand what "reality" is. There is no technology that doesn't work under physical principles.

>while believing in the existence of the soul
What the fuck are you talking about, you retarded Christcuck ? I bet you didn't even live your life according to God's demands and you wouldn't make it to heaven if it was real, but hopefully for you it isn't and you're just a dumb, contrarian anime poster.
Christcucks objectively fit the definition of slave mentality untermenschen, you spastic. The term ''Ubermensch'' was created with the opposite of a Christian in mind.

That would only sadden the rest of my family. I should at least wait for my parents and sister to die off first.

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>projecting this hard


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you don't have to suffer through dick, just kill yourself

Christians also believe in immortality, but that we will be given a second immaterial body in a second immaterial world.

>What the fuck are you talking about
See what you said here .
>"If you're willing to take a non scientific perspective you could argue that "we" don't really die in the sense that our consciousness goes kaput. For me the biggest indicator of this is the ability to project one's consciousness outside of your body. I don't buy that such experiences are mere hallucinations."
You're using the idea of "consciousness" the exact same way that Christians use the idea of a soul.

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The good news is retards can't stop this technology, they can only not contribute to it.

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why do you think they wouldn't do sort of a suicide pact with you if one of your family members died? do you think it's because they love them less/care less that they died?

The aggressive Christian posting on Jow Forums has become the new aggressive atheist posting from plebbit.

Goedel's incompleteness theorems. You can never define a system using that system.

I don't think you are replying to who you think you are replying to

I mean it "manipulates" reality all the time (ex. at one point it wasn't conceivable that you could idk manage diabetes, but now you can). Also the notion of a "soul" existed long before christianity (see Hinduism)

Because suicide is originally a sin.

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Your post has nothing to do with my post. It is completely possible to stop ageing.

No, it's not. You either die of aging or cancer.

>I mean it "manipulates" reality all the time
No, it does not. You don't seem to understand what technology is. Our understanding of physics may change, but our ability to break it does not.

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I'm not the same guy you inbred mongoloid. Why are Christians so utterly incompetent and dumb all of the time ? Is it because by waiting for the eternal candy from your papi figure after death you completely fail to evolve and improve as a human being ?

>I'm not the same guy
Then don't reply like you are you idiot.

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who says? cancer is cureable just not preventable. plus even if it does eventually lead to cancer, if the ageing process is still stopped then what I said is correct.

>cancer is cureable
via cell damage, aka aging

via chemotherapy. and surgery. aka not aging

I don't think you actually understand these lmao

artificial aging

right, but our understanding of physics has no bearing on whether we can or cannot achieve immortality. there are plenty of immortal animals that already exist in reality (ex. lobsters)

on what planet is cutting yourself ageing?
I'm going to replace as much of my body with prosthetics as possible. is that ageing? the metal won't age.

>there are plenty of immortal animals that already exist in reality (ex. lobsters)
Biologically immortal, lobsters can still be killed.

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>the metal won't age.
yeah but you better watch that edge

yeah sure thing kiddo

>Not wanting to get more time in a reality that is confirmed to be real
>Not wanting to spend more time with your loved ones
>Not wanting to observe the future achievements of humanity
Dude, whats wrong with theist? Its like they are addicted to gambling their existance or something.