Jow Forums Progressively Getting Creepier/Weirder?

2004-2005 era Jow Forums: cat memes, other normie-acceptable shit

2007-2010 era Jow Forums: chanology, Occupy Movement, other vaguely acceptable left wing anti-authoritarian shit

2012-2016 era Jow Forums: Nazism

2018-?? Jow Forums: virgin terrorism

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nazis need to btfo this is now a virgin terrorism site

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Jow Forums is only the reflect of who uses the internet

Society is getting worse

Normies need to take a good long look in the mirror and realize they are the collective reason why people like us exist.

They reap what they sow.

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I like to think of it as the ugly reality that most people don't want to see since they are part of the pretty facade the world puts up. Sometimes the rotting heap of discarded and ignored corpses acts up a little and the actors lose their mind for a few days until it's back to the bullshit play.

It's because of autism, as the site got more popular more autists turned up and started taking everything seriously.

As a result virgin terrorism is now a thing.

I started goin on Jow Forums in 2007 and even then we had nigger hate threads and nazi memes

Fuck off revisionist. Its clear youre a fucking newfag. If i was at my computer right now id post a meme from that time making my point but youre lucky this time

>2004-2005 era Jow Forums: cat memes, other normie-acceptable shit

More like facebook lol

Much more libertarianism, soft pedophilia advocacy, discussion about drugs and shit back then than anything else

My IRL friend(s) asked me why dafuq I was hanging on Jow Forums. They know i'm a fkin basement dweller, but still.

Told em that's cause on Jow Forums you see the real deranged soul of people that you might see sometimes in the streets acting like a shadow. But in their mind it's chaos, rape, trap, dicks, incel shit, manga, octopus and shit. And more shit.

I don't want to cover my eyes with a veil of ignorance.

>millions of people who do not know you even exist are the reason you exist
How can someone so pathetic and self-hating still maintain such levels of narcissism?

2019: Jow Forums replaces Jow Forums and /b/ as being "that board"

Self-hate is a major narcissistic trait. I know because I am one.

The farmer doesn't know each and every crop individually, but they all come from his farm.

>Told em that's cause on Jow Forums you see the real deranged soul of people that you might see sometimes in the streets acting like a shadow. But in their mind it's chaos, rape, trap, dicks, incel shit, manga, octopus and shit. And more shit.
>I don't want to cover my eyes with a veil of ignorance.

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>implying dead normies is bad

I like this idea of virgin terrorism.

poetical G

1st year on Jow Forums - immersing yourself in the grime of the community, moving out of lurking into low tier shitopsting

2nd year on Jow Forums - resenting underage summerfags, more niche meta-referencing shitposting. newfags who are like yourself from a year ago anger you. this is also when experimental masturbation starts to come in

3rd year on Jow Forums - the threshold from which there is no return, you renounce all right and possibility to any salvation

Jow Forums is a website of peace, you cannot judge an entire website's culture based off of one lone wolf attack.

Also I like how one attack causes normies to scream about how we're all terrorists(same happended with Jow Forums after Charlottesville) but hundreds of Muslim attacks still result in "B-BUT #notallmuslims you racist" even though it's a religion.

There's a big difference between acting like a nazi for teh lulz as a edgy form of shock humor and actually being a nazi.

The problem is that a community that acts like idiots, edgy humor for jokes. Is that it attracts actual idiots who think they're in good company.

I've been on here since 2006, it used to be anarchy, just a bunch of guys who opted out of society and just wanted to see it burn.

How bout I can't post

>2005 Jow Forums
>normalfag acceptable
get the fuck out my dude

Jow Forums circa 2004 had loli and guro boards
I fucking WISH we were

Problem with nazism or any other horrible topic is a joke, the horribles believe that stuff look for any reason to believe someone else likes their ideas and theyre too stupid to recognize the difference.

Uhh no, and if you think so it's because you're a newfag.
From 2005 to as late as 2014 CP was still a common occurrence here, even on blue boards like /v/.
And I don't mean loli or shota, I mean legit, actual CP.
Nowadays Jow Forums is extremely tame, just a bunch of high school/college failed normies LARPing about stupid shit on the internet.

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Yeah, if anything Jow Forums has gotten more normie over time.

Found the fucking newfag. This place has gotten a LOT more tame over the past 5-10 years.

it's just that the irony has been lost. What was ironic shitposting fourteen years ago is now taken seriously.

also you seem to forget there were tons of cp before

>but youre lucky this time
Heh, lucky because you don't post one of your shitty memes? I suspect you're the newfag here.
It is time for you to fuck off back to .

My mistress commands it.

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You live in a society

When I came here in 2006 it was RELENTLESS CP, literally you couldn't hide the threads quick enough before 10 more popped up.
But it was savage and definitely nothing close to "normie acceptable".

She commanded me to shave because she wants what's best for me. I love her.

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Dont post banners for good boards on Jow Forums please

It was a powerful psyop, my 14 year old mind was fucked up by those old days (though I wasn't here quite that long ago)

>virgin terrorism
How does the Taliban and ISIS even compete?

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anyone got that pic of the anime girl going from little kid who loves the internet to depressed and jaded young adult
that perfectly describes the way Jow Forums is going
btw Jow Forums isnt getting weirder if anything its getting more normie

/vr/ is a bullshit potemkin board where mod-approved cliques go to feel special

So I take it you're mad your PS2 thread got deleted?

same. i 've learned so much abou tthe human condition from this fucking website

Are you really this gullibke, to think a thing? FUCK YOU. SERIOUSly. ;)

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bro I've been here since 2004 and it was never about anarchy