Can you pin point the exact moment when you knew you weren't normal?

Can you pin point the exact moment when you knew you weren't normal?

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When i pissed in the garden as a kid

Koakuma kunny normal

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When I got off to kids pissing in the garden

When I was a young garden, I got pissed on and enjoyed it.

Koakuma kunny delet

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when I was watyching my kid piss in the garden

>3 imaginary friends with superpower
>smile autistically at pictures of gods or dead people

There were a thousand moments. I just got increasingly less normal.
I guess an early moment would be talking at age 1 and frightening people. Having to be physically restrained in kindergarten to have a school photo taken. Other kids ripping my homemade toys apart with their teeth. Bringing my underwear for show and tell.

at 15, me and a group of friends were walking on a mall, I was on the front, a random girl a little older walked by and I didn't notice her, I heard some noise behind me and I turned around, all my friends were harrasing her saying her what they would do to her, I felt like someone just hit me with a stone in the head, I was wearing the same clothes as them, talking the same way, pretending I was interested in sports, girls, video games and parties. The next day I put my phone on the trash, ignored their calls, and avoid them whenever I saw them.

When I had sex with my sister

>10 years old
>Dad signed me up for wrestling
>Kept asking him to not make me do it
>Buys me all the equipment, keeps telling me it'll be good
>Drives me to my first day of practice
>Burst into wild sobs, beg him to not make me wrestle, to not have to do this
>Looks at me in shame and starts the car and takes me home
>Won't talk to me, so I spend the season playing vidya alone in my room

I always think that if I had done it, I would have worked out, made jock friends, might have walked away a Chad. Instead, I became a fat nerd.

In that moment, my desire to not have to make friends or do anything physical was so pronounced that I knew I was destined to be a loser.

who r u quoting?

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When I become infatuated by pissing in gardens

I have always been different from a young age and there are a bunch of moments where my being autismo shone through. I remember one time when I was very little, for example, I hit a little boy in the head with a massive stick and he needed stitches. I was also big into American Girl dolls as a kid (I am a grill, so dont judge), but I used to have them fight each other rather than do anything you were supposed to do with them. I also talked to absolutely nobody as a kid. Needless to say, my parents grew really concerned with all my anti-social and violent behavior and had me tested and drugged.

I knew I wasn't normal when I flipped a table and threw a desk in 6th grade

i dont enjoy anything social since as a kid and hate being around people, especially ones i dont know

First time I properly noticed was the first year of school

>group of us playing pretend
>assigned the role of prince (this in itself is telling desu)
>gets to the part whereI have to kiss the princess
>kiss her on the mouth
>"uhh eew user you're not supposed to actually kiss her!"

I guess I had no sense of nuance or something

I didn't say my first word until I was 3

burnt ants, threw shit at cats in trees, kicked my dog as a kid

pre-k when I didn't speak one word to anyone except one other kid and one time I said "house area". the teacher hugged me for speaking

When I was getting bullied by my mean kindergarden teacher.

She also encouraged others to join in to criticize me once because my dad took me there in a stroller (I was 4-5 yo).

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General autism and unable to identify with other kids. But the real revelation came when in 6th grade I threw my bag on the ground while screaming about how the world was unfair. This happend after the teacher punished me because I stood up for myself to a girl who always gave me shit. She went crying to the teacher and after the whole affair my classmates never looked at me the same way.

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When I started getting called ugly in high school.

Themeselves you fuck retardheadbitchaccedintnewfagwhoreson

Not the *exact* moment, but I noticed the early signs when I was around 5, and I started going to school. I also went to kindergarten and was already an autistic loner, but I was too young to be aware at that time.
In elementary school I noticed just how different I was, and in middle school I had absolute certainty that I would never "grow out of it", and as it turns out I was right.

when i was like 7 i basically straight up molested a girl in my year
never got caught either, feels good man


3rd grade, I think. I would always hang out with this one kid on the playground but, whenever we disagreed on anything, I would scratch the shit out of him and run away. He eventually moved away, but we remained friends up until then. I don't know why he decided to stay friends with me for that long or why I thought scratching someone would be an appropriate way to solve these types of situations. It actually frightens me to think about.

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You were a baller. What happened?

