this story, well its my story and its gonna seem long.
>Be me in mid to late 00s
>live a nice middle class life in suburban Augusta,GA
>BE that odd kid out that hangs with all the autistic,goth and other "special and different" kids
>Always angry in high school because my dad was too busy with his new family
>Be sophomore and in literature class, literally obsess over Half life 2
>we come to a part in our lessons that the teacher lets us write a story.
>Oh shit!!!!!!!!
>write an epic story about a resistance fighter in city 17
>HAve to read story in front of class
>Get hyped up and read the story and after I look up
>Whole class is like "What is a benefactor?"
>"whats the combine user?"
>Get pissed and kick a trashcan across the room
>get sent to the principles office
>Literally have to explain the plot of Half life 2 and why I kicked the trashcan out of anger.
>become known as "that kid that kicked a trashcan over a story about a video game
>Only class I am good in is Army ROTC where I enjoy wearing my uniform and marching with other anons
>also part of the gamers club of the school that meets on every Saturday, its probably my only time I get away from the madness
>My mom has cancer and she yells and screams at me and my stepdad all the time and my grandma visits but is always drunk
>I continue to build up all my anger until one day some JROTC cadet officer calls me a faggot
The journey out of autism, a story
>Cadet captain. user was my platoon company commander in JROTC and I was his platoon sgt
>while we are in the admin trailer he calls me a faggot and I see red and start beating the shit out of him in an autistic rage
>HE is crying while I screech and autistically beat the shit out of him with my inspection clipboard
>I hear the door slam open
>"Cadet user get of cadet captain user!!"
>finally get pulled off by JROTC instructor
>report to principles office
>Cadet captain user is saying I just started beating him out of nowhere
>I say it was from months of emotional abuse and him calling me a faggot and a mix of my mom having cancer and my home life
>JROTC instructor confirms that cadet captain user has been emotionally abusive to many cadets and especially me
>I get suspended for three days and cadet user gets demoted in JROTC and sent to the ISS trailer for the remainder of the semester.
>GEt in big trouble with my mom but my stepdad refuses to punish me
>rest of semester goes off without a hitch and summer rolls around and I am sent to South carolina to see my dad grandparents who out super wealthy but its also where I am able to drink underage and act all autistic in the private community
>I drink myself to blacking out every night that summer
>Come back to school in August and try to change my style, I am wearing an M65 field jacket everyday and nice cargo pants being "cool"
>meet a girl and we wil lcall her Diana
>Diana is cute but she is basically 8/10 tier with golden blond hair and ice blue eyes
>Nice girl
>She never will notice me
>She literally says hey to me every day and I try not to lose my spaghetti
cont to CHapter 2 junior year and senior year electric bugaloo
Bump for more autistic rampage
this story better not be shit user
>Diana and I are friends about half way through the beginning of the semester and I still hang out in gamers club and do ROTC
>We are doing "A tuna Christmas" and I am being lights and Diana is our star actress in this play
>still wearing the m65 jacket and cargo pants
>Diana is a practicing Christian and has a purity ring on her finger
>anyways fast forward to the beginning of December and I am doing lights and everyone is getting ready for a dress rehearsal
>I am in the back looking for bulbs and Diana comes up to me
>Says hey
>I blush and say hey
>She stands there and I have bulbs for the lights in my hands
>She takes the bulbs out of my hands
>and places my hands on her hips
>I am beet red
>"user,I know people are saying you are odd but the past few months, past the odd mannerisms and odd way you dress..I see good in you and I...I well I love who you are."
>SHe kisses me and walks away
>I stand there for a few minutes
>Grab the bulbs and replace the lights
>see Diana always staring at me as I am doing lights
>literally feel some autistic bubbling up inside of me
>I live in the neighborhood behind the school and that night around 8 pm
>I start running home and autistically going "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" like Ric Flair and skipping home
>I get home and make a loud noise with my mouth and my mom wakes up and proceeds to verbally abuse me and ruins my day
>I am starting to get angry again
>Diana kisses me a few times that week during rehersals
>my mom continues to veerbally abuse me while my stepdad watches
>Finally its the night of the play and I am super angry...
