living life as a tall dude with good muscle genetics gotta be the best fucking life, i dont even care about the face
Living life as a tall dude with good muscle genetics gotta be the best fucking life, i dont even care about the face
face >>> frame > height > muscle
>i dont even care about the face
thats cuz your lowiq
Literally me OP. Except with ugly face and bald. Never had a gf. Also 0 friends.
Originality is not my utmost virtue.
I would literally trade iq for height
Being a manlet sucks
I have a good face but im short with a twink body and i also dont have friends,
Embrace the perfect body my nigga
>tfw almost have enough to get my legs lengthened overseas
>booking a consultation soon
>gonna request 11cm for both tibia and femur
I have operations planned with a local plastic surgeon after I'm done with my legs. Time to ascend from 5'8, lads. Will post before and after pictures when everything is done.
You obviously have no iq to trade.
weak b8 lanklet virgin
What are you talking about, brainlet? I can take a picture of my ID with height if you're that deluded.
The real genetic lottery regarding muscles is whether or not you like lifting. People have different tastes and like different things and practically everyone who's fit likes the exercise. Then they pretend that they're so superior to the people who aren't fit and that those people are worthless and lazy.
Either it's fun to lift or non-fits are bad, lazy people. Only one of those things can be true.
I definitely look at this guy's body first because it's great
Muscle is a huge part of looking like your frame is good.
Height can be useless depending on the rest of your traits. If your face or social skills aren't enough to make you a normalfag by themselves, height won't make a difference.
t. Ugly 6'5". If I was a foot shorter at least I could be comfortable in a lot more places.
Nothing is stopping you from getting plastic surgery and lifting. If you're that tall and at least a 7/10 after plastic surgery with muscle you're g2g.
Can't be both muscular and tall without using steroids though.
When you don't have the gene for enjoying lifting, it requires extraordinary discipline. I'm not a complete useless and lazy fuck but getting fit when you hate every minute of it requires quite a bit more.
I might consider plastic surgery in the future but it'll take a long time until I can even think about that kind of spending.
At this height he'd get no appreciable muscles even after an entire lifetime of lifting.
Its not like youre speaking to a dude with any social skills anyway lol
Atleast i wish I've been a a tallfag with no social skills rather than a shortfag without any
Steroids, my man.
Only a retard or troll would cripple his legs and make his body uglier.
Height has disadvantages too. If you can get the advantages, they'll be worth the problems but if you're not getting the good effects then it's better to not be tall.
Then I guess I won. I love working out, sometimes I spent hours in gym pretty much doing everysingle exercise and using every machine there is. I love the feeling when lifting, I love cardio, I love isometric. I love the feeling afterwards when I am completely exhausted.
Still no gf and no friends, no gf purely because bad face
You're retarded. Your proportions aren't gonna get fucked up unless you somehow went from 5'2'' turbo manlet to 6'3'' gigachad.