Bitches like that were the worst. They're the ones who become even bigger NIMBY, authority fellators later in life.

Oregenolly, masturbating to furshit at 13

>do well in drama class
>school picks out all the kids that were good at drama and dance classes to have a reward
>trip to see wicked at the theatre
>say I don't want a reward and don't want to miss a lesson by going to see wicked
>everyone says I have to go cos it's a reward
>day of the trip comes
>walk off along a river and sit in a park for 6hrs instead of going into school
>police walking by and come up to me
>"are you user?"
>"come with us. We're taking you home"
>come home and parents are crying saying they thought I was kidnapped or something then ask why I did it
>"I didn't want the reward"

And then 6yrs later I'm a shut-in NEET diagnosed with severe depressive disorder and aspergers.

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>1st grade (5 or 6 years old)
>sit next to chubby boy
>boys in class fool around by drawing tiny penises on erasers and then stabbing them into looking like meteors
>doing this with boy one da
>some reason start kissing him on the check to playfully annoy him
>he's fine
>teacher notices and tells me to stop kissing boys
>that guy is now related to me though marriage of my slut sister and his retarded uncle

That has to be one of the most autistic things I've ever read on this board.

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Probably when I got groped and touched by a couple boys in elementary school then got put in a special ed class when I broke down to my teachers about it. Also when my dad got mad at me and forced me to start wearing more masculine clothes and made me lift weights which only caused permanent damage to my body that stopped me from developing properly

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everyone made sure i knew since i was like 6

yep, constantly reminded by my peers since elementary school that I was a weirdo. Been living on the net ever since. Fuck reality.

when I was kicked out of preschool

are you fucking me?
I was a literal short bus riding sped student who ended up getting an award for writing some gay story that won a statewide competition. I hated everyone in my normie classes and I knew they hated me. Told everyone I didn't want to go but nobody listened. Spending an entire day with these chucklefucks over normal sped classes was too much for me to handle.

I couldn't ditch school to avoid going to kings dominion with these fags so I ended up walking home the entire way from the park and getting picked up by the police. apparently the entire park had a apocalyptic meltdown over a missing special education student. everyone thought i got abducted/raped or some shit.

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When I got put in special ed I noticed all the (((doctors))) and (((specialists))) all had something in common. Then my friend told me about /b/ then i went on Jow Forums. I had to inform the rest of my classmates of the red pill there had to be an assembly and everything because I started a cult of tards worshipping hitler. Even the eight graders were doing it and it became common practice for people to post Nazi imagery on yik yak back when that was a thing.

everyone related to me to

>When I got put in special ed I noticed all the (((doctors))) and (((specialists))) all had something in common.

He noticed they were all Jewish.

When I made my first friend at the age of 17. I don't know how or why but they became my friend.

They started telling me stories of their old friends and I started to actually cry. The idea of having people there for you that enjoyed your company was so foreign to me that I started to cry when they told me their stories.
I didn't know that at the time though and I started to freak out. They asked me what was wrong but all I knew was that my heart felt empty for some reason.
I never thought about my loneliness before that and they made me fully realize it. I talk to them now and they'll even say it themselves. Before then I was a pretty happy dude. Then I became depressed and emotionally distant to everything.

Ignorance is bliss user. You can't be sad if you don't know what you lack.

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>Ignorance is bliss user. You can't be sad if you don't know what you lack.

Trips of truth
Sometimes I question if getting "redpilled" was a good thing

6 or 7 or some shit.
Father wanted me to start practicing football.
Stopped shortly after because I got bullied by the others.
Guess that's when

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Middle school, everyone asked me why i didnt talk at all( i actually talked but very little) and theyd make fun me behind my back like saying i have a Killer stare(i often just randomly stare at people or the distance) also i Always ended up having no Friends in classes or having 2 to 3

Well I was never in special ed but it's kinda nice to know I'm not the only one that did something like this.

When I jumped out of a two story window at age 10 because I thought it would make me seem really cool in front of my younger relatives.

When I was in my 20's and realized that when I was 4 that I was already smarter than most 40-50+ adults that were teaching me.

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holy shit did your ban get lifted?
did you learn nothing?

I've always thought I was special until I realized that I wasn't special, but a special snowflake.