>ITs the night of "A tuna christmas"
>My stepdad has given me a 20 to buy food and drinks
>Buy a shitton of monsters from the store by the school
>drinking them all day
>In JROTC and get promoted to the cadet officer corps in the battalion
>Get command of my own platoon that day
>drink monster
>literally my autism is building with the supplement of the monsters I am drinking with the anger infused
>school ends at 2:45 and I am preparing for "A tune Christmas at 7pm"
>Come off my Monster high and walk home to change into jeans and my Tech crew shirt
>My mom calls drama a waste of time and says that I will not last in JROTC and my rank means nothing
>My dad has been wanting to take me and the family to Disney world for Christmas and my mom decides on that day that I am not going
>"Why not mom?"
>"Because I said so user!!!!!!!!!"
>get super pissed and punch the wall
>"You fucking bitch,I havent done anything wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>kick the table across the hallway and it scuffs the wall
>Run out of the house with my clothes and backpack
>Go to friends down the street
But more importantly, did you walk the dinosaur?
>change at friends and walk to school
>We are setting up lights and the set
>inside I am super pissed
>I know when I go home I will be in trouble
>Its beginning
>play goes off without a hitch
>Diana and the cast gets encored and everyone gets flowers and their family is there
>I am sitting in the light booth alone
>My family didn't come
>Diana comes in the light booth and hands me a few flowers and says goodjob and hands me a box of lemon cake she made
>I am thankful that she is making my anger go away and say hey to her parents
>shut all the lights off and walk home
>KNowing that I will be abused
>every step feels like a mile
>get home, open the door
>my stepdad is no where
>its my mom
>"user,we need to talk."
>I put the box of lemon cake down
>my mom gets up and proceeds to beat me with a high heel
>I take it because I dont want to go to jail
>literally cry while she smacks the shit out of me and tells me I am not going to Disney world
>Go to bed that night in pain
>my dad was supposed to pick me up tommorrow
>I go to sleep and know that I will never be able to leave this house
>never go to Disney world and fast forward to the spring time
>I am emotionally isolating myself from everyone except a guy from gamers club we will call him glasseskid
>we both are odd
>play halo
>He is my friend
>Diana trys to talk to me
>One day Diana catches me alone
"user,whats going on?"
>"Diana,nothing...nothing is"
>"user, I love you and care about you."
>"No one loves me Diana!!"
>"my mom abuses me and emotionally tortures me everyday....I dont want to be here i nthis world anymore."
>Diana start to cry
>I am losing my spahghetti
become isolated unti lsenior year where I still get emotionally abused but now have a car, strt to date Diana and she get into a private college and I am looking into colleges until one day i nthe lunch room
>30 page story about highschool
more people might read this if you condensed it to a few pages. literally no one cares about what you did in high school.
>+5/10 girl was/is into him
>>/soc/ is your home
no sadly this is all real and not funny
>its a Marine recruiter
>I talk to him and get a lanyard
>we set up a time to have a talk after school in the JROTC trailer
>anyways enlist in USMC and go to parris island and then infantry school after graduation then to an advanced infantry course
>My autism is under lock and key
>arrive to Helmand province in late 09
>its bad
>like people are getting shot and bombed everyday
>Taliban strongholds everywhere
>we are always patrolling
>February 2010 we spearhead attack into a city called Moshtaarak
>arrive at night in helicopters and secure locations for Marines an Canadian troops
>fight for weeks until we are pulled from the line and replaced by another unit
>ignore all mail from my family
>get back to the US
>Camp Pendleton
>get a long 20 day pass to go home
>go home but stay at friends and dont tell my family
>walking in wallmart
>seeing alot of my friends from high school there and say hey
>nothing happens
>start to drink heavily
>Autism boils up alot now
>angry all the time
>GEt promoted to SGT and go to DI school and start training MArines
>all my autism goes out on them
>literally able to kick trashcans about with no reprocussions
>go to night school while doing this
>getting degree in Computer science
>My autism has an outlet
>get out of the marines in 2014
>Get job in Atlanta at a tech company as a Networ kengineer
>Chilling one day and hear we have a tough new boss
>private school graduate
>Worked at some cool Christian tech company
sorry user, I rushed this one
i'm guessing you didn't prepare this greentext beforehand and are writing this shit up like a skitzo explaining all the typos.
I am typing it from my home office and doing work and that explains the typos
Who the fuck cares about typos just continue the story
>in my office away from the other workers and the project manager
>ONe day I am sitting in my office and I hear a knock on my door
>Its my old boss
>"Oh hey user!!! I want you to meet your new boss!!"
>opens the door
>Blond hair, blue eyes that I know
>I feel a sense of dread
>"Oh hey user" Diana says "its been a few years."
>my old boss "Oh great!! You already know each other!!!!"
>Diana "I guess you can say that!!"
