Summarize your life in one picture

Summarize your life in one picture.

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delete this shitty board and /pol..

thanks to you I missed out on a quality Bailey jay thread

Dark bodies floating in darkness
No sign of light ever given
Imprisoned in a world without a memory

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blughe leifghene llzkenggel nblahglep llsey indle kzldne ,.nm,sle j

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it hurts to be roasted.

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Neither picture,nor post are oregano

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Constantly reminded Im retarded desu

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the true, exaggerated robot. this should be like, the banner or something.

This picture gets too fucking narrow

I am truly retarded and cute

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oof this describes a guy i used to date almost too accurately

why did you stop dating him

commento origginale

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this is basically me but without all the gay shit like discord and bojak

Faggot. Go neck yourself.

i think this tells hyout the story of where I'm from, who I am, and where I'm going. You'll never know the story of a lifetime, unless you're ready to sit down and read it.

I will tell you now, It's not about the money, or the hoes, It's about respect. Give me respect because I need hoes and dope. Hell yeah Cash money NIGGGER.

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I think about everything everywhere all day everyday
Life is hell when I fall in love, because then every thought relates to her

Also you can't think yourself out of thinking

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See me as Mr L and society as peach

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I've spent forever staving off the hurt with instant gratification and escapism but that only let the problems build to the point that such things no longer work and it's too late to fix things.

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original maker of this image, i couldnt find any discord in it where isthe discord

who the FUCK added autistic discordshit into my biopic

I keep telling myself its gonna be ok but

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Gifs count right?
Thus gif hits too close to home for reason I wish were less edgy.

>I feel like I'm always spectating
>With that look of emptiness and anger on my face
>The red reindeer nose because if I don't act like the "clown of the group" nobody really knows I exist
>The snow because I really like snow. Outside the window there is snow, but I'm too much of a fucking coward to actually get out there and play with it.

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An accurate description of me

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Original original original the original original

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How many push ups can you anons do in one go? Mine is 40-50.
Good song from a good band.

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> Image to describe your life thread
> Post images whose meanings depend entirely on the text written over it
It's not "phrases that describe your life" you bunch of pathetic losers. You deserve to suffer.

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Life is not but suffering, although I am chill as fuck.

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One instant I'm fine then...

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My general existence.

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every day homies

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all this time and I couldn't even monitor my self esteem correctly

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every day is a disappointment

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You can't just post an image without a comment on R9K you mong.

You are?
Question then
Why do you have a pol compass with the dot in the purple then have anti libcap quotes underneath?

I don't originally want to live on this planet anymore

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who the fuck still follows jerk city in the year 2018?



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as a kid it was just minor sensory overload but now it includes emotional baggage that just keeps piling up

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pic related, it describes my life perfectly.

i have crippling schizophrenia, it makes me feel like i'm on fire
primarily on the entirety of my upper body, and extremely when i am stressed-angry, but also all the time
i'm being kicked out because the family i am with is losing their house, and no place will accept me
this will be anywhere from a few days to a month or so
i don't make enough money to qualify for any rental places besides subsidized housing because i never could work to quality for better assistance, but the subsidized housing pust me in town where i'm not sure i can live because of the stress it causes me
it literally makes me feel like i'm burning alive, and my body locks up and everything
sometimes, when it's real bad, the only thing i can do to stop the pain is hit things, flail about, and or scream
even moving anywhere else at all is likely going to cause me irrespirable problems because i'm just so deep into my degenerative problem already, and i'm not sure i can adapt anymore
i don't want to die, but i don't see good things in the future

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>tired, overworked
>work load is about to increase 150% in the coming weeks
>favorite shift lead is probably about to quit, and I don't want him to go because I like him a lot
>can't stop compulsive overthinking or crippling anxious thoughts

i just want it all to stop

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dont worry user, I understood your pun

i dont know what im doing with my life


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was gonna post these nah well this sums my current disposition better as for some reason i'm starting to crave human touch again itll pass though it always does

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Just trying to find my purpose yknow

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whats the diameter of your arms unflexed?
for me its 13 1/2 cold pretty dyel. i am 150 lbs and can do 42 push ups to failure

I hope this place is twinned with Britain.

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i forgot the image
something like thi/ss/

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me on the left (left)

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Me eating the pizza

Literally me my dudes

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i have a few ill post... some of them are my drawings

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a drawdoodle from my i suppose now defunct diary

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another one
originalis leviousis

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i wont get into my mental health issues but its safe to say i done goofed my life up

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>more than one picture
you broke the only rule

Textless post are not allowed, so I'll tell you all about my chinese ddlg girlfriend instead

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desu i couldnt give less fucks

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I'm a know it all asshole that can't let anything go, even the smallest thing sets me off... I might have autism, but I'm not sure.

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>Started working 2 jobs
>Only get 2-4 hours a day free
>Sister recently got dumped by an asshole I work with and is freaking out cause she thinks she has cancer
>Dog is going to die any day now
Basically really fucking stressed
I've also never felt so alone
I have a long few months before I can sustain myself off of one job
The only good part about this is that I literally have nowhere to go but up

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too alpha to live
too beta to die

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>monitor my self
i see what you did there



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this is how I feel 24/7, haha

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release us of this misery

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This is my mixed up life

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pretty much, btw that dog is cute.

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everything just seems to explode in my face
no homo

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It has been goin pretty good tho

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this is basically me when I'm existing

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>tfw I go on Jow Forums just out of habit these days

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Same. I've been here for 6 years and I don't even know what else there is to do on the internet anymore.

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bad shit has just kept continuously happening to me since I was born, and I'm sure something will kill me or ruin me soon, but until then, hey whatever, it's business as usual

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I think it was around late 2010 or early 2011 when I started going on Jow Forums. The main thing I miss is how this site wasn't completely obsessed with political stuff back when I first got here (At least from what I remember. I mainly spent 2011 going on /v/).

Textless posts are not allowed and so are unoriginal posts.

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yeah, the whole site was a lot better before the 16 year old's larping as fascists moved over from reddit and other places. I was a serious /b/tard back in the day but I can't even bare to look at that board anymore. I just stick to r9k and tv now.

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>Grew up poor
>Work hard
>Eventually find success in my field
>Than develop crippling depression
>Now turning 30

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"I suck" sums it up pretty well I guess

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Look at how much distress this kitten is in

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I think I used /b/ for a short while, but I can't remember for sure. I still go on /v/ a lot, even though I feel like that board isn't as fun as it was back in 2011, mainly because there was a larger variety of stuff on /v/ back then.

you're the only mong here

I ain't black tho

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are you dead, i mean, if you have to clarify

realistically though, this guy became one of the most important people in the planet. He went from total loser to inspiring millions. It might be a 1 in a million thing, but if he can do it, maybe we can too.

Im not really sure user, the line is blurry.

Hopefully originaliosisimo.

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> am in ur house
> touching ur foods

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That cat looks retarded.

Gook moot forgot to pay taxes edition

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Well that user must be retarded by implication of it

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All cats are retarded literally though, so maybe that's what the artist was trying to convey?

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Koakuma kunny no hope

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It feels like the world laughs at my misfortune

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livin the fappy life

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> i in ur house
> holding ur garlic

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me in the middle stained on the carpet

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