>be 4th birthday
>invite everyone from preschool
>nobody comes
>everyone avoids me when i'm in class
>overhear the kid wranglers talking about me like i'm some sort of plague even though I keep to myself and build shit out of legos and read picture books
>whenever i try to join a group of kids they all leave and go elsewhere
>during snacktime they steal my juice and throw my food in the garbage then tell the teachers I did mean stuff to them

Might be part of the reason I hate kids now.

Koakuma kunny learn

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I one day saw some kid getting more homework in 3rdIsh grade. I was super tryhard at school even then, so I asked for more homework too. Apparently he was just falling behind and was doing it so his report card wasnt complete shit. Kids heard me ask and that was when the bullying started happening. I legitimately believe doing that put me on the road to being a suicidal kissless hugless handholdless pedophilic austistic nerd. That could be me trying to excuse myself from responsibility for who I am, but I dont think Im entirely wrong.

pretty chad desu

original chaddido

I didn't learn to read until 3rd grade and only did so to play pokemon on gameboy.

Jesus christ. This is me. ouchie.

When my friends were bragging at school that they can jerk off 5 times a day and I lied I could only do once when I'd never tried it before and I said that just to try and fit in. Then I went home, tried jerking off for the first time ever, and I hated it and nothing came out. First time I ever jerked off in my life, will probably be the last time as well. I was 16. I am now 30.

No. I was raised from the cradle to not be normal, nor think I was. My mother would say I was psychic, had seen aays, the government was evil, etc.

Then by the second grade I was put into foster care, so no, I cannot remember being ever normal.

got any cool stories to tell?

can't remember a time where i felt "normal". i always knew something was off about either myself and the world, and later i guess i decided it was probably both. one of the biggest signs of the former was how much i didn't like myself or any of the things i did. people would validate me and even praise me sometimes, but i never really believed it deep down.

>first grade
>some girl in class, barely talked to, named amanda
>for some reason her mother was there, dont know why because mine weren't
>her mother comes up to me and lays it the fuck on me telling me i said some shit to her daughter and she's going to get me in trouble and how im terrible
>have no FUCKING clue what she's talking about
>later realize what she accused me of saying was doing the "a man, DUH" pun on her name

and then this kind of stupid shit just kept happening and i never learned how to react.

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Sure.One or two.

But I've told them before and probably won't again.

I don't know, I have never been normal I guess.

Around the age when you start school, like five or six. My friends and I would take turns playing single player games, if you died you passed the controller. I had a time on my turn because I would spend so much time min/maxing that my turns would last significantly longer than everybody else's.

6th grade, when I realised I was one of three kids in my entire class that wasnt mormon (live in utah)

1st grade, I started feeling "off". Can't describe it but it was the feeling that I was not like everyone else. I was only similar to a small group of good friends.

When everyone else started talking about some new cartoon and I just smiled like a creep because I had no idea what it was, this was in 1st grade.

Was about 4 or 5 and I regularly pissed on my bedroom carpet, on my toys and licked them.

>Be 7 yrs young
>Boy at school bullies me
>Tell my mom I like it when he bullies me
>Mom calls me a weirdo and that isnt normal

>3 years old
>Sitting in daycare while my mom worked out at the gym
>Teacher asks me if I want to draw with crayons
>Feel like that's for little kids so I say no to pretend like I'm all mature and adult-like
>Wonder why I can't just have fun like the other kids and do what I want without inhibition

>Teacher tries to make us dance to some preschool babby music
>I stand there in horror, in manual body movement mode, unable to dance
>Why can't I just dance?

>Sitting on bus in 4th grade
>I finally made a friend
>Why can't I think of things to say?
>Sit there thinking so hard of something to say but nothing is good enough
>Everyone else just says things that come to their minds, I scrutinize my every thought

The list goes on and on. I'm fucking autistic

Starting to hear voices in highschool. Heard someone shouting my name behind me during a test and whipped around, but it was just a hallucination.

when I stopped trying to hang out with the rich kids in elementary and the weird kids took me in but i never felt a part of either group

in second grade the teacher randomized seating every now and then and somehow i always ended up next to the same guy, and then when i didn't end up next to him towards the end of the year i threw an autistic shit fit about i. we didn't even talk or anything, i didn't make my first friend at school til 3rd grade.