Is it normal if I get pretty high from smoking JUST 20mg(.02g) of weed? Like wtf how low is my tolerance...

Is it normal if I get pretty high from smoking JUST 20mg(.02g) of weed? Like wtf how low is my tolerance? I even get paranoia on 50-100 mg.

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are you talking dose of thc or actual weed here ?

Actual weed dude. Critical Jack.

You're pretty. Where you from?

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my scale doesnt even go that low. thats insane. how do you even... pack a bowl dude ?

what do u think about incels?

lol yeah I usually dissolve my weed in water before injecting it, its a good way of knowing how much of a dosage I get.

after injecting for a while your tolerance will go up and soon you will be able to take a full 1g like a real motherfucker in no time.

No that's normal and not even possible.

What exactly do you mean by weed? Smoking or vaping the plant matter, 20mg is almost nothing and almost impossible to even measure, even if you have a drug dealer milligram scales.

Is this in some other form, or pure THC you are talking about?

Why are you weighing it out that precisely and small, maybe it's just not for you? You could try rolling spliffs or getting an oil pen if it really takes so little to get you toasted.

I use a tiny onehitter which I fill up with filter which is rolled paper and then I just put this tiny amount of weed and smoke.

That one time I smoked something around .1 and I got so high I first started seing the building infront of me kind of wiggle and then I got paranoid as fuck for 2 hours and then felt the aftereffects even after 6 hours and at night when I went to bed.

I get a decent high from a bowl but I mostly smoke joints and that gets me high and I got friends who can smoke joints and blunts and not feel shit I think weve just got low tolerances

>What exactly do you mean by weed?
High quality Critical Jack strain buds/trees/the green stuff/the weed. Which I grind up/tear with my bare hands and smoke using a one hitter.

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I think you have a low tolerance I drank half a bottle of cough syrup with soda and had intense effect than that

>even if you have a drug dealer milligram scales
I do as a matter of fact.

Koakuma kunny paranoia

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You don't get high from 20 one thousandths of a gram. This is not MDMA or cocaine or some other powerful drug in powder form. It is a plant with even the strongest skunk strains only having ~20-30% THC content.

If you genuinely get that high from 20mg of weed then a small amount of cardio would make you absolutely euphoric.

>small amount of cardio would make you absolutely euphoric
well it does!

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now from one angel to another, go the shop, get everything you need, cuddle and cozy up
put music on

then smoke like half a gram in one bonghit

No way. I got so paranoid and high for like 5 hours even on .1 I'd probably die if smoked .5.

yes youd die

the small death

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Yeah that's not normal assuming it's normal weed. The smallest amount I'd say you need to feel a buzz is half a bowl (around 0.15g)