Be asian

>be asian
>crush on asian girl
>find out she has white bf
>heart shatters

I bet this is the same feeling white guys get when their girls get BLACKED

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>I bet this is the same feeling white guys get when their girls get BLACKED

hmm not exactly, white men will always have a chance with asian women if white women would decide to get blacked
asian guys on the other hand... whats your plan b?


none of yer beeswax

Latinas, Mid Eastnrs

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In the end the world will be divided between the higher eurasian caste and the lower mulatto caste.

>asian guys on the other hand... whats your plan b?
i'm not asian, but black women i guess?

happa baby girl

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>Latinas like asians
>Arabs like SEA asians
How come?

>"their girls get BLACKED"

I didn't realize that women belong to people. Interesting, I can tell you're a Westerner from the way you type. I would be willing to guess you're an American.

White people just know how to have fun.

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Plan B... to quit life and continue being on Jow Forums

>I didn't realize that women belong to people.
women belong to a race, just like men. If you date outside of your race, regardless of race, people of your race will absolutely look down on you in a condescending fashion. It works this way in a majority of countries around the world.

Women ARE the property of their race/nation's men. If you want to know what happened to groups of people who did not maintain control of their women, look up the Sabines, (who aren't around anymore btw, I wonder why).

No. We just feel bad they thought they needed to have sex with an ugly race in order to get more FB likes

This is the most hilarious case of a beta using Social Darwinism I've ever saw. You care about groups (i.e. race or creed) over yourself. Why would you care about if blacks, whites, Asians, etc breed. You should only care about your own ability to breed.

>I didn't realize that women belong to people.
Everyone belongs to someone, be it your government or your loved ones or your race.

>social darwinism
Yes, because a vast majority of history has used social darwinism. I didn't realize Charles Darwin existed since the dawn of human history.

No, you're just using the mentality that it's somehow important that a race is able to breed and not an individual's ability to breed. It's just funny to me. Social Darwinism is a joke and a distorted version of true Darwinism. Individual over social groups.

I really don't get how a white guy can be lonely, asian women worship you and every other woman at least has you as an option. You will never be outright rejected right out the gate like other races.

White men are the women of men.

>I bet this is the same feeling white guys get when their girls get BLACKED
what is the nigger and latino equivalent?

If that's true then where is my Asian gf?

Nah cuz at least were still white.

You probably stay at home all day and don't even put a cent of effort.

No, we kill ourselves before that

>what is the nigger and latino equivalent?
Blacks have muh bed wench and taco muncher
Latinos have gringo dingo and mandingo

as latino,the equivalent is FOREIGNED

African niggers get cucked by chinamen. Western niggers idk.

white women are obsessed with blacks

>white men

by white men you actually want to say mediterranean men, we're the cream of the crop of the white "race"

even the attractive white bois are the ones who look pseudo-med, see David Gandy

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a goofy looking white boy with a 3/10 isn't something to get mad over lol

My Asian gf lets me cum inside her and told her she wants hapa kids, should I take her up on it?

Well ur wrong, I actually do go out into the town pretty much every day.

>I actually do go out into the town pretty much every day.
And you interact with how many girls? The fuck is this supposed to mean?

That Abo section made me laugh out loud, thank you user.
Also that Amerindian man is hot as fuck, if the majority of them looked like that the colonies would've been empty in a few years.

>white female
Lmao most white women look like pic related.

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i thought asian girls were supposed to worship white men, if that was true then they'd forsure just come up to me.

>be me, asian
>date 8/10 asian for most of my adult life
>she cucks me
>start hating how materialistic and shallow asian girls are
>start dating artsy white girls
>mfw I find out the Asians are tighter meme isnt true

Never going back Tbh

Make excuses all you want for some kind of smug victory, don't ever wonder how you ended up here.

wtf that guy is way out of her league