>be 11 years old
>summer 2006
>have no friends so mom arranges play dates with family for me
>playing some Toy Story game on the old Windows XP computer
>cousin sees me being a pleb and introduces me to "the internet"
>shows me sites like flashportal and youtube
>best site of all was addictinggames.com
>an infinite sea of free flash games
>no more playing free cereal box CD games
>now I can play 'kitten cannon' and 'storm the house' and hundreds of others
>spend most of June playing flash games and watching Madness Combat and Naruto
>shit was so cash
>fast forward
>early July
>see ad on addictinggames.com for Habbo
>click on it and sign up
>enter room with pool
>witness swarms of black afro-wearing avatars
>some standing is swastika formation
>others just standing around talking about the jews or spamming "pool's closed"
>can barely move around since the room is so full
>just watch the chat insanity unfold
>someone mentions Jow Forums in chat
>decide to visit it
>start on the anime board since it's first in line and i'm a total weeb
>first post I see involves Naruto
>"holy shit this is the greatest website ever!"
>next check /b/
>top thread is about Habbo and features tons of pictures of Hitler
>figure out what the whole "pool's closed" thing is about
>kek so hard I have to use my inhaler
>scroll down a little further on /b/ and discover the magic of porn
>this is what my entire life has been leading up to
>a website with anime
>a website with edgy and offensive lulz
>a website with boobs
>been here over half my life now
>only side effect was growing up to be an autistic IT guy that binge watches anime while waiting for help requests
>don't regret a single moment
Anyone else have interesting tales of their initial Jow Forums discovery?
ITT How You Discovered Jow Forums
was installed as bloatware on my gamer pc - still can't figure out how to delete it
2017. saw it mentioned on the interet, took a look
Got there before probably 2012 or 13. but i had no interest back then
some faggot sent me here
lukas i hope you killed urself u autistic fuck
>be little 11 year old shitter in 2007 watching yu yu hakusho and practicing fapping all day and all night
>browse funnyjunk after kid in my boy scout troop talks about it
>hate the comment section
>too many rage comics
>Jow Forums screen grabs pretty funny tho
>started going to /b/ after only a month on funnyjunk
>branch out into /co/ /tg/ /out/ /v/ and Jow Forums now /his/
haven't regretted it at all
2012 here. Somewhere between 8th grade and freshman year. Saw it mentioned a year before though
I was such a good boy that when I first attempted to come and the website told me I had to be above 18, I decided to keep browing other meme sites. Because I thought Jow Forums would send an email to my parents if I logged on to the website.
>Have shitty memory
>Can't remember how I found out about Jow Forums
>Can't even remember exactly when I got here, though I think it was around late 2010 or early 2011
summer 2006, some dude from gamers club introduced me to this and its still fun.
Migrated from ytmnd right arouND 2005
That's an OG site my dude
get the fuck out you kike
>summer of 2016
>be at summer camp
>we talk about anonymous, no idea why
>we don't have phones on camp
>some faggot says that anonymous comes from reddit
>I say it's not because I had been browsing reddit since march of that month
>I say it's from Jow Forums
>still have no idea how I knew, bc I was a normie back then
>came back from camp, spend all remaining 6 weeks of summer browsing Jow Forums bc I got interested
>this is what my life has been leading up to
>be 12
>Used to play a lot of flash games
>In the text chat for an online flash game people mentioned Jow Forums saying everyone from there was a big troll
>At the time watched a lot of "trolling" videos on youtube, so I gave it a visit.
>Go on /b/ because "random" stood out to me, see a bunch of r34 shit and loli's.
>Blown away by the fact there was a place like this on the internet, I stayed ever since.
my little pony made me discover Jow Forums
Holy fuck I had no idea Jow Forums is like the only board besides /b/ with so many newfags this is gross.
Tons of normies came here for le ebin memes. That's why we had the whole POO POO PEE PEE phase in 2014, seems to have been in vain, was still funny though
Freshman year of college I browsed sp
Idk why
>found out about it around 2007
>avoid it because I heard it was scary
>became edgy around 2009, had edgy friends that went here to find gore pics on /b/
>Join them and do edgy shit
>They grew up and left, I stayed and shitposted for the next 9 years
I don't give a fuck about normies I give a fuck about disgusting babies wandering around my mongolian basket weaving forums shitting on themselves and driving away the old guard.
