This is a fact, you literally can't prove me wrong.
When will you accept it's your own fault that no one likes you?
>wanting degenerates to like you
Absolutely 100% agree with you. Festering in your own pity is fucking disgraceful and is the exact reason why I started fixing myself half a year ago. Getting real close to full-on normiedom now. Literally everyone here could do the same if they stopped coming here and got their shit together. No one here has any excuse.
I did accept and at the same time stopped doing everything to improve. We can still argue about how society made me like this.
My male friends love to be around me but I'm an ugly manlet and that's why I don't have any contact with females.
You're right op. Nothing bad can ever happen to anyone that wasn't their own fault. That's why there are no problems in the world. Anyone who's suffering have caused it themselves.
But we're not talking about world problems here you dumb fuck, we're talking about how people who do nothing to improve themselves are the only ones to blame for their own misfortune when it comes to their social lives, or lack thereof.
If society made people like that then there would be a lot more people like you. But there aren't.
You made yourself like that by being lazy and expecting good things to happen to you anyway.
Verne Troyer, who just passed away, had gfs and was literally a weird fucked up looking midget. Lots of midgets end up with non-midget women too, and vice versa, as well as men with horrible facial deformities and stuff.
>inb4 they must have money
It's only impossible to like you for your personality if you have a shit personality. So if people don't like you, fix your fucking self, and not your dumb face because no one gives a shit about that except a handful of vapid whores. The people you attract by looking like Chad are not people you want in your life.
No you're just talking about a strawman figure that you people create in a feedback loop of hate. You base everything you know about those evil people on things you were told about someone else that hates them, then you hate them more and tell someone else how terrible they are and you just make the evil character worse and worse with input from each other.
If you ever get any input from one of those you hate, your hatred makes you figure out the worst possible reason they could have for saying that thing and then hate them even more because of that.
l counter with this
To da max
It's not my own fault. Reason: It's purely up to others whether they like me or not, I can't control what they think.
>The people you attract by looking like Chad are not people you want in your life.
So I want nobody in my life then?
What do you mean by lot more. You could kill 90% of humanity and nothing of value would be lost.
What an edgy, overblown, and baseless statement you have made here.
You're confused. The people who are only going to like you if you look like Chad, but who would not care about you for any other reason, those are the people you don't want in your life. Those are the types of women Jow Forums usually pines after though, porn stars and instagram models.
Everyone finds a Chad attractive, sure, but there are many women who search out men based on personality. Those are the people you want around you. And to attract them, you should be a good person on the inside.
>there are many women who search out men based on personality.
Please stop.
Nobody likes ugly people. Ugly women don't like ugly men, and the opposite is true as well. I don't see the point of being in a relationship if you're not physically attracted to the other person.
>you should be a good person
I'm not a good person anyway. I can't fix this except by artificially doing shit I don't want to do in the hope that people will like me.
Your looks are at least as important for your perceived personality as your actual personality is.
>Nobody likes ugly people. Ugly women don't like ugly men, and the opposite is true as well.
I don't disagree, but a lot of people don't use this as their only metric for a relationship. Many people want to have a relationship so they can have a life partner - to help pay bills, raise children, to go on vacation with, and to look after each other when ill. If you can't think of any reason to have a relationship other than to have arm candy you can use to conflate your ego, then you don't need one anyway and I don't know why you're posting in this thread, then.
This is true only for first impressions.
Your first impression doesn't have to be a home run, either. You just have to seem alright enough. After that is when things get personal.
It makes me chuckle a bit that most of what Jow Forums thinks they know about relationships and interpersonal interaction is surface-level shit. It tells me that you are so scared by the first step that you've never even taken it to see what comes after.
Everyone is self-centered, you dumb cunt. It's our nature. From the neck beard in the basement to the Stacy on Chad's dick, are all self-centered.
Then what about your statement? Dismissing something because you said so? It is not society's fault because there should be lot more people like me? News flash, the number of people like me is on the rise. Why? Because if you don't go out and shoot someone nobody cares. This site is full of people who were fed for 20 years while their guardians didn't care about anything else related to them. They didn't want to face with real problems with their children. It took me a whole decade to figure out how other people ruined me completely because guess what, if you are a kid you are thinking what your parents do to you is normal. People get out of the gutter because either they were born with something or grew up with something. If you don't have either then good fucking luck getting your life together when you will be always be behind.
