I know this gets asked quite a bit, but how much of what goes on here gets archived? The site was down recently in connection to the Toronto van thing supposedly and I'm curious how much evidence was gathered on the suspect (if any). Is this stuff archived forever?
I know this gets asked quite a bit, but how much of what goes on here gets archived...
Other urls found in this thread:
it's nice knowing that the government pays money to keep metadata ive created on hard disk
Every thing.
They know our IPs, and all that we have posted.
Any way the guy has nothing to do with us.
See, but this is basically what I'm curious about. IPs tend to change a bit, for example when unplugging the router, don't they? Would they ever be able to prove it even if that guy posted on here?
The IP of your pc changes, if it is not static.
But the IP of your router is fixed, and it is different form that of the pc.
They track the IP of your router internet provider.
>know this because was banned from Jow Forums
Interesting. I wonder if anything on here was ever used in court.
Actually nvm it probably was since some user mentioned he was arrested 3 times for trolling classmates or whatever.
I remember years ago, some /b/tard was arrested for sharing pedo pics.
>Never visited /b/ since then.
no, they dont know your default gateway, if you dont have a static ip in your isp package you get a new ip whenever your modem loses power, this has to be bait
Don't post in feels threads anymore. Anything that makes you seem like a lonely male will get you on a list now
>they dont know your default gateway
have you ever been banned?
all of it.
bagged and tagged with your IP address which is then cross referenced to other internet social media outlets.
you can go into the archives and see what you posted years ago. not even joking.
Are you retarded, you think because the ip changes they don't associate it with the router's MAC? That's why you gotta call your ISP to tell then the MAC when you use your own.
If you've posted loli or anything like that you're fucked.
>you can go into the archives and see what you posted years ago
Really? How do I do this?
jesus christ user
google Jow Forums archive and search up the threads on which you have replied or have created
nothing is forgotten on the internet
are you retarded, macs arent visible outside of your network
>search up the threads on which you have replied or have created
I don't remember anything I do here, it sounds bad but this place is a disposable form of socializing for me and allows me to start fresh everyday without people knowing its me.
DOCSIS needs the router MAC for provisioning. Open a fucking book.
This is true. I had to call my ISP when I bought my own router. It's unironically better.
Also you wouldn't happen to know if Routers can get viruses can they? I know it sounds dumb but i have not really found any answers
nice FUD, moralbro
it'd help if your friends on tumblr weren't busy redefining loli as "any woman who looks like she's under 40" but, you know, you do you
idiot "detected"
i found a post from 3 years ago of me begging for a monster hunter 3ds demo code on /vg/
So, if the router is a "smart router", it might have firmware that can be altered. I don't see that as very likely though. Honestly if someone hacked your router they would use it to use your internet and connect to the network. I'd be more worried about them accessing your devices or snooping the data you send.
If you want to be proactive you can change your network and router admin password every now and then and don't use the default password.
All of it. Anything that goes into, across, or out of the US, the NSA saves and has. They have defeated TLS/Https encryption too. And in the case that you are somehow using a VPN they haven't broken or hacked, they will store all the data and decrypt it when they steal the encryption keys from the VPN server or by other means. A profile is built and kept about you and your friends, family, etc. too, and what all you post/access. This was all in the Snowden documents.
Your cell phone is basically a tracking and listening device too. Don't do the "I have nothing to hide" shit either, because everyone has something to hide, and the goal is to put this security state in place and then eventually change what things you are allowed to do/have and not allowed to do/have, leading us into the Book of Revelation. Everyone who is unsaved ends up taking the Mark of the Beast and worshiping the antichrist/beast/false prophet when he pretends to be God via miracles. The KJV Bible's predictions have all come to pass, and Revelation is upon us soon. All who are not true Christians, saved by faith in Christ only, are going to hell.
Be warned.
that's fucking dumb
of course "your" posts are saved, but the archives are just scrapers, they have no more ability to see your IP than a casual browser does
also archives always have their owners quit on them after a few years (RIP heinessen, RIP loveisover)
protip, brainlet: "you're being watched" does not encourage prosocial behavior, it encourages "blame the shit out of the people you think are watching you and do your best to low-key sabotage them". when you try to make life into middle school, don't be surprised if the result is a society of delinquent manchildren
Welcome back lads! Fuck the leaf feds!
>the fbi has to read all my One Piece and Pokemon shitposts
I don't think I would wish that on anyone.
Yeah I should change that default to be safe.
Do you know if Modems can get viruses also?
bro im sorry but it doesnt matter what you think on the matter of him having anything to do with us. He does. Because of the whole Chad/Stacey comments and the fact that everyday here there is a constant circle jerk/hatefest on the whole chad ideology. Face it general conception is that he lived on Jow Forums/r9k and you know what he probably did lets be real
Stand alone ones? Eh, usually I'd say nut but with the ISP supplied one's, who knows.
Thanks again. Sometimes google doesn't really help as it just throws you a bunch of random ''ughhhhhh maybe'' answers.
You are fucking retarded. There's no such thing as PC IP you fucking retard. IP is IP, if it's dynamic you can change it with a simple router connect or disconnet on but that means absolutely nothing you retard because your ISP can see which IPs dynamic or not were acquired at exact time by all of their users.
Your PC itself has an IP in order to differentiate it from other devices. Outside of your local network it's the IP of the gateway that is used.
This, pretty much. It's surprising that no one else sees it right in front of them. Oh well. The Bible says that the natural man recieveth not the things that are from/of God and neither can they discern them. It's just you and me, user.
Ive posted things when i was drunk and got riled up.
I dont actually want swift death to all normies.
Everything you write hear is archived by 4 Jow Forums and saved for review by the feds if they choose too , yes even long after it's been deleted and even though you are technically anonymous they can track you by IP a dress or the way you write .
This pretty much true for most of social media .or anything you write online .
The daily beast was able to track down Christopher Harper mergers entire online presence in less than 12 hours , if small online newspaper can do it imagine what the government can do with it's monstrous budget.
look up "The Fappening"
t. NSA agent
>some asshole at the NSA gets paid to read what my fetishes are
Anyway if I was gonna post any true non-larp illegal stuff I'd just use public wifi from a clean browser install with no fingerprint, maybe a proxy on top just for funsies. If it was the really fun illegal stuff I'd buy a slave rig for cash off craigslist with a throwaway email and fake phone number. Track all you want, all you will find is men who no longer care or larpers. True criminals will always circumvent.
probably all of it. Jow Forums data doesnt take up much space.
you isp keeps ip leasing logs forever
Fuck those, do you not even remember the Sarah Palin email fiasco?
everything you've ever posted, searched or looked at is tracked
>what is a Mac address