I am unironically considering buying a sex doll...

I am unironically considering buying a sex doll. They're within the $3000-$4000 mark which seems a bit much but I consider how much money I've spent on brothels and how much a plan to spend on them (they're pretty much the only thing I look forward to)

One thing that gets me is that there's no variety with the real doll. Once you get her, that's it. It's not like a brothel where you can have a selection with how you're feeling. If you want a glamour, an Asian, a MILF, a fatty, a nerd etc. I suppose you can customize the doll cosmetically but you can't really change her height or proportions. And that's another thing that worries me. I'll have to buy her clothes and make-up which is more money. Dress her up. And worse yet... clean her up. At least with a biological girl, they cover that bit. But on the plus side... it's raw. Yeah... it's raw silicon but I really don't like condoms.

I'm wanting to buy a real doll in the same way somebody might set-up a home gym because they can't be bothered with the on-going costs and bother of going to a gym. Or buy a specialized bit of kitchenware so they can prepare a certain food without having to go to a restaurant for it. I'm hoping this helps my depression and anxiety and that. But I look a documentaries on guys who are doll enthusiasts (like Davecat) and still detect a sense of anger and bitterness in them. I worry I might be like that. But at the same time... I know I won't be that angry because I've been in relationships a few times and don't feel like I'd be "missing out."

Attached: sex doll lol.jpg (600x600, 31K)

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dafuq, they're only around 1-2k


Australian Dollars, bruh.

>Once you get her, that's it. It's not like a brothel where you can have a selection with how you're feeling.
Lmao relationship fags BTFO with one sentence.

I'm getting one too, been looking at them recently. Just saw an ad for one on Jow Forums. Is this going to be a trend now?

>an Asian
neck yourself if you have a choice between women and you're actually settling for a gook

just get an onahole for like 10 or 20 bucks

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Relationshipfag here.
You haven't lived until you've deposited your white load in an asiatic.

Koakuma kunny doll

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Yep soon

A vampire/succubus doll that rapes you in the morning sounds amazing

hi kunny poster, why do you do this? Im interested

I bought the meme doll for 1,200 she is almost done. It literally took 3 months due to high demand.

This new Asian doll came out and I really like her too bad I already spend my wagecuck bux


I don't know. It feels good to post Koakuma kunny. I'm not even the original kunny poster and don't even know why he started this.
Koakuma kunny

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They are autistic and want attention. Sadly you gave it to them.

Koakuma kunny attention

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to be honest i have nothing against the dollhouse but i think exdoll's selection is better.


Anybody ordered that?

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>no english

>rapes you in the morning
I don't even have to ask for sex. How amazing is that. Also, if I enjoy it, is it still considered rape?

How do you possibly get one of these delivered without it being held at customs.

Also these prices don't make sense. 10,000 Yen? thats like 100$ I know thats bs

Honestly, they might look crazy hot and everything, when you're done fucking it you'll feel terribly lonely.
The sex is only fun when there's passionate love, otherwise it's just a 3k$ masturbator...

You don't. Just don't order anything illegal or questionable and it should pass.

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