I have never been self-centered until last year. Now I'm moving toward becoming more and more self-centered because it turns out I was the only person on earth who used a social welfare optimization scheme while everyone else was using an egoist optimization scheme. That strategy is non-strictly dominated by the egoist scheme under a non-cooperative trembling hand model.
>their only metric
I never implied this. It shouldn't be the only metric, but it's the most important one, because two people even if they like each other's personality will never be happy together if they're not attracted to each other on a physical level.
>other than to have arm candy
Why the fuck are you strawmanning so hard, I never even told you anything about what I personally wanted.
>looks is the most important
>how dare you imply that I said looks is the most important!
Really made me think.
Such a defeatist attitude. If you expect to fail then you will fail.
I pity you a bit because you limit yourself to a world of misery because it is familiar to you.
I grew up in an abusive household, drunk dad, mom is morbidly obese and has NPD, we were poor and mom spent any extra money on fast food. My dad got fired a lot for drunkenly challenging his bosses to fight him in parking lots and dumb shit like that. Mom was mentally abusive and my dad as well; being the oldest and 5 years older than my next sibling, I was forced to babysit/raise them every day rather than having any free time. Everything that went wrong in the family was my fault somehow. I was obese as a child and a teenager and was raised in a cultish Nazarene church. I was already watching anime every night on a 13" box TV by age 11, self-harming by 13, and didn't make an honest friend until age 15. I have struggled with depression, alcoholism, and even gotten a DUI. I have BPD.
I have every reason to fail and yet I haven't because I want to one-up them and rub my success in my failure parents' face. That's the difference between you and I. You use your hardships to justify your laziness. I used mine to inspire me to be better. And I am doing better now than they were at my age, and I will do even better five years from now.
Everyone's parents were just dumb 20 and 30 year olds doing the best they could with what they had. You can't blame them for shit now that you are an adult and no longer under their thumb. Act your age.
You implied that I said looks were the only important thing, which I didn't, you braindead ape. Form a coherent argument or fuck off.
I see your frigid IQ is acting up again. How strange that unlike all other matter in the universe, it manages to reach new lows in that state instead of increasing.
>he has no argument and is seething so he has to resort to embarrassing insults instead of making an actual point
Last (you) you'll get from me, you little whore. Kindly end your life asap
This was not me, but I'll bite here.
>Why the fuck are you strawmanning so hard, I never even told you anything about what I personally wanted.
>I don't see the point of being in a relationship if you're not physically attracted to the other person.
This implies that if the looks aren't right, there's no reason to be with someone, which is a vapid comment in itself and I'm just shaking my head thinking about all the "GIRLS ONLY WANT CHAD" posts you've probably made in your life, yet here you reveal that you feel the exact same way.
If looks aren't the ONLY important thing, but they are, in your eyes, the MOST important thing, to such an extent that no other quality could save a relationship for you, then it's pretty safe to say you only care about looks. Anything else is accessory. I stand by my original statement and I'm glad another user feels the same way about your retarded posts as I do.
You mean that people here have not already come to that conclusion?
I'm objectively an 8.5/10 though, what now?
Is this the usual I made it (somehow still on 4chin tho) so everyone can? Good for you then, you were born with something, not even your shit parents could erase from you. This is typical normal thinking. I was treated shit so I show them! This is the real difference between actual robots and normals which people don't understand. If you were broken as a child and got used to bend to pressure beyond what anyone normal call sane then these shit calling tactics won't work on you ever.
You are literally doing the same thing. "It is your fault you are shit, accept it" OKAY I did accept it and it completely destroys my will to ever do anything but die in an alley after decades of using up resources. There is nothing you can ever accomplish with this type of comments here, ever.
some people have mental illness though.
there, you have been proven wrong.
>looks is everything
If you are an 8.5/10 it's ten times more your fault that people dislike you because it means your personality is so shit, even a vapid Chad-chaser whore wouldn't date you.
Not my fault people stop talking to me when they find out I have autism.
>l counter with this
My personality is better than 90% of people, it's just that I can't talk to strangers and they assume I'm boring before getting to know me.
>My personality is better than 90% of people
>they assume I'm boring
more like you look like narcissistic asswipe.
You misunderstand.
>if the looks aren't right, there's no reason to be with someone
That's absolutely right. If you're not attracted to a person, no matter how fun or intelligent they are, the relationship will be shitty. Looks are the most important thing, doesn't mean they're the only thing.
That is true as well. It goes both ways though, with the difference that men usually have lower standards than women from what I've personally observed and the statistical data I've been presented with.