>My old boss leaves
>I am awkwardly staring at her and she glances at my wall with my degree and pictures of USMC time and other things
>"I see you have had an interesting few years."
>I sit there amazed
>"Yes ma'am" I sheepishly say
>She smiles and leaves
>I literally feel my autism boiling up and my heart racing
>years of feeling come back
fast forward a few weeks and my mom dies and we have a funeral, we have resolved our issues years ago after my deployment
>go back to work
>Diana visits me everyday in my office
>small talk ensues
>one day all the management staff is goign to a conference in San Jose and it includes me and Diana
>mind numbing meetings and catered shit
>lots of annoying liberal speak
>One night I am sitting at the hotel bar drinking a jack and coke
>Someone sits next to me
I am loving this user, good job. I feel your pain.
>11 minutes ago
user is dead
Pls tell me this ends up well and you both fuck for days and go murder your mum
yes cont we all want to hear it
>"well user, you cant run away now!" Diana smiles
>I smile back
>"Well ,for years I missed you and prayed I would see you again."
>"Thank God, I found you!"
>literally blurt out "I have Asperger's and a drinking problem and I killed people overseas."
>She smiles akwardly
>"Well,thats good user...."
>Chug whole jack and coke
>Order another
>she starts talking about her life and what she has done
>Literally feel the monster inside rising
>Diana talking about some Christian start up
>Diana talking about some Christian guy attempting to propose to her but she said no
>Something about me
>"user,lets do this!"
>confused as fuck
>"Do what?"
>order another jack and coke
>remember talking to her
>wake up in my bed in my hotel room
>look around for diana
>shower and dress
>go to meeting
>big dinner in hotel restaurant
>Diana sits next to me
> holds my hand
>anyways after the dinner
>ask Diana what happened
>Spilled my spaghetti at the hotel bar about war,life and love
>Awkwardly professed my love to Diana
>Whole management teams knows
>its against comapny policy
>agreed to put in my two weeks for Diana
>go back to Atlanta
>look for jobs
>cant find one thats not SJW and as a white male vet basically get shunned
>finally find a good job
>Diana and I maintain our relationship
I'm reading user keep em coming
keep going uwu
pls continue user c:
>Diana gets relocated to Savannah for work
>I can go with because I can work from home
>get an apartment there and she gets a house because LOL Christian
>feel the autism waning
>Finally get the nerve to get married
>literally have to invite all the popular kids from my high school to the wedding
>including the guy that called me a faggot.
>Dude lives in trailer park and got discharged from the army for multiple DUIs
>anyways wedding happens and her friends still treat me like m65 field jacket wearing kid
>decide that my glassbro friend from high school is gonna be my best man
>Wedding day comes
>Glassbro gives speech
>glassbro is a well educated man now
>it becomes normie roast 2016
>Not akward but calling people out that are in the crowd
>literally Basically a written well thought out beta uprising
>my now wife is laughing
>people in the crowd are awkwardly laughing but all my friends are from HS know it's true
>Diana helped glassesbro write the speech and used it as a platform to get back at all the people that wronged me back in HS
>Anyways happily live in Savannah now and my autism doesn't rage often but when it does my wife understands.
Ty for reading this long ass story
well cool story I guess. The Savannah is pretty dangerous tho so be careful user.
this is awesome user
I carry, yeah Savannah is pretty neat.
I would have went into more detail but you know... Gotta be short.
fuck you i didnt want to hear a happy ending, now i feel a lot more worthless...
enjoy your normie life u lucky bastard
Im still an heavy drink with PTSD, who knows when the hell im gonna spill my spaghetti... Also her parents hate me because I drink.
>i hope you won't, you got something to live for. But i guess PTSD is pretty bad. maybe get yourself a dog, they can help against PTSD i believe. good luck outthere
Why did I read that?
Thanks user
Because you did
it's an interesting read, it's also not fake i'd guess
You've a blessed life, take care of yourself and Diana user, I truly feel better by reading you could make it.
Try to go straight edge and cut the drink
You can turn you life around and leave whatever ails you... For me it was enlisting for you it might be something else, we will always be robots but I feel like we can go in and out and be able to maintain the tism...I believe that if I a autistic kid that was abused can turn his life around and you can also.
Im gonna try to stop drinking, its Hard but it numbs the pain.
j u s t f u c k i n g c o n t e n d
Not gonna lie, story sounds fake af and and has a pretty mundane ending. 2/10 would not read again
made me cry, i feel with you
thanks for the story