>friend and I are somewhat popular users on YTMND
>create lots of OC
>hear about Jow Forums from memes, check it out
>essentially all of the same memes as ytmnd and more
>sign me up
ultimately it goes back a few years.
>13 going on 14 get into this cult radio show that happened when no one was in the studio that night so two people working at the station just started talking and it was a minor hit
>go online and join the forum community for the show
>the admin uses YTMND a lot, he even called into the show once and said "YTMND owns ebaums" because at the time they were suing them for stealing content or something
>was the forum weirdo, literally named myself after satan and get into fights with the admin which was risky because he doxxed someone else on another forum but I didn't find out until years later
>some mallgoth girl named lenore posted a thread of nudes too
>eventually the show gets a legit slot in a nearby city
>can't listen locally and can barely stream online because we still had dial-up which also limited my hours online
>I'm 15 at this point, still hung out on the forums
>eventually I start getting into YTMND, find one that's a Jow Forums thread that seemed funny but I didn't know where it was from
>someone in the comments is calling the maker out for stealing from Jow Forums, and this was back in the rules 1 and 2 days so he fucked up
>I looked up Jow Forums on wikipedia and heard /b/ was the most well known board
>I go there a funny thread I see is "pictures of bitches you've fucked"(the girl was ugly) I open it in another tab to read later
>when I come back not long after it's 404'd and I decided this site is way too fucking fast
>move to 7chan, not sure how I found out about it
>hang out there for a couple years until I slowly go back to Jow Forums, discover the media boards
>the story goes on from there...
Looking for porn circa 2007. Stopped visiting 2010. Came back recently
Came in 2012 /rekt/ threads. Stayed for Jow Forums and Jow Forums's antics but now just drift to here and /a/
>be also 11
>brother 13
>got my first computer at that time, before that we had a computer in the living room that we weren't allowed to use
>one day brother comes into my room and tells me about Jow Forums
>we browse it together, he tells me stuff I tell him stuff
>mostly sat on /b/ and /f/
>was right after snacks left if I remember correctly, mourning posts and rip snacks everywhere
>we played porn flash games together, SDT (super deepthroat) and that one with the incestuous succubus that grew a dick
>we participated in prank calls asking for battletoads together
>fast forward 6 years
>one day brother decided he didn't want to browse Jow Forums anymore, he became a normalfag
>fast forward another 2 years
>I still sit on Jow Forums, still here, no escape, 19 years old now
>been here every day for 8 years
When you waste your best years on 7chan
my best years are being an awkward teenager with no disposable income with no one to talk to except the other shitty, misshapen dumb ass teenagers around me being at the behest of my parents with nothing to look forward to then 2 measly months of vacation?
>be me
>be 10 y/o incel living with my parents like a loser
>found r/greentext while browsing reddit
>have a kek at all the funny and relatable memes
>someone there mentions Jow Forums
>i ask them what it is
>they tell me it's an indian erotica forum
>decide to have a look since i love cows and shit
>go to 4chandotcom
>search bing for Jow Forums
>every search leads to /b/, as nanny said
>see logposting thread
>tfw i love cows and shit
>fast forward 2 weeks
>regularly posting on Jow Forums about traps and shiet, always screenshotting greentext for karma.
>see this
>write greentext
>mfw you read the first word of every line
>Be 13
>in middle school friend shows me gaiaonline
>post in forums
>Boxxy is popular
>Links to Jow Forums /b/ in gaya forums
Tada been a old fag ever since
Where sign up buttom im new
Get off my site you Jewish fuck
dont worry user, I have the howto image on my hard-drive still
>circa 2008
>bored playing the impossible quiz
>one of the answers is 'sell your liver to Jow Forums for the lulz'
>don't know what Jow Forums is so Google it
Been here ever since
Hey that happened to me
We use to hang in high school and look at fucked up shit on /b/ and laugh at reaction images but after a while I realized Im the only retard actually using the site and still am 7 years later
Occasionally came here from Krautchan, as its quality decreased rapidly. Mainly on int, out, diy, ck and the Syrian General on pol until it became shit too. Jow Forums only for happenings, like this one.
R.I.F Krautchan