>no other quality could save a relationship for you
Look, would you settle for a girl that you feel zero attraction towards just because she's an interesting person? Without good sex, a relationship falls apart, and good sex is built on a foundation of mutual physical attraction.
>you only care about looks
The beginning of your post gave me hope but apparently you're just as unable to grasp nuance as that other mongoloid.
Why bother using resources then?
Just kill yourself if your life is so bleak and so empty, you fake emo faggot. Do it today.
If you really want to play the victim card that badly, go all out on a cute little suicide endeavor so everyone who knew you can give you one last good pity, the kind you seem to like so much.
OP said accept that it is your own fault that you are shit, not just "accept that you are shit." You're still trying to play this "normie thinking" card. No one on earth has some magical coping mechanism you don't, it's just that nearly no one is as much of a pussy as you allow yourself to be. You are still making excuses and you can continue to do so, but why bother? You look like a worm when you do.
Literally bite the bullet or stop posting.
I'm not I'm just saying it how it is becuse it's an anonymous forum, I'm very humble actually
Not him but I'll do what I want you fucking cockwipe and I'll continue to whine on here as much as I want regardless of what normalfaggots like you have to say about it. Get fucked
You know people can assume things based on your looks and behavior. They cant read your mind.
yes, we call those people idiots.
That's fair, I tought you were calling me narcissistic for claiming I have a better personality than 90% of people.
Get off the the internet and meet people. It's pretty much as easy as that.
Yeah man just bee yourself and talk to her dude etc
>My personality is better than 90% of people
Narcissistic, self-absorbed
>it's just that I can't talk to strangers
Shy, weak, unmotivated
>and they assume I'm boring before getting to know me
You are actually boring.
What's so great about your personality then?
>Without good sex, a relationship falls apart, and good sex is built on a foundation of mutual physical attraction.
This is where I find you to be completely wrong, or completely insane.
You don't understand how attraction works, presumably because you've never experienced it firsthand. You become more sexually and physically attracted to someone you like. There is empirical statistical data to support this. You don't have to find someone to be a 9/10 by your standards in order to have a good relationship and if you think you honestly do, then you are the outlier and you are making yourself unhappy with this lie.
Good sex = mutual kinks + "chemistry" (pheromones and genetic selection, you have much less control over this than you think)
Physical attraction = emotional attachment + not objectively ugly + personal taste
Good relationship = shared lifestyle + good sex + physical attraction + communication and honesty
Before you go absolutely full retard, I'm not saying that a 1/10 can become a 10/10 once you learn she loves your favorite anime. I'm saying that a 5/10 becomes an 8/10 or a 3/10 becomes a 6/10 or something along those lines when you learn that you love them for who they are.
You sure showed me!
>Narcissistic, self-absorbed
> weak, unmotivated
>You are actually boring.
>What's so great about your personality then?
Funny when I'm with people I'm comfortable with, good listener, caring, don't have any of the character flaws people often complain about like talking about myself, putting people down, one upping ecc
>You don't understand how attraction works
It's convenient to claim that the person you're arguing with has no experience with the subject at hand as an attempt to make them appear unreasonable, but it's also stupid.
>You become more sexually and physically attracted to someone you like.
Yes, once you get to know someone and assuming your personalities are compatible, you'll see them as more attractive.
But you're overestimating the effect this can have on attraction.
>"chemistry" (pheromones and genetic selection
The best way to judge this is with smell actually, and it's probably the most reliable metric there is.
Unfortunately, it's the same thing there, if you're a 4/10 male it's highly unlikely that you'll find a fellow 4/10 to be your perfect "chemical" match instead of an 8/10 that ticks all your boxes, because standards or physical attractiveness are still fairly predictable and based on pretty simple genetic traits.
> emotional attachment + not objectively ugly + personal taste
Again you're overestimating the weight of the first and third factors.
As an example I had a female friend whom I really liked and who wasn't objectively ugly, knew her for three years, yet I never once felt attracted to her despite us hitting it off really well, and she was a solid 5/10 too or even 6.
It's the same thing for the "good relationship" part, all those factors do play a part, but one of them more heavily than the others.
Can two 5/10 people have a good relationship? Yes, obviously. Will it be ideal? Probably not.
Can two 2/10? No, because they'll never be able to make up for the simple fact that they're both ugly.
Before your lack of nuance acts up again, I'm not saying that you can't be happy in a relationship unless you're an 8+/10. I'm saying it's going to be harder and inevitably non-ideal.
That's the sad truth.