>2014,/v/'s year, gamergate
>2015,Jow Forums's year, beta uprising
>2016,Jow Forums's year, election
>2017,Jow Forums's year, crypto boom
>2018 ????????
2014,/v/'s year, gamergate
Just let it be /c/'s year. The world needs more cute.
Its like an online staging ground for all the greatest endeavors acted out
Jow Forums is becoming a behemoth, the memes are coming to life and the world will never be the same
I wonder how moot feels
beta uprising 2: electric boogaloo
I think this will be Jow Forums's year desu
Jow Forums's year
David Hogg and his band of betas whining about guns has only bolstered America's love of the 2nd amendment.
>2018, the year of /o/
2018 is /x/'s year. you don't want to know.
/mu/ is 2018
IAOTS turned 20 in febuary.
what board will get the honour of 2020?
>its Jow Forums's turn
oh no
Who was 2013? /a/? /v/ again?
Year of the Jow Forums white natsocs.
>irl Jow Forums wolf follower.
>2015 beta uprising
1 guy shoots up a place and we win the whole year??
I honestly want to see /s4s/ win
so i can friend post IRL
/mu/ is dead.
The other posts are right. It's Jow Forums
Jow Forums deserves 2017
Can we make 2018 Jow Forums's year, the year of gfs? No? Okay, no.
/asp/ will draw the most dimes this year
Jow Forums. 2018 is going to be the year of Linux on desktop.
2018 will be /vg/'s /agdg/ year. The year we all break through and make millions with our shitty half-finished pixelcrap games.
,Jow Forums's year, election
This was the year of all Jow Forums, not just Jow Forums, Jow Forumseddit newfags have leaked into every single board
2018 will be the year of the /m/an
2018 year of /e/
Well what else happened in 2015
Plus a shooting in r9k's name is pretty big
True, but Jow Forums definitely does have years where some boards are more relevant than others
Possible, Jow Forums actually has a reasonable population and a large impact on its users life off Jow Forums meaning they can become quite invested in a event tat it could cause global effects.
However, the subject of Jow Forums is not really suitable for such things, the most they could possibly ever do is destroy the entire "Dieting" industry. or somehow influence some other culture and cause a physical+charisma power surge within them that enables that group to cause radical change. The intelligence of the board seems to be deteriorating though, the Jow Forums /lit/ fusion seemed to be a temporary improvement but it seems to be declining still.
I want /tg/ or maybe /s4s/ to have 2018, but I can't visualise many likely scenarios where that would possibly happen.
I wonder what their ideal year would be like
>2018, r9pol's year, all traps out but for some reason allow the r9gay cancer to stay
[s4s]'s ideal year would be the entire world drowning under an enormous tsunami of filth
sweet, I'll take it
[s4s] might manage to colonize a new board this year, those maggots grow like a cancer and there might be enough of them to take over a board bigger than small ones like Jow Forums and /qa/. Having [s4s] take over bant might still manage to be an improvement
lots of [s4s] memes will leak into the normiesphere
Kek with all the beta march for our lives shit its looking like its ks turn
Definitely Jow Forums we had that serial bomber in Texas and a new record for the high school shooting league and chances are thanks to increased media attention there's more to come this year